3rd POV


With a startled jolt, Nico awoke. Turning towards his best friend, the canary gave an enraged and irritated glare. "Dude! What the heck was that for, man?!"

Pedro blinked. "You overslept. This is our usual time to head to The Branch, bro."

With a groan, Nico grabbed his bottle cap and tucked his head in it, turning his back to Pedro. "Maaaaan, you woke me up for that?! I was having an awesome dream, you know!"

Realizing who he was most likely talking about, Pedro gave a wicked smirk. "I know. You kept moaning and said 'Natalie' very often."

With a furious blush, Nico abruptly sat up. "I-I DID NOT!"

Man, he's never gonna admit it, is he? Pedro sighed mentally. He then decided it was time to help his friend with his feelings.

"You know, Natalie is very hot."

Wide, brown eyes snapped up to the cardinal, who crossed his wings and looked up in thought.

"She's also an awesome singer and dancer. She's not like any other girls out there. She's independent and knows how to take care of herself. She may be strong and tough, but that's what makes her appealing. Even though she can protect herself, she's still a girl, and...

... I want to be the guy by her side."

Something inside snapped and Nico grabbed Pedro, pulling him so close the tips of their beaks nearly touched.

"You will not touch her," he growled, chocolate eyes flashing in anger.

Pedro calmly looked back at him. "Why do you care?" he asked coolly.

"... What?" Nico's gripped loosened.

"Why do you care? Natalie's grown. She can be with whoever she wants. You can't do anything about it because you don't control her."

Nico fully released Pedro, wide eyes cast down in thought.

"Face it, bro. You're in love with her."

The canary slowly stepped back. Many thoughts ran through his head as his back hit the trunk of the tree, slowly sliding down it.

Confusion and realization hit him. Confusion on why he had weird thoughts about the female canary. Why he had thought she can be adorable at times. Why he always made her angry. Why he tried so hard to impress and flirt with her the whole time.

And realization as to why he did all those things.

"I...love her."

A/N: AFTER TWO WHOLE YEARS OF NOT UPDATING HE FINALLY KNOWS HOW HE FEELS! I honestly don't know how to apologize. There's not much to say other than laziness and school.