Hello fellow FanFiction readers. This is PopPunkRocker4321, and I am featuring my very first FanFiction: Megaman Starforce: A Promise to Keep. Updates will, unfortunately, be very slow.

I'm sorry if I'm not the best writer out there, but I have grown very fond of writing throughout the years of my life. I've decided to write something a little more different than the Megaman Starforce FanFictions out there because personally, I'm tired of the repetition.

Full summary:

"I won't leave your side again. I'll protect you from whoever and whatever this world throws at you, and that's a promise. And you know me: I always keep my promises." Geo has managed to keep this promise to Sonia for 10 years. But after the rise of a new enemy, can Geo save not only Sonia and the world, but also himself?

Genre: Adventure/Drama/Angst/Romance.

Edit: It will be a while before I upload Chapter 10. I am still going over errors and mistakes throughout the story. ALSO: special thanks to AureolusShadow (formerly known as EMWarrior101) for his beta reading. He helped me with the editing, and he deserves a lot of credit for that. I strongly suggest searching him up; he is a fantastic writer for the Megaman Starforce fanon.

Chapter 1: With Me

"Don't let your guard down kid," A blue hound growled with a stern face. "Anything could happen at any time. Our past experiences have proven that time and again!"

Geo Stelar grinned at his AM-ian friend. " Yeah, I suppose so, but for now, I'd just like to shoot the breeze and enjoy the starry night as much as I can."

Omega-Xis chuckled. He knew stargazing was Geo's favourite activity, especially here at Vista Point.

Geo breathed out a sigh in content. It had been 3 weeks since the Meteor G incident had ended. Him and his friends had celebrated shortly afterwards. Now that things had calmed down, he would be going back to school tomorrow, which he wasn't so keen on, but still smiled at the fact that everything was returning to normal. Things couldn't be more perfect.


…And things are just about to get better.

"Hey Sonia," Geo greeted the red-haired girl.

Sonia Strumm playfully punched Geo in the shoulder. "Thought you'd be here."

"You know me too well."

"Awwwww, do I?"


Omega-Xis gulped. "Uh, oh. If Sonia's here, that means…."

"Hiya, Mega!" A blue harp shaped EM being surprised Omega-Xis from behind, causing the EM hound to jump in shock.

"Yaaarrrrghhh…! G-Good Lord! Why can't you just leave me alone?" Omega-Xis groaned.

Lyra giggled at Omega-Xis' expense. "Tormenting you is just one of life's little pleasures!"

Geo shook his head laughing. He turned his attention back to Sonia. "Sonia, what brings you here? It's not something important, is it?"

Sonia shrugged. "Nah, I just wanted to watch the meteor shower with you!"

Sonia frowned and raised an eyebrow.

"Would that be okay?"

"S-Sure, w-why not?" Geo stuttered, his cheeks burning red.

Omega-Xis sighed and rolled his eyes. Humans….

Ever since their battle with Ra Mu, Geo began to think of Sonia more often than before. And these thoughts were no ordinary thoughts; they would, to put it nicely, make Geo's cheeks burn wildly.

That, of course, didn't stop Omega-Xis from constantly teasing him. Though Geo's stomach would flutter whenever he saw Sonia, he tried to ignore it, as he knew that his "stupid little crush" would go away one day.

It never did.

"C'mon, Mega. Let's leave the kids for a moment," Lyra said as she floated away.

"Hmph. I'll see you at home later, kid," Omega-Xis said, following Lyra.

Geo and Sonia waved goodbye to their alien friends as they turned their attention to the starry night sky.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Geo murmured. "The night sky…it could just relate to my life so much. The possibilities are endless out there…It's like…a different world…"

Sonia stared at Geo strangely for a moment and giggled. "You and your constellations, but yeah, it's…beautiful…"

Sonia sighed as turned to Geo with a serious look on her face. Small tears began to form in her eyes. "Geo, the real reason to why I came here was to let you know…that…I-I so worried about you, back when you were in that asteroid."

Geo frowned. The last thing he wanted that night was one of his best friends crying for his safety. "Sonia…"

Then, without warning, Sonia hastily gave Geo a crushing hug.

Startled, Geo's eyes widened. "S-Sonia?"

Sonia looked away for a second, embarrassed for what she had just done. Her blushing cheeks could attest to that. "Y-Yeah, I r-really was."

She turned to her friend, more tears streaming down her face. "When you were in Meteor G, I thought I might have lost you. I just couldn't handle that. You were my only friend for the longest time, and you gave me the strength to believe in people after my Mama had…died."

Sonia stumbled over her words, but continued nevertheless.

"You were, and still are, the reason I keep on living. You're, well to be honest, my best friend. I just couldn't be without you a-ali-" Sonia couldn't finish her words, for this time, the small tears became a never ending flood on her face. She shivered, shaking her head.

"Please…don't…don't leave me like that a-again…"

There was a long silence after that.

Geo's mind raced back to the time they first formed their brother band. They were both so alone, with no one in the world, and so Geo asked her to be his brother. They both needed someone to believe in, someone to hold on to for the rest of their lives.

With that, Geo quickly reached for Sonia's arm. Sonia's tears stopped flowing as her eyes widened.

"I won't leave your side again. I'll protect you from whoever and whatever this world throws at you, and that's a promise. And you know me: I always keep my promises." Geo said firmly, looking deep into Sonia's bright green eyes. A small smile formed on Geo's face. "You're not the only one to needs someone else there for you."

Sonia stared bewildered at the boy as she breathed heavily. Her heart was racing fast. A mix between shock and awe came across her face from Geo's words.

She knew she had a big crush on the young teen for a long time, but this feeling in her chest was like nothing she had felt before. Was it…love? Sonia wasn't going to be hasty and consider that yet. She was still a young girl after all. Nevertheless, Sonia cared for Geo, and Geo cared back. That's all that mattered in her mind.

Sonia giggled and hugged him again. "Silly Geo, of course you need me! You'd be so lost without me, you hopeless nut!"

Geo chuckled. "I would be. I really would."

Sonia sighed. She hadn't played her guitar for years. She had forgotten most of her chords and power chords, and her progression was way off. Though she would always be a fantastic singer, there was no possible way that Sonia could ever go back into the music industry again.

"That's what you get for not playing for such a long time, Sonia," Lyra scolded her. "It kind of sucks; those were good times."

Sonia smiled. She retired from being a pop star a long time from now. She had mostly spent her time with-

"You sound great."

Smiling, Sonia turned to see her husband, standing by to the doorway. "You're just saying that. I'm horrible at the whole rocker-chick thing now."

Geo grinned and lightly kissed her on the forehead. "You sound perfect to me."

They had both matured significantly. They were not the same as ten years ago. Geo, who used to be a short and skinny boy, was now a healthy young man, now at the height of 5'10. Sonia was at an average height for women her size, around 5'6, but her appearance never mattered to Geo.

The two had started "dating" a week after that night under the stars at Vista Point. Geo was the one who made the first move…

…Or at least tried to.

Sonia simply stared at him mumbling words and shivering in nervousness for ten minutes until she got the message, inviting him for a simple movie date. It was nothing special, but Geo was relieved that he wasn't the one who had to ask her out.

The two didn't really consider themselves a "couple" until four years later. Geo and Sonia were simply spending more time with each other. They were kids after all.

But in the end, they had each other. And that's all they ever wanted.

When the couple had announced their marriage a year prior to present, all of their friends had rejoiced. Everyone said that they were happy for the couple. Even Luna Platz, who was usually the spoiled and grumpy girl everyone knew and somehow loved, broke down in happy tears.

Omega-Xis was always nonchalant about the whole "relationship thing". He would most often tease the two about being too "lovey dovey". Geo and Sonia would just shake their heads and laugh; Omega-Xis would never change.

After teasing them, the blue hound would, of course, always get a lump of his forehead from Lyra.

Everyone was extremely excited for the wedding, and they were right to be, for the event was a grand one. All of of their friends, relatives, and the people, whom Geo had saved in the past, all participated in their ceremony. Neither Geo nor Sonia was ever more happy when the priest announced them husband and wife as they each shared a passionate and loving kiss.

The young woman smiled sheepishly. "You don't mean that, besides my music career is over. It wouldn't matter anyways."

Sonia looked at her watch. "Hey, it's getting late. You wanna go to bed?"

Geo smiled. "I'm a little tired myself, I'll meet you up there in a few; I just have some extra work to finish."


Megaman kept running and running until he found some cover from the raging war outside. "Whew," he gasped for air. "We're safe here Mega."

Omega-Xis was quiet. Something got his attention.

"What is it, Mega?"

"That smell, it can't be…."


The metallic smell of the blood made the blue hero wants to puke in disgust. Megaman staggered to find the source of the horrid smell, only to find-


"It's too late kid. They're…gone."

Megaman stared in horror at their dead broken bodies, with a knife in the back in each of their heads.

"Who did this...?" Megaman startled as he saw a strange figure stagger into the room.

"Rogue…. no…please tell me…you didn't…!"

The Murian EM warrior looked at him, eyes wide open. Blood was on him and his Laplace blade.

"Megaman…I…!" Rogue fell face flat to the ground, revealing a knife impaled in the back of his head. A pool of blood began to form around his entire body.

"Rogue!" Megaman ran up to his archrival, looking at his condition. But something else caught Megaman's eye. Something he'd never wanted to see in his entire life.

"Sonia…Oh shit…SOONNIIIAAA!"


Geo found himself next to Sonia in his bed. It was all a bad dream-no, not a bad dream. A nightmare.

"Geo, are you okay? You've been twisting and screaming in bed for the last ten minutes," Sonia frowned with a worried look on her face. Geo was pale all over, but he didn't want Sonia to be concerned.

Geo made his best effort to smile. "I'm fine. Now get some sleep."

"O-Okay…?" Sonia sighed in confusion. Shaking her head, she forced herself back to sleep.

The second Sonia fell a slumber, Geo jumped out of bed and into the washroom. He washed his face and wiped off the water with a towel. Geo looked at himself in the mirror. His pupils were dilated and he was sweating like a madman. This wasn't the first time he had a nightmare like this in the past few weeks. He shook his head.


"Kid, you alright?"

Geo jumped at the sound of Omega-Xis' voice. "Y-Yeah Mega, I-I'm fine," Geo lied.

Omega-Xis scoffed. He always knew when something was on Geo's mind. "I don't think twisting and screaming in your sleep defines the word 'fine.' Tell me, was it another dream?"

Geo slowly nodded. "Yeah…it was. It's been the same dream for the last couple of weeks. Everyone we knew was…dead…" Geo stuttered over his words.

"I just have this feeling that something…I don't know what, but something will happen."

Omega-Xis shook his head. "Kid you worry too much. Meteor G was the last big incident we had to handle. Sure, there was the occasional virus breakout, but besides that, there hasn't been any major issue."

Geo thought about it for a moment True, the likelihood of another threat was improbable. Still, like what Mega constantly reminds me: 'anything could happen at any time'. "Maybe…maybe you're right. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid…"

"Yeah, you really are," Omega-Xis sighed. "I'm going back to bed. See you in the morning." With that, the AM-ian disappeared back into Geo's Hunter VG.

Geo turned back into the bathroom mirror. "Maybe he's right. I could just be paranoid," He sighed to himself. But I just couldn't help but feel...

So how was it? I would love to hear your feedback, so please leave a review!