Title: Fix You

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize. The rest is mine.

Warnings: Slash. The time line follows the original Start Trek universe, although its is AU and the actual crossover will be with the Star Trek 2009 movie. Hope this clears some things up.

AN: Guys, for those of you who know the OG Star Trek, the introduction or use of the Augments should not be confusing, but for those of you who aren't familiar with the ST universe, the Augments are NOT my creation but a part of the original series. Hope that helps.



Chapter 3

The Immortals were composed of a group of five. These were the then men, and woman, who had stood before the Augments and fought back. They were not the only ones, no, but they were the ones who banded the remainder of their people together, teaching them about the weapons that had been used against them and gained their freedom. It was the genius of one of the Immortals who bought the freedom of the Wizarding World. Allowing herself to be captured, she manipulated the virus meant to kill off her race so that it would target the muggles instead. From there, it was only a matter of time until their freedom was obtained.

Once wizard kind left the planet Earth, the long and arduous search for a new home began. It might have taken longer to find a compatible planet, but the Lord of the East had a deep connection to the Earth, and could recognize a compatible planet for their people. The journey lasted three decades. There had been suitable planets found before, but none had been quite right. That, and there had not been enough distance between the muggles and them. The planet they eventually settled in was much like Terra Forma had been in its primitive days. The Immortals explored the planet thoroughly and eventually decided it was the one they would now call home. They called it χώρια, meaning apart.

Once settled, the Immortals vowed to never allow for their new home to turn into the modern monstrosity that Earth had become, they would respect the nature of their new home and coexists peacefully. They set about making their laws and building their homes. The people who now lived on χώρια would all be equal to one another. The trials they had endured together had served to diminish the animosity they might have once had for the magical creatures or the magical creatures for the wizards. It was a time of enlightenment. It would last for over a millennium.


The Immortals.

They all once had a name of their own, one like many others, yet set them apart because of who they were. When they were on Earth, each of the five was known for different things, above all the power they wielded. The Lord of the East was a powerful man whose connection to the Earth had been acknowledged and revered; he was just and kind. But he was fierce. There had never been any to oppose him and come out on top. His true name has been forgotten by all but the five, he is now Roarke. He rules all the lands and oceans of the East with a just and capable hand. He is called the Uniter's Shield. The Lord of the West was also a powerful man, one who used logic as a basis for most if not all of his decisions and wielder of Fire. He was cool and calculated in all he did. There was a certain draw to him that none seemed to escape. He is known as Ezekiel. He is also called, the Uniter's Counsel. The Lord of the North is a fiery spirit, always moving, always thinking of something—like the wind. He tends to drive people to distraction. What sets him apart is his seemingly carefree and vibrant personality. His tendency to charm all whom he meets is very useful. He is known as Caleb. He is called the Uniter's Unconditional. The Lord of the South is—different. He is the most powerful of the four lords of χώρια. He was a God, and immortal even before he delivered his people from slavery. Despite the bond and camaraderie among the five, he remains apart form the rest of the Immortals. He bears a heavy burden, and his inability to let go has developed a drift between the five. He is cold yet not, as unforgiving yet merciful as the ocean. He presides over water. He is the first. He is Alasdair. He is called the Uniter's Sword. The last of the Immortals stands out, not because she is the only female in the company of powerful, god-like men, but because she simply is. That is not to say she is a bland or dull character, no. She was the first to fight, the first to band her people together. She believed that there was hope when all else had failed. She is now, and will always be, the Uniter. She is grace, and dignity. She is fluid and ever moving. She is the Lady of All, known as Lady χώρια, the embodiment of all the many facets of the lords' natures. She is Beathas.

But this story is not about the Uniter or the Lords of East, or West, or North. It is about the Lord of the South, Lord Alasdair. Or as you may have once known him, as Harry James Potter.


Several Millennium later...

It was only a matter of time before the Federation became aware of their planet. First contact was not only expected, but it was also prepared for. The Lady Beathas had foreseen this event and it was determined that proxies would meet with the representatives of the Federation created by Vulcan and Earth. These proxies would then appear before the Immortals and from their observations, would a decision be made. The criteria for becoming a part of the Federation was not outlined for the proxies, they were only told to go, and observe. What would come of their observations they did not know, but they went and they observed. Two from each corner of the world and two from its center. When the ten returned and gave testimony, the Immortals ascended into the first temple and remained there for twenty days. What went on behind those walls only they know, but on the 21st day, the Immortals appeared before the proxies and gave them their decision. The proxies returned to the appointed meeting place and asked to meet with the Captain of the Farraguat. Captain Reynolds and his team met with the ten proxies and were disappointed to learn that the governments of χώρια had come to the same decision, it was not yet time for χώρια to become a part of the Federation. They were asked to return in a century.

And they did. For over a millennia the Federation returned without fail, until finally, the χώριαns said yes.

Roarke looked out into the moonlit night, wondering if they had done the right thing. They had lived long lives and had gained much wisdom from ruling a planet and its people, maintaining peace despite the ages. Their world had turned out to be an intelligent and peaceful one, but they were not weak. As the Uniter's Shield, it was his duty to see that their people would always know how to protect themselves. And as the Uniter's Sword, Alasdair would always maintain a level of expectancy that all in their armies would have to meet in order to call the selves χώριαns. Beathas herself only looked down from her perch on the window with a serene smile, that bloody seer could still irritate the hell out of him without even trying. For millennia the Federation had tried to lure them with promises of this and that, all so that they would not have this massive void among their allies, and for millennia she had said no, it is not time. Only now it was and she had nothing more to say. Only, "It's time," and nothing else. Looking at the hyper Ezekiel and solemn Caleb, he wondered if they felt the same.

"Roarke, do not fret so much. Everything will work out as it is meant to." Turning to look at Beathas he raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and snorted. Alasdair turned to look up at him from reading some tome of knowledge and smirked. So the bastard knows more then the rest of us. Well, he would being who he was and still is I suppose. Sighing, he took a seat where the rest had gathered and snatched a pillow from Zeke to cradle to his chest and he brooded. He wanted to know more damn it! Beth laughed and looked at him innocently, oh yes, she was enjoying his torture. "Let me put you all out of your misery then, quit pouting." Said Lords straightened and attempted to look dignified, which only made the smirk on Alasdair's face more pronounced. He still had not looked up from that damned book of his. "My visions have never led us astray, so I have listened to them and taken counsel from Ezekiel. We have remained apart long enough and I fear that much longer would have resulted in a hostile takeover. Yes, we are surrounded by Federation planets who would intercede if Romulans decided to take a stab at us but still. It was time Roarke. What we need to discuss is what happens now?" Beathas took her place beside Alasdair as he carded his fingers through her hair. Caleb shifted and spoke, "I do not question your wisdom on joining the Federation. For the last few centuries, the winds have whispered of change. The continued peace and happiness of our people does depend on this alliance but we will not be treated as a youngling planet. We are far more developed than a great majority of the Federation planets and can be very useful or very problematic." These words were spoken clearly and without much emotion behind them, Caleb had a tendency to only show emotion in extreme cases. Apparently becoming part of the Federation didn't count for these rare moments. He turned to look at Ezekiel as he too began to speak.

"I suppose its just reiterating myself when I say it's about time. I have been on you guys to join since the first time but whatever. At least now, we belong to a larger whole. As long as we do not forget who we are and keep them from trying to "modernize" us, we are good to go. χώρια has treated us well and takes care of our needs because we have been respectful to her and have developed a deep bond with her. We will not turn our backs on her now, or ever." Roarke smiled for the first time that night as their eyes met. That had been one of his primary worries. Taking a deep breath he looked at Beathas as he began to speak, "I have always questioned you because it is simply in my nature to do so. My connection to χώρια makes me wary of joining the Federation but as along as we remain χώριαns first then I will be happy." Beathas smiled and nodded as she looked back out into the night. Their people had taken to celebrating the alliance with the Federation as they trusted their rulers to look out for their best interests as they always had. The four Lords and the Lady had come together at the very center of the planet, where the First Temple had risen in honor of χώρια. This was the best place to meet as the planet itself also gave her input from time to time. Beathas visited the four corners often as it only took moments for the people of χώρια to travel from place to place. It was part of their biology and the elements here favored all of their children because they still loved and respected their mother, χώρια.

"Before we join the celebrations, Alasdair has an announcement to ma—fine, I have an announcement to make. While we have our people out gathering information constantly and bringing us news of what goes on in the rest of the universe, that is not enough. I have already received petitions from many of our young ones to travel to Earth as they know it was our original home. They wish to see what has become of it and what has changed from what they are taught in history. I have allowed for these to join Starfleet. I imagine you will return to something similar once you have returned home. Alasdair...Alasdair has also informed me that he will be attending the Academy as 1st year student." The remaining Lords looked over at Alasdair who had finally deigned them with his focus. He looked the same as always, not even blinking as they all looked at him incredulously. The silence that ensued was, naturally, broken by Ezekiel with a rather eloquent, "Huh."

Huh was a rather good way of summing up the situation. Well, so much for celebrating. They had just added more work to their load as not only did the integration of the Federation need to go smoothly, but they now had to look at who would look after the South in Alasdair's absence. Roarke groaned and screamed into his pillow. Caleb and Ezekiel both looked at him strangely until he mumbled something Beathas and Alasdair couldn't hear. The Lord of the West and Lord of the North both turned and glared at Alasdair. Beathas laughed, they had finally caught on. Paper work. He hated paper work.

Green eyes blazing with amusement, Alasdair, the bastard, just smirked.


Like I said, this is pretty much the end of basics. Next chapter will feature Alasdair, or Harry, at the Academy. Which should be nice, for you guys. Thank you for the two, three, people who have bothered to review. Story Alerts and Favorite's are nice, really, but reviews make my day. That said, reviews are appreciated and encouraged.

Thank you.
