Title: 4/5 Dentists Agree

Author: Original_Z

Rating: PG-13

Length: 463 words

Spoilers: AU, S1

Summary: Pillow-talk, Rachel Berry style.

Pairing: Rachel/Quinn

Rachel let out a lungful of air that was equal parts relieved chuckled and explosive sigh. Sex wasn't nearly as scary as Ms. Pillsbury had made it seem during the Celibacy Club meetings. It was actually kind of…fun. Dark brown eyes traveled over the panting and sweaty form of Quinn Fabray.

Scratch that. Sex was a lot of fun. Rachel's wandering eyes caught Quinn's and both girls grinned in the same proud/relieved/self-congratulatory manner.

"That was a first time songs should be written about." Rachel announced to the bedroom ceiling. The brunette stretched and smiled as she felt things pop back into place. It was a gratifying, physical affirmation of the new ground she and Quinn had broken, relationship-wise.

Quinn opened her mouth to agree but all that came out was an alarmed 'where are you going?' when her girlfriend suddenly sat up and climbed out of bed.

The petite brunette turned back to look at the naked blonde. "It's imperative that I adhere to my nightly routine, Quinn."

The aforementioned girl frowned and pushed herself up on one arm. "I thought you did all of that before—" Here Quinn flushed and made an awkward gesture that Rachel wouldn't have stood a chance of deciphering even if the singer had been paying attention. "we did 'it'." She finished in an overly hushed voice.

Rachel popped her head through the doorway of her en-suite bathroom, took the toothbrush from out her mouth and beamed. "Of course I performed the necessary hygienic activities before our sexual congress, Quinn, but since I've eaten you out I can't imagine that will make for very good morning breath."

For almost two minutes the soft sound of Rachel brushing her teeth filled the room.

Quinn blinked, unsure if she should be more shocked at Rachel's blunt—and vulgar—language or offended that her girlfriend had all but said she left a bad taste in the mouth. "That is dangerously unsexy and a total afterglow killer." The blonde grumbled as she pulled the rumpled white sheet up her body and wrapped it securely under her armpits. From the bed Quinn could hear Rachel rinse, spit and rinse again before the girl appeared in the doorway.

"According to the toothpaste advertisements I should still have fresh breath in the morning! That means that while you could look at this as being a mood-killer you could also think of this as me taking an obstacle out of our way so that we can enjoy another mutual first: morning sex." Rachel could barely contain her smirk as Quinn shot out of bed and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

"Hey, Rach, do you think I could borrow—"

"There's a new one for you in the bottom drawer on the right."