Carlisle drove down the long winding driveway in his black Mercedes, watching the greenery go by. Forks was vastly different from Chicago. Instead of miles of skyscrapers, there were dense miles of trees. In Chicago, you never knew what the weather would be from one day to the next. Here in Folks, it was sure to be wet. Yet he didn't miss it. His home was Edward. He arrived at the large white 2 story house. The large windows and entire walls made of glass took advantage of the scenery, but the beautiful and serene looking home was underplayed by the loud heavy metal music vibrating the windows.

Edward's transformation took three days of torment for both of them. While Edward lay writhing in pain, Carlisle cursed himself several times and considered killing both himself and Edward, by burning the house down around them, just as many. It was only Eleazar and Tanya who kept him sane enough not to do it. It was also his fear of the unknown that kept him practically climbing the walls. He did not know how the change would affect Edward's mental status. Would he be his Edward again? And if so, had he done the wrong thing by cursing him to his eternal nightmare? Would the boy hate him for it?

All his fears were unfounded as Edward awoke with a crooked smile on his face, looking at him with adoration and a tremendous thirst. He bit him before he knew it, nearly draining him dry in record time. Luckily, Eleazar and Tanya were there to pull him off. Keeping Edward fed was a full time job for a week before they could get him to feed, as a vegetarian, of course, on his own.

He was a breathtakingly beautiful vampire – the transformation defining the muscles of his slim body and making his facial features more chiseled. His skin was a smooth, glowing alabaster, highlighting his bright emerald green eyes and red lips. His unusual hair color had not changed, but it was even thicker and silkier. He was not gifted like some vampires were, but he was fast. Carlisle enjoyed seeing him run. He was the fastest vampire he had ever come across, but it was like Forrest Gump on steroids.

He had very little memory of his human life and none of his father. He, however, remembered his sire well and bits and pieces of his mother. His personality had not changed along with his likes and dislikes. He was still happy-go-lucky and nothing kept him down for long.

As promised, he notified Jasper of what transpired. As soon as Edward was safe to be around humans, he allowed Jasper to visit. Unfortunately, Edward had no memory of him but was delighted to make a new friend. It was Jasper who looked after the father whom he did not remember.

Edward Sr. came with Jasper on the second visit. He had gone through rehab successfully, not having had a drink since the accident. He begged Carlisle not to tell Edward what he had done or how badly he had behaved towards his son. He wanted to start anew. He told his son how much he loved him and talked of baseball games and camping trips that he had, of course, made up. He made new memories for both of them. To everyone else at home, Edward had died in an accident in Ireland. Jasper and Edward Sr. knew they would only see Edward infrequently. But they would keep in touch through email.

They travelled around the world for a while before settling in Washington. They came to Forks portraying themselves as brothers. Carlisle took a job at the local hospital. Edward, the younger brother, was enrolled in the local high school. It was his first time attending high school and he embraced it with enthusiasm. He got to enjoy all the things he never knew he missed before, including loud, obnoxious music with obnoxious lyrics. What was this, Marilyn Manson again? Well at least it wasn't Cronik this time.

Carlisle opened the front door and toed off his shoes. He picked them up, carrying them to the closet, when he saw one wet Converse was lying near the side of the door and another a few feet away. He had told Edward numerous times not to leave his clothes lying around the house. It was nothing to find clothing and books all over the place, almost daily. He was taking this "embracing his inner teenager "a little too far.

There were socks and a Spiderman t-shirt on the stairs leading up to the bedroom. Oh, this has gotten out of hand. "EDWARD!" he shouted. He could hear the shower running. He walked into the bedroom to find Edwards faded blue jeans on the floor. "EDWARD!" Carlisle shouted again. He walked into the bathroom to finally find Edward in the shower with his body pressed up again the glass door. A sly crooked smile plastered on his face. Carlisle quickly undressed, climbing into the shower, closing the door behind him.

"Wait a minute, Dr. Cullen," Edward said, holding out his hands and backing away. "You know there's only one shower here. I wouldn't want you to call security." Edward quickly started laughing until it grew into a loud snort, causing Carlisle to laugh as well. He had laughed more in the last 5 years, since meeting Edward, than his entire 360 years prior.

"My Edward…" Carlisle growled, grabbing Edward and lifting him above himself. Edward immediately wrapped his legs around Carlisle's waist as Carlisle started kissing and nibbling the scar on his neck. Purring softly, Edward threw his head back to give Carlisle free reign and more access. He could never get enough of the young vampire. Edward's voraciousness for learning was very similar to his own and spilled over into all aspects of his life, including the bedroom. Although Carlisle was older, he had been nervous about their first night together as mates. Knowing about sex was one thing but actually experiencing it was altogether another matter. But like a child with a new toy, Edward forged ahead without fear, putting Carlisle at ease, ensuring him that a sire can dominate on the bottom as well as the top. Carlisle was only happy that he didn't attack him like he did with the first feeding, realizing that they were some things he could learn from his much younger mate.

After a very long and eventful shower, Carlisle was reluctantly dragged out by his exuberant mate.

"Come on, Carlisle, you promised."

"I would have promised to hang upside down naked from the Empire State Building at that moment. You know that's not fair."

"Hey, you're my sire. You have complete control over me. I have to take advantage when I can."

"What control? You have dominated me from the moment I met you." Carlisle tried to grab the towel around Edward's waist only to have his hand swatted away.

"No, Carlisle. Be a good vampire and I'll make it up to you when we get back."

"See that's what I mean. You are supposed to do what I tell you… not the other way around." Carlisle sat on the bed and pouted. He had a few tricks of his own. Edward could never resist his bottom lip. He would suck on it like a vampire dying of thirst. But Edward didn't seem to be falling for it. He continued to dress, keeping his back to the older vampire.

"Alright, Edward, I'll go. But I'm not wearing that outfit." He stood up and crossed his arms. He had to take a stance. Things had gotten out of hand. He was the sire. Edward would follow hisrules.

"Carlisle," Edward continued to speak with his back to him as he rummaged through Carlisle's closet. "We are going to a club tonight. You can't go looking like an accountant."

"First, you insult the way I dress…"

"Stop stalling, Carlisle. You said that you would be willing to try new things with me. You promised." Edward stood still, facing him with shoulders slumped, his bottom lip trembling.

"Alright, alright, darn you, Edward!" Carlisle knew he had been had again, especially when his mate started wiggling his hips and singing some obscene song.

He felt like he was reduced to being a vampire dress up doll. Edward had insisted he dress his human age when they went out together. He would have been more comfortable going out in public nude.

Leather pants…he could not believe what he did to keep his mate happy.

"You… look… HAWT, Carlisle!"

Carlisle rolled his eyes.

"This has got to be the worst outfit you have ever talked me into. And no having more than one drink tonight, Edward. For a vampire, you don't hold your liquor well. I do not want to have to chase Spiderman up the side of the building again, especially, in this tight contraption you have me wearing."

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me. We have that little comic book convention to go to next week."

"Edward, I'm afraid to ask."

"OK, don't… Thor."

"Now look here, Edward, if you think I'm dressing up as some comic book hero, then I was wrong about you being cured of brain damage…" His tirade was cut off by soft lips devouring his.

"If you wear the outfit, I'll dress as Loki."


"His arch enemy - who will need to be captured and punished for being very, very bad," Edward said seductively.

Carlisle raised an eyebrow. "Well, when you put it that way… it would be my civic duty to rid the world of at least one supervillain."

Not once in all off his 300 plus years had he ever envisioned the things Edward, his mate (God, he never got tired of saying that), put him through.

He knew he was going to love every minute of eternity.


A/N : Thanks to all who reviewed this little story. It was started as a very personal story that I had decided not to publish but gave up for The Vampire Big Bang on Livejournal. I wanted it to be as simple and as anti-angst as possible. It was never meant to be profound or very deep. For those types, it would be beneficial to go to The Vampire Big Bang to read all the entries there. Sisterglitch, feckle, FFreaderRW, and others wrote soul rendering fics that stay with you long after reading. You may also find them on FF, but they sure are purty on LJ. LOL

My thanks to my betas, Sydney and Chels, who did all they could. Any screw ups are mine alone.

My thanks to my moral support who was just as important - Liz.

My thanks to KD, who was the first to see the fic (sorry for the lack of porn).

And last, but not least, my thanks to Rachel, who inspired the ending for me.

That's all folks!