A/N: This is my first fanfic and as such I'm interested in perhaps getting a Beta who'd be interested in this sort of story. Mainly just as a guide and to provide a critique. I had a look at the Beta profiles but there are so many it's hard to find a suitable Beta. So if anyone knows or can recommend a good Beta I'd be interested to know :) This is going to be a Harry/Snape mentor story (No Slash). It's AU OOTP after the incident where Snape chucks Harry out of his office in "Snape's Worst Memory" Chapter. I hope to be able to update fairly quickly whilst I'm on holidays at the moment but once uni starts back updates may slow down.

Disclaimer: Do not own Harry Potter. Initial italics indicates text taken directly from Order of the Phoenix.

Chapter 1 3rd - 4th April 1996

'Having fun?'

Harry felt himself rising into the air, the summer's day evaporated around him; he was floating upwards through icy blackness, Snape's hand still tight upon his upper arm. Then, with a swooping feeling as though he had turned head-over heels in midair, his feet hit the stone floor of Snape's dungeon and he was standing again beside the Pensieve on Snape's desk in the shadowy, present-day Potion master's study.

'So,' said Snape, gripping Harry's arm so tightly Harry's hand was starting to feel numb. 'So ... been enjoying yourself, Potter?'

'N-no,' said Harry, trying to free his arm.

It was scary: Snape's lips were shaking, his face was white, his teeth were bared.

'Amusing man, your father, wasn't he?' said Snape, shaking Harry so hard his glasses slipped down his nose.

'I – didn't – '

Snape threw Harry from him with all his might. Harry fell hard on to the dungeon floor.

'You will not repeat what you saw to anybody!' Snape bellowed.

'No,' said Harry, getting to his feet as far from Snape as he could. 'No, of course I w-'

'Get out, get out, I don't want to see you in this office ever again!'

As Harry hurtled towards the door, a jar of dead cockroaches slammed into the side of his head. He fell sharply against the door frame, but was able to right himself before the door slammed shut with an echoing bang. Feeling dizzy and nauseous Harry stumbled blindly down the dungeon corridor. Reaching a hand up to the left side of his head, his fingers met with a thick sticky substance. A sudden wave of dizziness washed over Harry and he leaned against the corridor wall before sinking to the ground in a dead faint.


Harry woke to darkness and unfamiliar surroundings with no recollection as to where he was or how he had gotten here. He seemed to be in an unfamiliar stone corridor that looked like it belonged in the middle ages. Sitting up, against a wave of dizziness, Harry tentatively reached a hand up to feel the tender area on the left side of his head. The bleeding seemed to have stopped, only to have been replaced by a dull aching. Harry had bigger problems though: he had no idea where he was. Getting to his feet, he surveyed the area hoping that something might trigger a memory. When nothing was forthcoming Harry decided his best chance was to get outside and hopefully he would recognise the area. He hoped that he was close enough to Privet Drive to make it home before Dudley.

'This is just the sort of stupid prank Dudley would pull' Harry grumbled to himself as he made his way up a corridor and towards a staircase.

He was still unsteady on his feet and moved slowly. Harry was surprised by the size of the place and slightly worried. He couldn't think of anywhere in Surrey that would be this big. It was almost as though he had wondered into the remnants of a castle. The odd thing was though that the castle appeared to be inhabited. Although he had yet to see anyone, the cleanliness and general homeliness of the place suggested it was in use.

'Blast you, Dudley!' Harry exclaimed, as he turned into a corridor that led up to what could only be described as an Entrance Hall. This was the last straw; he was well and truly out of his depth. Feeling weak from the climb up to the Hall, Harry staggered towards the main staircase and sat down. He put his face in his hands and breathed deeply, trying to steady his nerves as he thought furiously about how to get out of this latest predicament. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, alerting him to another's presence. Too tired to hide, Harry resigned himself to his fate and raised his eyes to the newcomer.

'Mr Potter'

The tone was not angry but neither was it kind. In fact it was stern, laced with surprise and perhaps the smallest amount of concern, which suggested that she was well acquainted with him. Harry looked at her more closely, but could say with almost one-hundred percent certainty that he had never laid eyes on this woman before. She spoke with a Scottish accent, which was disconcerting. He couldn't possibly be in Scotland, could he? Her greying hair was pulled back in a strict bun and a pair of square glasses perched upon her nose. She was dressed oddly in green robes that spoke of past eras and most bizarrely carried a stack of rolled parchments in her arms.

Getting to his feet gingerly, Harry stood to face her. The woman let out a small gasp before rushing to his side. It was only now that Harry remembered he hadn't wiped the blood off his face. Thinking back he realised he probably looked a right mess; with dried blood down the left side of his face and clothes. It was only now that Harry noticed what he was wearing. It appeared to be some kind of school uniform, but he also appeared to be wearing robes over the top. Puzzled by his attire he checked his pockets and was surprised when his fingers closed around a wooden stick, which gave off the slightest warmth at his touch, as though calling to an old friend. He was shaken out of his thoughts as the woman reached a hand out to him, sitting him back down on the stairs.

'Mr Potter, what has happened here?' she asked.

'I'm sorry Ma'am, but I don't know who you are,' there was a sharp intake of breath from the woman, before Harry continued 'where I am or what happened to my head'.

There was a slight pause, as though the woman was judging the validity of his statement before she replied in a slightly kinder tone 'I am Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'. A slight pause and then 'I presume you remember Hogwarts?'

The name was not unfamiliar to Harry. He had read it just the other week, on the back of one of the mysterious letters that he had been sent. It was odd though, he was sure he had heard of it only a week ago but he was almost equally sure that the time he was thinking of was almost five years ago. And then he realised what was missing. He knew he was currently fifteen, but the last memories he recalled were those of his eleven year old self. He had lost almost five years of memories!

'Yes...yes, I know of Hogwarts' Harry replied dazedly.

His thoughts were running wild as he realised the implications of his understanding. Just as quickly he began to put it together.

So, I must attend Hogwarts, and have been for the last four years. Which means I only stay with the Dursleys for the summer holidays? Well that was good news for sure. But what is this place, it's not like any school I've ever been to and it definitely looks like the school is a castle, which is odd. There was something he was missing though and then it hit him.

'Wait, Professor Mc – McGonagall, what did you call this place,' he rushed out 'a school of what?'

'Why, Witchcraft and Wizardry of course. What is going on Mr Potter?' said McGonagall.

'I, I don't know. I'm sorry Professor but I really don't know. The last thing I remember is receiving numerous Hogwarts letters at the Dursleys before waking up here. I never got to open one of those letters...' Harry trailed off thoughtfully.

Seeing the look McGonagall was giving him he quickly added 'I know that was when I was eleven and that I'm fifteen now, but I honestly can't remember anything in between'.

He sighed dejectedly before looking up at McGonagall, who was looking at him pityingly.

'Come Mr Potter, you need the Hospital Wing'.


McGonagall guided Harry quickly and discreetly towards the Hospital Wing, constantly looking out for Umbridge. It was imperative that she did not see Potter as he was now. If the ministry or the prophet were to get wind of this it would spell disaster for the Order and Harry. As she walked, supporting Harry as he was still weak on his feet, she was thinking frantically, trying to come up with a solution. It had to be the worst possible timing Minerva thought. Albus had been driven from the school and had been unheard of for the last few weeks. He had told her that he was travelling on important Order business and was not to be disturbed, except in an emergency.

'Well you can't get much worse than this' Minerva grumbled as she walked.

Reaching the Hospital Wing, McGonagall sat Harry down on a bed before rushing to Madam Pomfrey's office.

'Poppy, quickly I'm in need of assistance'

'Minerva, what has happene...' she trailed off as she caught site of Harry. 'Mister Potter! What have you done to yourself now!'

Poppy bustled over to his side, whipping out her wand as she went and casting a diagnostic charm.

'When will you learn Potter, you need to take better care of yourself' Poppy tutted at a confused Harry.

'Poppy, I'm afraid there's a problem. Potter seems to be suffering from some kind of amnesia. He has forgotten everything about Hogwarts; his last memories are from when he was eleven, before he received his letter' McGonagall added significantly.

Poppy stopped her bustling, sharing a worried look with McGonagall before turning her attention back to Harry.

'Do you know who I am Harry?' she asked.

'I'm sorry, no' he replied apologetically.

'Alright,' she cast another worried glance back at McGonagall before continuing, 'I'm going to run a series of tests on you Harry and ask you a number of questions. I'm also going to fix your head wound up and check you for any other injuries. Is that alright?'

Having obtained Harry's consent, Poppy set up a curtain around his bed allowing him to change behind it, whilst she spoke with McGonagall. Behind the curtains, Harry listened carefully as the two women spoke in hurried whispers.

'Do you have any idea how he came to be in this state Minerva?'

'None at all, I found him seated on the main stairs during first period. Now that I think about it I noticed he wasn't at breakfast and that both Ms Granger and Mr Weasley appeared anxious. I thought nothing of it though given the current climate and with Dolores always on the prowl' she added bitterly.

'Hmm, well it's obvious that he has suffered some kind of head trauma which has caused the amnesia. The question is how did he come by such an injury? I've also never dealt with such significant amnesia,' she paused briefly before resuming in a slightly hesitant tone 'I think it best if we inform Severus of the situation Minerva. With Albus gone, he is the most experienced in the mind arts without involving St Mungos.'

'Yes, you're quite right Poppy. It is of the utmost importance that Dolores and the ministry do not get wind of this. Very well, I shall fetch Severus.'

The sound of receding footsteps marked McGonagall's departure. There was a pause and then approaching footsteps. Harry had just enough time to finish buttoning his shirt and to lie down on the bed before Madam Pomfrey rounded the curtain and began her examination.


Severus Snape was in a foul mood. He had woken hung-over and with a splitting headache, courtesy of his drinking binge. For a few minutes he had been unable to recall what had triggered his rare loss of control and subsequent drinking session, which had left him in a stupor that would have rivalled his father's.

'Potter,' he spat out.

That was what had caused him to indulge excessively in Firewhiskey. With this recollection all of his righteous anger returned.

'Just typical' he fumed silently, 'I leave the room for five minutes and the boy has to snoop. It is as though it is impossible for him to do anything other than pry into other people's personal matters.'

This was not the only reason he had indulged in the Firewhiskey. He had lost control. He had assaulted a student; the one thing he had been sure he would never do.

'Merlin, help me if I managed to hit him' he groaned aloud.

There was a small part of him that couldn't help but feel hopeful that he had managed to hit Potter; had managed to cause Potter a fraction of the pain that he had experienced this night. He had been unable to sleep. His thoughts had been constantly drawn to that memory; reliving that greatest mistake over and over, until he had drunk so much that he had lost consciousness. As such, he had woken late and had only now realised that he had missed most of his morning classes.

'Damn it, damn it all!' he growled as he hastened to dress.

He left his personal quarters, robes billowing as he hurried towards the potions classroom. As expected his class had taken a free period, for which he could only blame himself. The bell for lunch rang, and with no desire to face his colleagues whilst in this state (he could still smell the trace of alcohol on his breath) he returned to his quarters for a late breakfast and a shower. Whilst eating he was interrupted by the flaring of his fireplace. Looking over he found Minerva's face floating in his fireplace.

'Severus,' she stated haughtily, 'where have you been? I've spent half the morning trying to track you down. Why weren't you in your class this morning?'

'Good morning to you as well Minerva' Snape replied with his trademark sneer in place. Well, at least she has the goodness to look abashed he thought as he crouched down by the fireplace.

'So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit' Snape enquired, ignoring her questioning.

'A,' she paused 'situation has arisen. I would be most grateful if you could make your way up to the Hospital Wing as soon as possible'. Without waiting for a reply and with a small 'pop' she disappeared. Annoyed by her abrupt dismissal, Snape stood up and finished his breakfast before heading up to the Hospital Wing.

There was only one occupant in the Hospital Wing when Snape reached it twenty minutes later. The teenager was sitting with his back to Snape but on hearing the door, turned around.

'Potter,' Snape growled in anger. 'Of all the people to run into', he seethed silently.

'Good morning, Professor Snape'

Snape was startled. Not only had Potter just addressed him as Professor but he had done so without the normal defiance and resentment. Instead it had been a neutral, if wary tone with which he had been addressed. Realising he had been standing still for a minute without replying, Snape sent Potter a glare before ignoring him and storming into Poppy's office.

He entered Poppy's office to find both Poppy and Minerva examining a medical chart. At the sound of the door they both looked up.

'Oh Severus, thank goodness you're here! It's much worse than I thought and I really am out of my depth with this mind magic. Can you believe the boy had no idea about how his parent's died?' Poppy gushed as she made her way hurriedly around the desk, bringing with her the file she had been examining.

'Poppy, I have no idea what you're on about. Kindly cease your babbling and start from the beginning' Snape said gruffly. His encounter with Potter had thrown him and had only served to make him angrier at the boy. He had no interest in idle chit chat at present and wanted nothing more than to return to his rooms.

'Why it's Potter, Severus,' Minerva cut in, 'he is suffering amnesia. I found him this morning in the Entrance Hall. He had suffered a severe head wound, at some point in the night I imagine and had lost quite a bit of blood.' At this Snape paled considerably. He couldn't possibly have hit Potter. He had left of his own volition. His thoughts were interrupted as Minerva continued talking.

'Add to that he has no recollection of his time at Hogwarts and as Poppy was just saying she had to explain both Lily's and James' deaths to him as well as a bit about his time at Hogwarts.'

'Poor boy doesn't know what's hit him,' Poppy said softly, 'I'm going to administer Dreamless Sleep Potion for the moment but I'd like you to have a look at him Severus. It's possible the memories have been hidden in his mind and would be accessible by Legilimency. If not it's possible that the memories could be restored by potions – but that is your area of expertise Severus – although a simple Restorative Draught may be beneficial to give also.'

Initially Minerva's comments had left Snape worried that he had indeed seriously assaulted a student; no less than Harry Potter himself. As Poppy had started speaking a smirk had begun to spread across Snape's face as he realised

'Potter is faking,' Snape said smugly, 'I saw him outside; he greeted me as 'Professor Snape'.'

'That's impossible Severus,' Minerva responded sternly, 'Poppy just spent over an hour conducting a standard memory test. He failed with regard to all Hogwarts' related questions. With the loss of his Hogwarts' memories he also has no recollection of anything he has been taught in the last five years. Although his magic is intact, he was unable to perform even first year spells.'

'Potter's having you along for a ride. I've told Albus time and time again, he is simply an attention seeking brat, who wastes other people's precious time.' Snape responded angrily.

'Enough,' shouted Poppy, as Minerva looked ready to respond to Snape. 'There's an easy way to settle this.' She stalked out the door towards Potter's bed. The boy was sitting up in bed staring off into space.

'Mr Potter, kindly tell me if you recognise this gentleman'

'Yes Ma'am, he's Professor Snape' Potter responded quietly.

'See,' hissed Snape, 'I told you he was making up more attention seeking stories'. But he couldn't help but wonder why Potter had just given himself up so easily. He sneered at Potter but before he could leave Potter spoke up.

'That's all I know about him. His name and that I met him at Hogwarts. He's the only person I remember and this is strange, I know, but it's like there is some connection. It's not good or bad, it's just there; to remind me that I know him. The weird thing is, for the life of me I can't tell you whether he's my best friend or my worst enemy.'

Harry watched the responses of the adults around him. Both Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey were looking at him sadly, but Professor Snape was the most interesting to watch. He had been sneering but a look of shock and perhaps understanding had flitted across his face before being hastily hidden behind a blank mask. A blank mask which Harry could tell was well practiced. He wondered at that but was interrupted by Madam Pomfrey.

'Well, Severus, is it possible? Could this connection exist? It would explain why he is able to recall you alone.'

'It is more than possible,' Snape conceded grudgingly. 'I have had the unfortunate task of attempting to teach Mister Potter' he spat out Harry's name 'Occlumency for the past few months. It would appear that despite no obvious improvement during lessons he has in fact managed to form a 'connection' with my mind.'

Snape seemed to have said all that he was willing to say in front of Harry because he turned on his heel and strode back into Madam Pomfrey's office.

'Don't worry about him Harry, we'll sort everything out' Madam Pomfrey said comfortingly before handing him a Dreamless Sleep potion. Harry downed the potion and was asleep within minutes. Poppy and Minerva watched him fall asleep before entering Poppy's office to find Snape pacing agitatedly and muttering to himself. He looked up at the sound of the door and sent them both a fierce glare.

'Well?' he demanded.

'He's asleep,' replied Poppy. 'I've given him Dreamless Sleep; he won't wake for a while. I must ask that you explain the connection in its entirety Severus. It may be vital in restoring his memory.'

'If that's all, I think I'll leave you two to discuss the technicalities and I will contact Albus immediately. We may need to organise alternative arrangements for Potter depending on the time it takes for him to regain his memory and control of his magic,' said Minerva. With that she departed leaving Snape and Madam Pomfrey alone.