Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars.

Crimson Gold

Chapter One

Crouching down as he remained perched on a branch, the cloaked figure watched as the sensei of a genin team from Konoha battled with one MomochiZabuza, the Demon of the Bloody Mist and A-rank missing-nin of Kiri. He was also his mark.

He decided patience would be more rewarding than ferocity, so he stood up and slipped back into the shadows, silently reappearing behind Zabuza's accomplice. Again, he contemplated taking action and cashing in on their heads, but decided against it. He wanted to see how things played out…

Haku swiftly looked behind her, having sensed something a moment ago, but it was gone. Looking ahead again, she waited for the right moment to strike in order to bail her mentor out of trouble. However, she was having a bit of trouble concentrating after a chill ran up her spine from the presence she felt moments ago.


The next day, the cloaked figure slipped into the hideout Zabuza and Haku was using after their employer paid them a little…visit. He remained hidden as the two spoke.

"The nerve of that man."Haku grumbled angrily as she helped Zabuza take a sip of a medicinal tea she had made.

"Calm down, brat. Once we get paid, we'll have enough money to start our lives over." The immobilized missing-nin growled out before wincing slightly as he tried to move his hand. "You and you're god damn senbon are going to be the end of me."

"Oh, how right you are, Momochi-san." The figure finally said as he made his presence known, entering the room. He stood at 6'5", his features hidden by his armor and hooded cloak.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Haku demanded as she drew a kunai in one hand while the other held a small number of senbon needles. The figure raised his red and gold armored hands to show he was there peacefully, for once.

"Calm yourself, ice-user. I'm only here to talk." The figure attempted to appease the 16 year old young woman before pushing his hood back, revealing the visored red and gold helmet he had on over his head. "Actually, it is not I that came to talk, but rather, someone else."

As he stepped aside, a woman entered the room. She stood at about 5'7" with chin-length black hair and amber colored eyes. She had on a pair of baggy dark blue pants, a dark blue sleeveless midriff-bearing turtleneck top, blue bicep-length fingerless gloves, and cloth wrappings hanging loosely around her neck.

"Kira? What the hell are you doing here?" Zabuza asked in shock, eyes wide. Kira gave him an apathetic look as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"We need to talk." Kira proclaimed with a distinctive glance at both Haku and the armored figure. "Alone."

"As you wish." The mysterious figure acknowledged as he led Haku out of the room and shut the door. He then turned to Haku. "Do you have anything to drink?"

"Um...Yeah." Haku answered before leading him to the kitchen and preparing some tea on the stove. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"...Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto..." The man responded as he removed his mask, revealing his blood red eyes bearing golden slit pupils, his golden-streaked crimson hair that fell to his shoulders, tanned skin, and the six jagged black lines tattooed to his cheeks.

"W-Wait! The Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto? As in the son of the Yondaime Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina?" Haku cried out in surprise and shock after handing Naruto his tea. "The very same son that disappeared with his younger twin sister ten years ago out of the blue?"

"The very same one." Naruto calmly replied before taking a sip of his tea and setting it down on the table. "But it doesn't matter, anyways. You're not going to remember it..."

"Wha-" Haku was cut off when Naruto raised a hand at her just as her throat felt like it was being crushed by an invisible hand, that same hand lifting her off the ground. Walking up to her and placing a hand to her forehead, Naruto wiped her memories clean, removing everything.

When he was finished, he let Haku back down, her face blank and eyes glazed over. Smirking as he put his mask back on, Naruto heard a slight struggle in Zabuza's room before everything went silent. Moments later, Kira stepped out with Kubikiri strapped to her back, blood spatter dotting her face, shirt, and left hand.

"Let's go, we're done here." Kira ordered as she walked by, but stopped and looked at him and Haku. "Another one? Really?"

"Yes, really." Naruto snapped sarcastically. "You know what I'm planning and you know I need pawns for it."

"Whatever. Let's just go take care of Gatou and his men. We'll be needing his money." Kira answered with a sigh as she suddenly turned into someone else, her real appearance. She had the same eyes and hair as Naruto and stood at 5'6" with a generously ample bust. She was wearing a skin-tight black turtleneck top with a baggy left sleeve and no right sleeve, black skin-tight pants, armored black knee-high combat boots, a black elbow-length glove on her right forearm, and a baggy black hooded cloak similar to Naruto's.

Her name was Asuka, Naruto's younger twin sister. They had left Konoha at the age of 8, drawn to something far outside of Konoha that they couldn't resist or ignore anymore. No one knew they left on their own or why they disappeared. Their parents searched desperately for them and still were, hoping to find their son and daughter.

They weren't going back until they chose to...


Naruto stayed hidden as he watched watched the sun set. He had sent a clone to, essentially, 'mind-jack' Gatou and turn the man into his puppet in order to bleed the man dry of every last drop of money he had before killing him and slaughtering his militia of mercs and bandits. Asuka was currently back at Zabuza's and Haku's hideout counting it all while she had a clone of her own working with Haku.

When he had left Konoha, he had only one regret; leaving her behind without even saying good-bye. Sighing softly as he disappeared into the shadows, Naruto returned to their temporary hideout, finding Asuka's clone attempting to teach Haku how to use the Force, which was going rather fast seeing as they just started this morning. Haku was already lifting a kunai knife a foot or two into the air with a small bit of effort. Just then, Asuka stepped out of the room with the money sealed into a scroll attached to her hip.

"Five billion and change, all in cash." She informed her brother with a bit of mirth in her tone.

"That's good to hear. We'll be able to contruct a much larger facility than we originally planned with less than a fifth of that." Naruto commented absent mindedly as he pulled out a hexagonal blood red crystal that was nearly two inches long with veins of pure gold ore twisting around within it.

"Stop brooding, brother." Asuka chided, sensing her brother fall into a mild depressive state. "Thinking about her isn't going to solve anything."

"..." He was silent for a minute as he stared at the crystal before putting it away. "We're going back to Konoha."

"What? But we still haven't found it! We can't just ignore it, Naruto!" Asuka protested venomously to which Naruto responded in kind.

"It's been ten years, Asuka! We're no closer to it than we were when we started our search!" Naruto snapped angrily, unknowingly twisting the kunai Haku was lifting into a scrambled mess of steel through the Force, caused by his anger spiking. "We have to go back! Mother and Father have been hurting since we left! They think we're dead, damn it!"

"And how the hell do you know that for sure? Huh?"

"Remember which of us is more strongly in tune with the Force, Little Sister!" Naruto snarled angrily as a shroud of metaphorical darkness and cold blanketed all of Wave Country and the building started shaking violently, the Force responding to his emotions. Asuka flinched back from him, shaking slightly in fear as she stared at her brother with wide eyes.

Never before had she seen him so enraged that his bond with the Force would cause such a reaction. Never before had he even called her 'Little Sister' nor suggest they abandon their primary goal. Asuka instantly made herself look as non-threatening as possible as she stared at the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, brother. W-We'll go back to K-Konoha." She stuttered out slightly while getting down on one knee to show she was truly sincere and where her loyalties lied. Slowly, he calmed down and everything returned to normal, the kunai slowly twisting back into its original form. Haku didn't react to any of it, still trying to levitate multiple kunai at once.

"..." Naruto remained silently as he stared at his sister with narrowed gold and red eyes before taking a deep breath and clearing his mind. "Come on. If we're going back to Konoha, we'll need to make contact with the Konoha team here in Wave before they leave."

He instantly left the building, Asuka trailing close behind as Haku continued to train with Asuka's clone. Moments later and they were standing in front of Tazuna's door. Naruto knocked lightly on the door and waited for someone to open it. Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, answered the door and gave them wary looks.

"Can I help you?"

"We're here to speak with Hatake-san." The armored 18 year old responded politely, though with a monotonous cold edge to his voice.

"Alright. C-Come on in." The woman hesitantly let them in, intimidated by Naruto's stature and armor.

"Thank you, Tsunami-san." Asuka told the woman, who became confused and a little worried since she hadn't told them her name. They went straight to the room Kakashi was in without Tsunami's guidance, furthering her confusion. Upon reaching the room, Naruto slid the door open and entered with Asuka right behind him, who shut the door and placed a privacy seal on the wall.

"Good evening, Hatake-san." Asuka greeted, their unannounced presence making the bed-ridden jounin tense.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Kakashi inquired suspiciously, his question making Naruto sigh.

"Why does everyone ask that same stupid question?" Naruto grumbled under his breath as he removed the glove on his right hand with Asuka doing the same. Staining the flesh of their palms were black spirals, Naruto's appearing jagged and bold while Asuka's was thin and condensed, the spiral lines being smooth.

"N-Naruto? Asuka?" The jounin asked wide eyed as he forced himself to his feet despite his physical inability to support his own weight very well from chakra exhaustion, leaning on the wall as he moved closer. Naruto removed his helmet and nodded as Asuka pushed her hood back, revealing their hair and eyes. They had been born like that, an oddity no one could figure out or come close to theorizing a possible reason for their unique hair and eye coloration.

"We know you have many questions, Hatake-san, but please kept them to yourself for now. We will only explain ourselves once and that's only after we have returned to Konoha." Asuka explained as she raised a hand to keep Kakashi silent, who had opened his mouth to speak. That was when Kakashi noticed the zanbatou on Asuka's back.

"W-Where did you get that?"

"Zabuza. We killed him yesterday while he was still weak. His accomplice was also taken care of." Naruto explained, the twins having gone over their story. "We also killed off Gatou and his goons, so your mission should go rather smoothly from here on out."

"I-I...I don't know what to say..." Kakashi, dumbfounded, remarked as he slowly eased himself into a nearby chair.

"Then don't say anything. Where are your students?" Naruto inquired before sensing them nearing the house, two from the forests and one from the direction of the bridge with Tazuna. "Belay that. I found them."

"You want me to go get them?" Asuka suggested as she pulled her hood back up and hid her facial features in the shadows it created, receiving a nod from Naruto. Once she was gone, Naruto looked into Kakashi's lone eye with hope and pain.

"How is she?" The red-gold haired young man inquired. Kakashi sighed softly and looked away.

"She's...doing better. She was distraught when you left, maybe even broken. Since you left, she's become a bit of a recluse, going so far as to move out of her family's home and into a small house in the middle of the forests on top of the Hokage Mountain. She's still on active duty, though, and has only grown stronger since you left." Kakashi looked back at Naruto and pulled something out of his vest. "She wanted me to give this to you if I ever found you; alive or dead."

Gently taking it, Naruto found it to be a second crystal identical to the one he already had, but it was different. Pulling out his own, Naruto slid the first one into the hexagonal hole running straight through the second, creating a triple helix coil around the original crystal with small spikes jutting out of the crystal helix's coils.

"...Thank you..." Naruto quietly responded as he looped a black string on it and hung it around his neck and tucked it into the black turtleneck shirt he had on under his armor, putting his helmet back on just as the door opened, revealing Asuka and three genin that were around 16 years old.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Uchiha Karasu inquired rudely, which got her a slap to the back of the head by her taller team mate, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naomi, as they were followed in by Sai, their third team mate. Naruto's eyes widened as he stared at the young girl. He and Asuka both were surprised by Naomi's presence, having not seen their baby sister in nearly ten years.

She was about 5'4" with dark red hair that fell to the middle of her back, deep emerald eyes, tanned skin, and had an athletic, yet lithe build. She was wearing black pants, black sandals, a dark red backless long sleeve top, black ANBU style bracers on her forearms, and a pair of ninjato crossed on her back with the tips at her shoulders and handles at her hips, her hitai-ate having been tied around her neck.

Karasu was about 5'1" with the trademark black eyes and hair of an Uchiha, pale skin, and a slender, but well-endowed figure for a 16 year old. She had on black shorts, a white long-sleeve top that left her midriff bare and pronounced her D-cup bust, a sleeveless fish-net top under it, white leather gloves on her hands, and black stiletto-style kunoichi sandals on her feet. She kept her hitai-ate tied around her left bicep.

"Be polite, Kara-chan." Naomi chided.

"Che...Whatever." Karasu grumbled as she crossed her arms under her bust, blushing faintly from the affectionate tone Naomi used with her name.

"Students, these are-" Kakashi began to introduce, but he was interrupted.

"Kazehana Nico and my twin brother Guren." Asuka finished for the jounin while casting a quick glance at Kakashi to go along with it. Realizing what they were doing, Kakashi decided to follow along, remembering that Naomi was their younger sister.

"It's nice to meet you, Nico, Guren. I'm Naomi." Naomi greeted politely with a bow.

"Isn't Guren a girl's name?" Karasu pointed out as she looked at Naruto with a cocked eye brow and cocky smirk. That is until Naruto looked dead at her from behind his helmet, sending a chill down Karasu's spine and making her blanche. She let the subject drop and kept her mouth shut. For now, at least.

"The boy is one of Danzo's Root. Be careful around him." Asuka warned her brother through a telepathic link they have had since they were born. It had only grown stronger over the years due to their shared tenant; the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Their father and the Sandaime performed a joint sealing technique that split the Kyuubi's spirit and power in half, putting the Yin half into Asuka and the Yang half into Naruto. Because of this, Asuka was the more intelligent one and naturally masterful in the art of illusions, stealth, and deception at the cost of excessive physical strength. Naruto, on the other hand, was physically stronger than any other and had an intense level of stamina matched by no other, but could not create a simple illusion to save his life or hide his presence as well as Asuka could due to the massive undulating ocean of power contained within him.

"Understood." Naruto answered back as he glanced at Sai from behind his mask before turning to Kakashi. "As we said before, we've decided to return to Konoha. However, we are bringing a third member with us, a fellow bounty hunter that we crossed paths with and befriended. She does not talk much, so questioning her will be fruitless."

"That won't be a problem. I'm quite sure you'll be let back into Konoha without a problem." Kakashi responded with a touch of mirth in his voice that only Asuka and Naruto noticed and recognized, knowing who they really were. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to resting. I'm unfit for travel right now, so it'll be at least another two weeks before we leave for Konoha."

"As you wish, Hatake-san." Naruto acknowledged as he and Asuka moved for the door after the genin left. "We'll be gone for a few days to take care of some private business, but we'll be back by the end of the second week with our companion."

"Alright. Stay safe, you two." Kakashi told the two siblings as he laid back down.


As they said, they were back by the end of the second week with their 'friend'. In truth, it was Haku, but she looked far different than normal after recieving a make-over done by Naruto and Asuka. She was dressed in tattered and torn leather robes with a similarly tattered hood trench coat, leather straps criss-crossing her hips with a black utility belt of sorts wrapped aorund her waist. Her left arm from the elbow down was encased in a clawed metal gauntlet while her right arm from the middle of her bicep down had been removed, replaced by a mechanical prosthetic of Naruto's creation. Her face had been permanently painted bone white with red markings around her eyes and nose while her lips were painted black with stitch-like markings around them.

She creeped out the genin quite a bit and left the silver haired jounin unsettled by her appearance. That had been Naruto's and Asuka's intentions to begin with.

The trip to Konoha had been a quiet one for Team 7 plus three. During the two weeks away, Naruto and Asuka had turned in the bounty on Zabuza's head while making arrangements to gather the needed materials for what they wanted to build, which would take a week to arrive to Konoha. Haku had swiftly progressed in her training, having become strong enough to be a challenge for Zabuza himself, if the man were still alive. She was still far from Naruto's and Asuka's level, however.

"Team 7, dismissed. Naomi, please stay behind." Kakashi disimissed his team after reporting to the Yondaime with Naruto, Asuka, and Haku standing a little off to the side of where the team had been standing in the office. "'Nico', 'Guren', if you'll please..."

"Hello, father." Asuka greeted as she pushed her hood back while Naruto removed his helmet. Minato's eyes shot wide open as he slowly stood up, Naomi staring at them in shock, recognizing them instantly.

"N-Naruto? Asuka?" Minato asked quietly and hesitantly, almost in disbelief. They had no time to respond when Minato appeared in front of them and hugged them tightly; well, Asuka, at least. Naruto had moved just out of his reach in time, not being very fond of physical contact with most others outside of combat. Minato didn't think anything of it, remembering how Naruto hated being hugged when he was a child. "Where have you two been? Why did you leave?"

"We left because we had to. We were drawn to something outside of Konoha and still are." Naruto explained, seeing as Asuka was currently crying silently into the chest of her father, too over-whelmed with happiness about being reunited with her father to speak. "We do not know exactly what it is ourselves, so we can not describe what it is we are searching for, but what we know is that it is a powerful relic of some sort that has been...teaching us since we left in search of it."

"Teaching you? How?" Minato asked as he stroked Asuka's hair back. Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but Naomi managed to sneak up on him and wrap her arms around her older brother. His eyes widened in surprise before softening as he stared down at his little sister, wrapping his arms around the crying girl.

"We believe it is possessed by the spirit of the relic's creator, a powerful man that has been teaching us his people's ways. He called it the Force, something that is in everything around us from the rocks and grass to the wildlife and people of every planet and solar system in the universe." Naruto explained after a minute of silence, still holding his little sister. "It is truly a powerful thing, granting the more experienced and powerful wielders of the Force to move things of incredible size with their mind or manipulate how one thinks or acts. A form of telepathy and telekinesis, if you will."

"Oh..." Was all Minato could say as he let go Asuka and created a Shadow Clone to take his place in the office as they left, heading for their clan compound with Kakashi in tow. "And who's the...charming young lady with you two?"

"Her name is Haku, a fellow bounty hunter we came across a while back. We've been traveling together since then." Asuka explained as she wiped away her tears. Naruto smirked faintly, noticing how his father forced himself to call her 'charming', secretly a little intimidated by the girl's morbid appearance. When they reached the gate leading into the Uzumaki-Namikaze compound, Naruto stopped dead in his tracks, hesitant to enter as the others started going in.

"It'll be alright, brother. Come on." Asuka reassured him through their telepathic link, smiling faintly when Naruto finally unfroze and took a step to follow after them. The smile went away when Naruto put his helmet back on and disappeared.

"I can't wait any longer. I have to see her." Naruto informed his twin sister as he darted across the roof tops towards the Hokage Mountain. "I'm sorry."

"Alright, just make sure you're home soon. Mother will want to see you." Asuka sighed before relaying their little conversation to the others so they didn't worry about his disappearance too much. Finally reaching his destination, Naruto stopped on a tree branch over looking the small, simple house his beloved lived in. Before he moved to approach the building, he saw her training in her back yard.

'Dear Kami...She looks even more beautiful than before.' Naruto thought to himself upon seeing her. She stood at 5'4", wearing the very same armor he made for her with some obvious tweaks she did to it. The mask had been turned into a helmet with fin-like adornments on the back of it with a protrusions in the front like a make-shift horn. The four thin verticle slits in the mask glowed a bright neon green. Her arms were covered in similar armor from the shoulders down with blade-like protrusions near her shoulders and a couple along her forearms. Lightly armoring her full-bodied chest was a skull-like image with glowing neone green eyes, that same light coming from its open mouth. Her hips and thighs were also armored, black armored knee-high boots covering her calves and feet.

Silently dropping from his perch, Naruto approached her, but didn't get very close when she rounded on him, a blade of neon green energy extending from her palm and stopping a couple inches from his neck. He didn't flinch as he looked down at the ground.

"Who are you?" She inquired suspiciously, knowing that no one other than herself knew the exact location of her home. Naruto sighed softly.

"It's me, Tenten." Naruto whispered as he removed his helmet, staring at the 17 year old girl with warmth and hope for forgiveness. "I've come home."

She stumbled back a step or two in shock as the energy blade flickered and died. She pulled off her helmet, letting her chin-length brown hair fall freely as her brown eyes stared at him in shock. The next second, she was clinging to him with all her strength, pouring every ounce of love and affection she felt for him into a passionate kiss. When they broke apart a couple minutes later, Tenten's eyes had grown watery with tears of joy.

"I knew you weren't dead...I knew you would come back to me..." Tenten whispered as she buried her face against his neck, sobbing slightly as she held onto him even tighter, afraid he might disappear again. Sighing softly as he picked her up bridal style, Naruto used the Force to carry Tenten's helmet as he went inside the house and took her upstairs to her room. After setting her on the bed, he stripped them both of their armor and set it all aside before removing their boots and laying down beside Tenten on the bed.

"Shh...It's alright, megami. I'm here now and I'm not going any where..." Naruto whispered into her ear as she cuddled up against him, burying her face into his chest as she continued to cry. "I'm never leaving you again..."

"P...Promise?" She weakly asked as she looked him in the eye.

"I swear." Naruto smiled faintly before Tenten kissed him again while crawling on top of him, pressing herself closer. Giving him an alluring grin as they broke the kiss, Tenten idly ran a hand through Naruto's red and gold hair.

"Prove it." She challenged playfully, only to inhale sharply and bite her bottom lip when Naruto started nipping her neck lightly while his hands cupped her ass cheeks, groping gently as he sucked on her ear lobe. Tenten closed her eyes and moaned softly as Naruto continued to tease her, one of his hands traveling up to her C-cup breasts and fondling her.

She knew right then that she was going to be late to her team meeting that day...


Asuka groaned softly as she covered her face with one hand, attempting to hide the blush spreading across her cheeks while damning the empathic part of the telepathic link she and her brother had. What made it worse was the fact she was currently standing next to her family...

"Asuka? Is something wrong, honey?" Kushina inquired worriedly after hearing Asuka groan. They had just left Haku in one of the spare bedrooms for the young woman to stay in until she found her own place.

"N-Nothing, mom." She answered nervously. "N-Nothing at all."

"Well...Alright, then." Kushina shared a look with Minato, both of them confused by their eldest daughter's sudden behavior. Asuka's blush grew even darker as it spread across her face and down her neck, the feelings she was receiving from Naruto's activities with Tenten to be too much for her to control or hide.

"C-C-Could you excuse m-me for a m-minute?" Asuka asked nervously. "I-I n-need to t-take a shower. We've b-been t-traveling f-for awhile."

"Yes, of course, dear." Kushina answered. Asuka then went straight for the bathroom, intending to relieve herself of the tension that had built up within her. Locking the door behind her and starting the shower, Asuka stripped down and stepped under the cascade of warm water, stifling a soft moan as her body temperature rose and only worsening her condition. Strongly kneading her left E-cup breast as she sat down and leaned back against the wall, Asuka bit her bottom lip and choked back another moan as she started fingering himself.

'Daammn youu, brother...' Asuka mentally cursed her twin brother as the mental sensations from Naruto's end grew stronger and stronger with every passing second, showing no sign of stopping any time soon...