Title: Supernatural Fight Club

Rating: M

Pairing: Leah Clearwater and Jasper Hale

Summary: Humans know about the world of the supernatural and as entertainment they catch different supernatural beings and put them in fights to the death. What happens when vampire and shifter meet and fall in love? What happens when they must fight each other?

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!

Forget everything that you have ever read in books about the supernatural. I can tell you now that it is a load of bullshit. There is nothing mystic and entrancing about being something other than human. At least not in the world I live in anyways. The world I was born in to is not something I would wish upon anybody. Still I could be worse off I suppose.

The one good thing about my situation was that I have had a good teacher on how to survive in this life. Being the only female shape shifter made it even less likely that I would've survive my first fifteen years of life. I suppose that I should thank Felix Volturi for taking me in even if he is a leech which is code for vampire in case you did not know this already.

You are probably wondering why I keep mentioning a certain kind of lifestyle. Well I will explain it to you since I have nothing better to do until my next fight. You see humans found out about the existence of non-human creatures such as myself nearly thirty or so years ago. They thought that there was some kind of plot to overthrow the government and so we were all round up and taken to prisons or 'camps' as they labeled them. We were forced in to doing jobs for them basically we were slaves and there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it since they knew all of our weaknesses.

You see a few traitors of the supernatural world taught humans how to hurt us. Fire, silver, and being torn to pieces worked for vampires and I would know since usually I was put in the ring against parasites. For my king vampire venom, brass, and a direct blow to the heart would do the trick to end our lives. You counteract the effects of venom, but usually the owners off bitten were creatures did not like to waste money getting them patched up. I'm lucky I have an own her who cares about my wellbeing. Where was I? Oh yes anyways, the traitors taught the government how to kill us and that gave them the ability to control us. What other choice did we have than to comply when rebellion would mean death?

After a few years of being slaves people started getting bored. They wanted a new sport and something they could watch in their spare time when we did all the real work in the outside world for them and the supernatural fight club had been created. All us non-humans had been gathered up and sold to the highest bidder. We were trained from the age of seven how to fight and when you were ten you would have your first fight. I can tell you now that not many young ones make it through the first fight. I had been lucky enough to land a lucky blow on my first opponent who had been caught wild and had no formal training. If he had known how to fight I would be dead by now.

I have lived nine years and for a female that is a record of some kind. Like I stated before I had a good owner who was a very skilled fighter and he took care of his 'pets' as I hated being called. I'm the only shifter in his group though he does have a true were-wolf and two young vampires by the names of Alec and Jane or if you go by what we are called by everyone else when introduced before a fight 1-11-5-3 and 10-1-14-5. I think they like to call us by numbers to make us seem less human. It is easier for them to live with themselves after the countless death's a night.

"12-5-1-8 you are up next." A young human around the age of twenty or so walked to my cell with a clipboard in his hands. I stood up as he slid the key in to the lock and opened my cell door. I rolled my shoulders and held my head high because any sign of weakness will get you killed. "Do you wish to use your gifted weapon tonight?"

A gifted weapon was something that either your owner or someone who was betting on you would give you before a fight. Some of us didn't like to use gifts while others used them all the time. Usually I would fight without a weapon, but earlier Felix had given me a hint which he really was not allowed to do and yet he did it anyways. He told me to use my hands which meant that he did not want me phasing and so I would need all the extra help I could get. I may be a good fighter, but I wasn't dumb enough to think that I could win every fight. If Felix had a reason for wanting me to stay in my human form then I would.

"I'll take it." I stated and took the small box resting in his hand.

Opening it up I saw he had given me a wooden stake and I knew immediately I was facing a true were-wolf. Wooden stakes to the heart were the only way to kill a true wolf unless you could tear their head from the bodies, but you would have to be really good to do that without losing a limb to the sharp incisors they used as a weapon. No wonder Felix had warned me not to phase. True wolves went crazy if another animal and in my wolf form that is what I would be, entered their territory.

Taking the stake I put it in the back of my ripped jean shorts. The man started walking down the hall and I followed him with my head held high. I could hear the other fighters still locked in cages shouting and rattling the bars. As I passed the cell of my best friend in this world Jacob Black he howled and that started a chair reaction. The sound echoed off the walls and soon I was howling along with them as the giant oak doors opened to reveal the ring.

My name is Leah Clearwater and in my world the only way to live is to kill. If you want to survive then you must leave all emotion behind. There is no room for that in the ring unless are you looking to die. As for me well I want to live and if I have to give up my emotions then I will do it. I'll do whatever it takes to survive.


AN: I know another story, but in my defense the idea popped in to my head and wanted to be written. I had writers block and needed to get this first part out. Since Live Free and Race Hard is almost finished I really didn't feel too badly about posting this and it was only the introduction chapter after all. I know that I changed up a few things in the Twilight verse when it comes to how they can be killed and such, but I thought it needed to be that way. I hope that you all like this story and I would love to hear your thoughts about it. The chapters themselves will be longer, but this wasn't because it was the introduction. I plan for each chapter after this one to be no less than 2000 words not including the AN at the end.

Please R&R Like always!