Somehow she knew she wasn't stopping there to see Stefan. She didn't know how, maybe her subconscious? Or maybe something else entirely. But at that moment she was driving up the long driveway to the Salvatore Boarding house, knowing that her boyfriend Stefan wasn't at home. It was too dangerous for her to admit that she was there to see his brother, but in some sense she knew it was true. She was tired of denying that there was something between them, and as much as she didn't want to hurt Stefan, the tension between her and Damon was becoming too much. She didn't really intend on doing anything to rectify that tension but they needed to talk. Maybe argue was the better word, she didn't know, but she needed to set some boundaries for him. He always crossed any invisible line she created for him, with no care in the world to how his actions made her and Stefan feel. She needed him to stop the incessant flirting and innuendos that were constantly coming out of his mouth. It wasn't fair to her relationship with Stefan. She loved Stefan, she told herself. She walked through the unlocked door of the Boarding House intent on finding Damon. She found him in his study, mixing himself a drink at the bar. He was shirtless and his hair was wet signalling that he had just finished showering. His lower body was swathed in a pair of too tight jeans that were in immediate danger of falling off.

"So to what can I owe this pleasure Elena?" Damon asked his voice coated with a silky huskiness that she had come to expect from Damon.

"You and I need to talk." she said.

"We do now do we?" he asked mixing a second drink and handing it to Elena. "What do we need to discuss?" he asked motioning for her to take a seat in one of the two chairs in the center of the room. Once she was seated he sat down in the other one.

"We need to set some boundaries." she said firmly.

"On second thought I think I'll stand." he said standing up and walking back over to the bar.

"Damon be serious. Whatever has been going on between us for the past few months has to stop. I love Stefan, and whatever lust you have brewing inside me has to stop." she said.

"That's not my problem Elena, its yours. You're the one who cant stop thinking about me." he said shrugging his shoulders arrogantly.

"It's your fault I'm thinking about you Damon. All your sexual innuendos, and the flirting and that eye thing you do. Its all wrong. You cant do that." she said frustrated.

"I cant do that, or you cant handle it?" he questioned.

"It doesn't matter. I wont tempt myself when I am fully committed to Stefan. I love Stefan." she said uneasily.

" You keep saying that, I'm starting to wonder the truth of it. It's almost like you're trying to convince yourself." he mused thoughtfully.

"I love Stefan. So you have to stop doing what you do. No more flirting, no more teasing, no more sexual innuendos, no more doing that eye thing. And please be fully clothed when in my presence." she said ticking items off of her fingers.

"You're asking an awful lot Elena. And keep fully clothed? Its my house Elena, and I will dress as I please. If you don't like it, don't come here. I'm sure my baby brother would understand." he said.

"I'm just asking for your cooperation Damon. Please." she said rubbing her forehead where it was beginning to ache.
"You're asking me to change my ways Elena. That is easier said than done. If your so unconfident in your relationship with my baby brother, that my minor teasing worries you, than you have bigger problems to worry about." he whispered in her ear.

"I am not worried about my relationship with Stefan. And besides that is none of your business. And your teasing isn't minor Damon and you know that." Elena said growing angrier.

"That depends on how confident you are. And believe me, I know how confident you are in your relationship. I know just how he makes you feel." he said. By this point Elena was pressed as far across the room from Damon as she could get. The conversation getting so far out of hand that she felt she had to distance herself from him physically. He strode over to where she was pressed against the wall.

"I hear the little sounds he manages to pull from your mouth when you're together. I hear all sorts of things. It's kinda hot for me, to sit in my room jacking off, hearing you moan, while knowing that I could make much different noises fly from your lips. I could make you scream my name, while you only moan Stefan's softly in the throes of passion." he said.

" We are so not talking about this Damon. That is none of your business." she seethed.

"Oh but I think that it is sweetheart. Because I know that I can make you cum so much better than Stefan can. And deep down you know it." he said huskily. By this time he was standing flush against her, his erection pushing into her stomach, just so she knew what she did to him. His hands were braced on either side of her head and one of his legs pressed between her partially spread ones. All in all his hard body caged her softer one and she was unable to escape. She refused to admit it, but his words were seriously affecting her, although she was sure he could smell it. She had no intention of giving in, and knew she needed to get out of there now before she lost control.

"Damon, I need to leave." she said.

"Oh but I was really starting to enjoy this conversation. I was really enjoying watching you try to put those boundaries up." he teased.

"The boundaries are up Damon. I feel nothing for you." she said harshly.

"And forgive me if I don't believe that." he said anger flashing in his blue eyes before an expression of resignation appeared on his face. He leaned forward and kissed her roughly, his lips bruising hers. Her hands pushed feebly against his chest as he devoured her mouth. When they finally broke apart, she brought her hand up to slap him across the face.

"Don't you ever do that again." she seethed. He took a step back allowing her to leave, before he did something he knew he would regret.

Elena drove home as fast as she could, the taste of Damon's lips still there on hers. She couldn't deny that the kiss felt amazing, and that she had wanted him to keep going. But soon enough it ended and the sensations went away. And she was left with the feeling of guilt over her. So she slapped him, she knew it was wrong, but she did it anyways. Once she arrived at home, she ran up the stairs and slammed the door to her room. Damon was right. Everything he said had been right. Stefan didn't ever fully satisfy her, and she couldn't believe that he knew that. It wasn't fair to Stefan, that he was the only one who didn't know she wasn't fully satisfied with him. She couldn't count how many times while fingering herself, she thought of Damon and his huge cock thrusting into her. Her idea of his huge cock being merely from her imagination. But the problem was that Damon shouldn't know that information. It wasn't fair to Stefan. He may not pleasure her as well as he should, but she loved him. And that counted for more than the sex ever could. She collapsed down on her bed, wishing there was a way she could get the best of both worlds. Amazing sex, while simultaneously being with the man she loved. She could tell him what she liked, and maybe he would change up his style in favor of something more racy? She knew he wouldn't go for that. Sex with Stefan was calm, and always in missionary. He didn't like experimentation, and liked it to be the same always. His reasoning being that it helped him when he was trying to control his addictions. She didn't understand that too well, and wished he would just give her what she wanted sometimes. She wasn't what anyone would call adventurous in bed by any means, but she was leaps and bounds more adventurous than Stefan was. And while fingering herself did help at times, it wasn't nearly as good as a well endowed cock ploughing her. Suddenly she starting thinking about Damon. She knew out of anyone, he could give her more pleasure. The man was walking sex, he radiated sex, he oozed sex. He was a walking advertisement for sex. And her unwilling attraction to him wasn't helping matters much.

Damon paced the floor of the Boarding House, he was so incredibly pissed off. Elena had hit him, and that didn't sit well with him. All he wanted in that moment was to have her here, and fuck her senseless against that wall. He figured that at least would show her who was boss. He casually wondered how long Stefan was going to be. He didn't think that Stefan would appreciate the things he was thinking about his girlfriend. Although he should just be happy he wasn't doing any of them, he was just fantasizing. Out of mere frustration, Damon rushed up to his bedroom and slammed the door so hard the the house shook. The altercation with Elena, had him hard and desperate while being simultaneously angry. He knew he could call any one of the girls on his phone, including Andie, but he knew it wasn't them that he wanted. He wanted Elena, and anyone else wouldn't do it for him. And he knew that. All he could think about was Elena. Her moaning his name in the throes of passion, her internal muscles pulsing around him as he fucked her. It all served to make him harder than he ever though he could be. Instead of calling any one of his fuck-buddies, he chose to undress and take care of it himself. He knew that he could take care of it better while thinking about Elena, much better than any other girl ever could. So stretching out in the middle of his bed, he wrapped his hand around his stiff length and started pumping rhythmically.

After not hearing from Stefan for a little while, she surmised that he probably left town to hunt. She knew that he sometimes liked to do that, when hunting the game around Mystic Falls became to monotonous. It helped him a little to change up his hunting habits. She just wished he would change some of his other habits too. Feeling an ache between her thighs that she knew she wouldn't be able to fix herself, she grabbed her car keys and went to leave again. Jeremy eyed her curiously from the couch.

"Where are you off to?" he wondered idly.

"I'm going out. I wont be back til late." she said.

"Uh huh. Going to find your boyfriend?" he asked.

"What? No!" she said her face turning a bright red color.

"Elena, don't lie to me. I know sexual frustration when I see it." he said laughing.

"Oh. Well I assure you, that's not the case. Stefan is out of town, I am simply going over to see Caroline. Maybe she wants to go to a movie or something." she said lying smoothly.

"Okay then. You're planning on distracting yourself with your friends in order to attempt to ignore what you really want." he told her.

"I have to go Jeremy. I'll see you later." she said not wanting to have this conversation with him.

"Bye." he said before turning back to his video game.

At way above the speed limit, she drove back to the boarding house. She hoped he wasn't still too mad about her slapping him across the face earlier. His forgiveness was key to her plan. Although maybe her plan would cause him to forgive her instantly. She parked and ran into the house. Not seeing him around, but hearing the grunts coming from upstairs, she quickly made her way towards Damon's room. She heard him moan her name, and it only served to turn her on more than she already was. She could feel her wetness pooling in her panties, and the ache between her legs was beginning to get uncomfortable. She paused outside his closed bedroom door, confused as to why he hadn't given away her presence yet. She opened the door and paused instantly at the sight that beheld her. Damon was sitting in bed with his eyes closed while fisting his cock in his hands. Between his hands he could see the engorged head of it, and she licked her lips at the sight of him. She began to wonder what he would feel like inside her. She could feel her temperature rising, and she pressed herself against the bedroom door.

Damon opened his eyes and they almost bugged out in shock. Elena had herself pressed his bedroom door. When did she get there? How didn't he hear her coming? He wondered idly. Trying to get a hold of the anger that had been previously coursing through his veins.

"Elena what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh Damon. I don't know." she said immediately second guessing her decision to come there.

"Well if you're not sure why your here, maybe you should just leave." he said pointing to the door.

"I came to apologize." she shot out.

"Fine then, apologize." he said motioning to her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit you." she said softly.

"No you shouldn't have." he agreed.

"Okay, this is going to sound insane, but while I was at home thinking about everything you said, I had an idea." she said smiling for the first time since entering the room.

"What kind of idea was that Elena. As you can tell, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now." he said motioning to his completely erect cock which was starting to get painful.

"I'll be quick. I discovered that you were right. I'm not completely satisfied with Stefan, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with him. I was wishing that there was a way to have the best of both worlds. Great sex, and being so in love with someone you cant think straight. That's when I had an epiphany." she said.

"Go on." he said, finding some interest in where this conversation could possibly be going.

"I want you to fuck me Damon." she said deciding to just go for it.

"You what?" he asked almost choking when he heard the word come out of her mouth.

"I want you to fuck me. I'm so unsatisfied, and I need to feel something. My fingers aren't nearly enough." she said, aware that she was practically begging.

"You do realize that if I do this, I probably won't ever be able to stop. If I do this, I won't be able to make it a one night thing." he said.

"Then don't. This can be official. I'll sleep with you, but maintain my relationship with Stefan. This can work Damon." she said growing more excited by the second.

"You want to fuck me, and then keep going back to my brother?" he clarified.

"Yes. We can be friends with benefits. Nothing will change in the public eye, but behind closed doors you can do whatever you want to me." she offered.

"You know I'm really having a hard time figuring out what's wrong with this scenario." he said. At that point he knew that the situation wasn't entirely ideal, as he was in love with her. But he needed her, and he would take what he could get.

"Alright. I'm in." he said.

"Great." she answered, crooking her finger at him, inviting him to come and get her.