America: Another Bleach story?

Hydro: YES! Okay next story I'll try to do a different Anime, okay?

America: Fine.

Sarge: Hola.

Hydro: Miki stole my notebook again didn't she?

Sarge: Nope.

El~Chan: I DID!

Hydro: OH CRAP! How the hell did you get here from-

El~Chan: *Puts hand on Hydro's mouth.* I did okay, no letting people where I live.

Hydro: Fine...

Ichigo: Damn I whoop some ass.

Hydro: Hell yeah you do.

Ichigo: *Sigh.* Why woman, why?

Hydro: Oh that, well, cause it goes with original story.

Ichigo: What ever.

Altena: ELLO!

Hydro: Okay who lent her the notebook?

Sarge: Now that was me.

Hydro: *Coughs.* Come here I'm sick.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you, the worlds best, never defeated champion, of the Street Boxing Tournament! DAVID BOWIE!" An announcer stated in English, who was in the middle of the an open ring. The crowd that surrounded him went crazy, all were screaming their lungs out. And the crowd turned towards the entrance to where a man with blonde-hair was suddenly engulfed in a bright light. He held a shiny belt in the air, only causing the crowd to get even louder. He started to walk down the aisle to the ring. He stopped in the middle of the ring and threw his hands, which held his shiny belt with and engravings on it. The crowd went crazy all cheering his name."DAVID BOWIE, DAVID BOWIE!" They all screamed. And while they all cheered, the announcer showed David Bowie to a corner of the ring.

"And now the challenger! The man with no loses, the one from Japan, the one, the only, ICHIGO KUROSAKI!" The announcer yelled the name and the bright light left the huge ring to the other side of the room. The light shined on a single man, he wore no shirt, his bare chest with his amazing six pack, and his bright orange hair brightened up in the light. He started down his aisle, and the crowd was half cheering him on and others were booing him out, but he simply ignored everyone. Only focused on beating his opponent that he trained a week for.

For all these people knew he was just a nobody from Japan that made his way up into the big leagues. But little did they know he was a hero in Japan. It's only been ten years since he left Karakura Town. Ten years since he purposely lost contact with all his friends, all of his family. He lost his powers in his last battle as a Shinigami and now resides as a normal human who fights for a living. Now here he is, the last battle of his career, ready to fight, all for nothing. He won't give up his fight til he collapses and he knows it. He has trained to hard and long for this, but he swore to himself that very night he wouldn't loose.

As he made his way down the aisle he waved to everyone and gave a thumbs up. The crowd got louder. Ichigo got onto the mat that was the ring he went to his corner that the announcer motioned towards. Now the announcer took his hand off the microphone he held and with both hands told both the fighting men to come. The two challengers surrounded him.

"Now," the announcer began. "I want a clean fight, since this is the street and the championship battle, I don't require you guys to follow the rules. BUT! You may not use any type of weapon. The only thing I'm permitting here is your fists. So no gloves are required. Give us a good fight gentlemen, and you both can't kill each other that is a big no no. The first to knock the other out is the winner. And remember this is the fight for champion, you get no rounds it's a straight out fight.." The announcer had both of the men shake hands and step back into their given corners.

Ichigo got pumped punching the open air quickly. He was the hero of his hometown. He endured all the hardships of his training as a young man and as an adult. If he won today, he'd be the new champion, but if he lost that was it. He turned to face his opponent, David. The bell rang, it was time for his moment. He put his fists up in front of himself ready to block the fists that would soon make contact to his skin. He close his eyes listening to all his surroundings, he opened them just in time to see David Bowie throw the first punch.

As the fist almost made contact with Ichigo, Ichigo of course dropped down and spun to the right. He too pulled his fist in the air and landed the first punch right into David's left shoulder. The crowd went ballistic their voices getting louder and louder with excitement.

David spun around to face Ichigo, he punch across aiming to hit Ichigo. Ichigo dodged, spun, punched the side of David's ribs landing his second hit. With Ichigo being a little bit smaller compared to David, it was a huge advantage for him.

David yet again turned around ready to face Ichigo. The men both held their bare fists in their fist ready to strike each other. The crowd roared all around. Ichigo's eyes held the certain spark that David knew to well, determination. Even though they just started, the fighting men were breathing heavily.

Ichigo this time engaged David, he threw a right upper cut aiming for his face. David blocked it with his left arm and he threw his right arm at him straight into his chest sending the other man flying on his butt. Ichigo quickly got back up bringing his fists back in front of his face.

David charged again and Ichigo held his ground till the last second. David flung all he had at Ichigo, right uppercut, left, right jab to the stomach, left jab, and continuing combo. Ichigo tried to dodge most of the attacks, but failed, with the right uppercut harshly hitting his nose causing it to break and it bled. But that didn't stop Ichigo. As David stopped his combos, Ichigo came back full throttle. Jab, jab, uppercut, he repeated a few times then switched to dodge, jab, dodge, uppercut. He was successful in injuring David, a cut along his chest was born and was only minor and shallow. David smiled.

"It seems you actually laid a mark on me." His English voice said. Ichigo whipped his nose to relieve him of some blood that dripped.

"Thanks, but that isn't the only thing your going to get." Ichigo's Japanese accent with English stated. David smirked.

"Oh. Is this what you think you can do?" It was Ichigo's time to smirk.

"No, it's a promise," Ichigo said.

"Don't get cocky kid."

'I may be cocky now, but you should have seen me in my teen years. Now that was when everyone wanted to kill me.' Ichigo remembered his battles when he was a teen. He was caught in a staring gazed that David couldn't help but engage. He went forward receiving no movement so he went forward.

Ichigo may have been thinking of old times, but he knew never to let his guard down in a fight. As David tried to last a knocking out blow, Ichigo spun to the left, bent down both fists in close to his chest, jumped up and both fists were used as a uppercut. David dropped to the ground. His eyes were closed and the side of his head was bleeding.

Ichigo had won the title 'champion.'

Hydro: Well I need to seriously stop making new stories.

Altena: Hey, they come to all great people.

Hydro: Yeah Boy! This was inspired by Real Steel the new movie with the robot and stuff. It was really good.

Maddie: Yes it was.

Barry: Grimmkitty was not nice to me.

Hydro: You shouldn't have attacked me.

Altena: I feel left out.

Hydro: Everyone else is, go join their corner. *Points to Sarge, Ichigo and basically all other Bleach characters who aren't being used at the moment in the commentary.*

Altena: Eh, I have friends other there oh well. *Goes to join Sarge in the corner.*

Hydro: Oh life...