Beauty and the Beast

-A Yami no Matsuei fanfiction

Disclaimer: I do not own YnM and associated characters, places, and events. However, the following is of my own creation, not meant to be used for profit but for mere entertainment purposes.


In the water, a single white petal.

Beside him, someone chuckled and brushed as at a fly and instead drew cold fingers against his hair. He shuddered and watched the petal sink slowly under.


He, like every small child, had been told stories of monsters and demons who would take away small children and devour them secretly in cold damp places with bones lining the wet wals like tiles. Of course, the stories stopped with everything else when it happened. It 'd of course taken away anything that he had ever been condescendingly given and it had been what locked him into the silent dark place they kept for him under the house where he would be safely put away from the world that feared him. He'd felt for the bones in the corners in the dark, thinking to hear over his shoulder at any moment the hiss of a snake-eyed monster.

The petal had disappeared into the blackness and now there was a silence. Above and over him someone was murmuring and caressing his back and pressing lips on the fine shell-colored lines of the creamy shoulder blades and dragging a moist finger trippingly along each tiny bump of the spine. And all the while laughing in a deep hiss.

He woke with a sour taste in his mouth and the tight dried trails of tears on his face and terrible paralyzing spasms of pain radiating from a single bursting point in the pit of his belly. Gasping he sobbed into the cooled silk under his chin (cold like the dark place under the house) and lay there, broken, while the hissing monster-man laughed (if he had ever stopped in the first place).

Oh God, thought the boy, remembering hands (claws) clutching him (digging into) flawless skin reding and a scream under the red moon more tearing and the lamb bleeding under the knife and the wolf-snake-monster man's hissing laughter from under the house in the dark cold place where they'd put him to protect him (or themselves) a wet thing against him, probing and the nausea overwhelming and his blood on the moon the two sacred things virgin's blood and the full moon, the monster breathing in his mouth and the night and the dark and the dark and the dark the dark...


With a cry he jerked awake and lay there, alone with the cold venomous slithering dots of pain pulsing throughout his body until one of them would come and find him and take him to the house and beat him for staying in the garden, for going into the night without permission.

Note: Yeah, it's short. Ah Please?