A/N: 16/04/2012: The sequel "The Truth is Hidden in Memory" has now been posted. I can't actually find a hyperlink for the story specifically but the id number is - id:8029373 If you can't find it on the search bar I'd suggest going to my profile and selecting the story from there: .net/~castlephoenix

Hope you enjoy!

If you've reached 'The Truth is Hidden in Memory' by receiving a notification here (if you had story alert for this story) could you please leave me a review to let me know. I'm not too sure if just replacing a chapter with an added A/N has alerted people to the sequel. It would be much appreciated. Cheers, CP

Chapter 20 18th - 21st June, 1996

Snape could not recall ever having felt as weak and helpless as he did at present. He tried to shift himself into a sitting position, as Harry called out for Poppy once more, but his arms were incapable of supporting his weight. Harry noticed his futile efforts and within seconds the boy had helped him easily into a sitting position against the headboard. The sound of quick footsteps caught Snape's attention as Poppy entered the room.

'Well done, Harry,' she said, smiling warmly at the tired boy. 'Would you mind fetching Professor Dumbledore? I just need to give Severus a quick once over...'

Harry seemed disinclined to leave, seeking Snape's approval first before he left reluctantly for the Headmaster's office. A deafening silence fell upon the room with Harry's departure. Poppy said nothing as she worked on Severus, checking his vitals and conducting a brief neurological examination. Severus wondered what he had done this time, and was on the point of asking when Poppy set down her wand angrily and finally addressed him.

'Honestly Severus,' she began exasperatedly, 'I don't know what to do with you! If I hadn't just spent the last few days wondering if you'd ever wake up I might just be tempted to curse you myself.'

Snape frowned in confusion, as Poppy began to pace before him.

'Just what were you thinking Severus?' she demanded. 'Actually that's the problem – you clearly weren't thinking at all were you? Assaulting a student!'

Snape's face paled considerably as he realised what Poppy was talking about.

'And then to pretend you knew nothing about it! If you and Harry hadn't sorted out your differences I'd damn well have you on probation Severus. As it is you're lucky Harry seems to have forgiven you already. I don't know what went on whilst you were away but that boy trusts you, Merlin help him I think he even looks up to you. But know this Severus Snape; if you ever hurt that boy again I will make sure you regret it!'

Snape shifted uneasily beneath her gaze, well aware that Poppy meant every single word.

'It won't happen again Poppy,' he tried to say, but all that came out was a whispered rasp, which turned into a wracking cough.

For a heart-stopping moment Severus struggled to breathe but Poppy was beside him, clearing his airway with a simple spell. Snape fell back against his pillows, completely exhausted whilst Poppy stood over him studying him with concern.

'You've damaged your vocal cords Severus,' she said gently.

She didn't need to say why; they both knew how it had come about. He wasn't sure how long he had been screaming before the centaurs had found him, but it had been long enough to cause damage.

'There's not much I can do Severus, except to prescribe rest and recuperation,' Poppy said apologetically.

Snape nodded numbly, it was what he had expected.

'You've been through an ordeal Severus, you need to take some time to recover,' she continued. 'Regardless of what I said before I'm – we're – all glad you're awake.'

She smiled down at him and Severus knew he was forgiven. Approaching footsteps caught his attention and Severus looked expectantly towards the door. Albus entered from Poppy's office, followed closely by Harry.

'Severus,' said Dumbledore, and Snape realised with surprise that he sounded quite relieved.

Before he could answer Poppy was speaking.

'He's not to speak Albus,' she was saying sternly. 'He's damaged his vocal cords enough without having to answer your questions.'

Snape barely heard them though as a searing pain laced up his left arm. Automatically his right hand grasped the left forearm, an action missed by none in the room. Poppy, Albus and Harry all stared at him in surprise; Poppy breaking off mid rant, but Snape ignored all of them. Regardless of how he was feeling at present he needed to answer the summons.

With a momentous effort he forced himself to get out of the bed. Only at the last minute did he realise he was too weak to remaining standing. He felt his legs give way beneath him and in a moment of bemused clarity realised he was going to hit the floor. Before he did though, someone grabbed him around the waist taking his weight off his useless legs. Snape looked over in surprise to find Harry supporting him. Without a word Harry guided him back to the bed, seating him on the edge, before stepping back.

Poppy was studying him with concern, apparently disconcerted by his lack of strength, whilst Albus was gazing at Harry, deep in thought. Severus took a moment to regain his composure before looking beseechingly towards Albus. He alone would understand Severus' need to answer the summons. Albus seemed to feel his gaze and looked towards him in understanding.

The silence was broken as Albus summoned a House Elf.

'Please fetch Professor Snape's Death Eater robes,' he instructed calmly.

Snape inclined his head in appreciation to Albus as the House Elf disappeared with a 'pop', leaving the room in a strained silence which was broken seconds later.

'You can't be serious!' Harry exclaimed in outrage. 'He can't even stand by himself!'

Albus ignored Harry, instead turning towards Poppy.

'Please fetch Severus a Strengthening Solution,' he requested.

Poppy seemed in two minds but she left the room without a word to fetch the required potion.

'This is ridiculous,' Harry said loudly in anger, frustrated that Dumbledore was ignoring him.

He had no idea what Dumbledore was playing at but it was obvious that Severus was in no state to be visiting Voldemort.

'Why are you making him do this?' he demanded.

'He's not.'

It was not much more than a whisper but Harry knew who had spoken. Turning Harry stared at Severus in shock. The man was still seated on the edge of the bed but the hospital issue pyjamas had been discarded for his elaborate Death Eater robes. The House Elf had returned without Harry's knowledge, and Severus had performed a simple switching charm to dress himself quickly. The man was staring at him calmly now, adjusting his robes fastidiously as he awaited Poppy's return.

'I don't understand,' Harry said, frowning in confusion. 'Why are you going?'

The boy looked back over his shoulder at Albus, and it was clear to Snape that Harry still thought he was going under duress.

'This is my choice Harry,' he said gently, wincing slightly at the pain of talking. 'Albus did not force this upon me. I do this because I have a debt to repay.'

Harry looked like he wanted to say something more but he was stopped by the arrival of Poppy. The boy simply frowned at him as he watched Poppy approach Severus.

'I trust you understand the implications of taking this in your current condition?' she said disapprovingly.

Snape shot her a warning glance; he was having enough difficulty with Harry at present without the boy asking more questions. Unfortunately he was well aware of the potions side-effects. Taking it in his current state would give him enough strength to attend the summons but he knew that when the potion wore off he'd be in a worse state than he was currently. The potion, which was designed to enhance a person's normal strength, was too potent to be taken in a weakened state. Still he had no choice, and without further thought he downed the potion in one.

The effect was instantaneous and he felt the strength return to his limbs. He waited a few seconds before confidently getting to his feet. He could see Harry was still doubtful though, a slight frown creasing the boy's forehead. He placed his hand reassuringly on Harry's shoulder, gaining the boy's attention.

'I'll be fine Harry,' he said calmly.

His voice was still hoarse, but it sounded stronger now. He waited until Harry nodded reluctantly, before giving the boy's shoulder a quick squeeze and turning back to Albus.

'Perhaps you would accompany me to the gates Albus,' he said. 'There are a few things I should like to discuss with you.'

Dumbledore nodded and before Harry could raise any further objections Severus walked swiftly out of the room, followed closely by Albus.


The room Severus had been summoned to was dim, lit only by the flickering light of a dying fire. An armchair sat near the fire but the Dark Lord was not seated. Instead the pale man stood with his back to Severus, staring out of one of the majestic windows which lined the room. Severus approached the man, stopping several feet away and dropping to his knees.

The fire dimmed further, and Snape lost track of time as he remained kneeling before the Dark Lord. His muscles were in agony but he did not allow himself to move. Finally the Dark Lord spoke but he did not turn to face Severus.

'You have ignored my summons Severus,' he said coldly. 'Yet you have returned tonight.'

The man turned suddenly, his red gaze piercing Severus. His lip curled slightly, as though he found Severus' position amusing.

'Why is that Severus?' he asked silkily, although there was a dangerous undertone to his request.

'I was incapacitated, My Lord,' he answered honestly, aware that the Dark Lord would not listen to a lengthy explanation.

'Ah yes,' sneered Voldemort. 'The great Severus Snape, incapacitated by a herd of centaurs, for almost a week. Dear me Severus, you must be losing your touch.'

Snape said nothing. He was not entirely surprised that the Dark Lord knew he had been in the Hospital Wing; undoubtedly one of his Slytherin students had informed their parents of his condition. Still it was troubling that the student had reported the story so accurately. The Dark Lord approached him, but Snape did not move.

'My question is, Severus,' said the Dark Lord, his tone no longer amused, his rage barely concealed, 'why were you in the Forbidden Forest in the first place?'

Voldemort's rage broke and Snape groaned aloud as a boot connected with his side. Sharp pain blossomed over his left side as he pushed himself back into his kneeling position. No sooner had he righted himself then Voldemort struck him once again. Snape gasped in pain as the boot found the same mark. Breathing was suddenly agony but he forced himself back into a kneeling position. The third time the boot sent him sprawling Snape could no longer rise, the pain was too great. Instead he focused on simply protecting his head and abdomen as the Dark Lord mercilessly kicked at him, all the while demanding answers.

'What were you doing in the Forest? Who sent you there? Why was the Order alerted to Harry Potter's disappearance from Hogwarts? How did you become aware that Harry Potter had left Hogwarts?'

Voldemort repeated the questions several times before the beating stopped. Before he stepped away though, the Dark Lord bent towards Snape and grabbed a fistful of his hair. Dragging him into a kneeling position by his hair he crouched beside Snape.

'You have one chance to explain Severus,' he threatened before roughly pushing Severus aside.

Voldemort stood then and moved to his armchair, seating himself before looking expectantly towards Snape. Severus had pulled himself back into a kneeling position and took a moment to steady himself. His thoughts were fuzzy, and blood was dripping into his mouth from a broken nose, but he needed to concentrate. He was in a terrible amount of pain but his life depended on how he answered the Dark Lord. He had discussed potential explanations with Albus as they'd walked down to the school gates. Now though, he could only hope the Dark Lord would accept his explanation.

'My Lord,' he began, his words coming in gasps as he struggled to breathe. 'I was under the impression... that Harry Potter had simply wandered off into the forest... When the Headmistress... failed to attend dinner... I believed Potter had led her astray within the Forest. Prior to... his departure... Dumbledore commanded me to contact the Order if the boy ever disappeared from the school grounds... I believed it was a waste of time... but I followed his orders and made contact with the Order later that evening... I was told to return to the school... and to search the grounds for him... I was not aware that the Order... would consider searching the Ministry...I believe it was because Moody was there...he has always been suspicious of me... My Lord, if I had known that Lucius had planned to steal the boy away that evening... I would never have interfered.'

The Dark Lord considered his words, fiddling idly with his yew wand.

'It is unfortunate that Lucius did not see fit to inform you,' the Dark Lord finally answered. 'His arrogance has cost me more than I care to admit. Nevertheless Severus, you are not entirely without blame. Your actions, however mistaken, cost me my prophecy. Crucio!' he cried.

Snape had been expecting it but he could not stop himself from gasping in pain as he writhed on the floor. The Dark Lord did not hold the curse for long, for which Severus was grateful. Pulling himself back to his knees he waited expectantly for the Dark Lord to speak.

'I do not doubt your loyalty Severus, but I will not tolerate further mistakes,' he said coldly. 'Harry Potter stopped me from hearing the prophecy but that is no matter now, he will be killed eventually. The boy is a fool, as is Dumbledore. All they have done is start a war – one which I mean to win. Your time is coming Severus. Dumbledore must not doubt you now. Follow his every order, no matter how ridiculous it may be. We shall not discuss it now, but know this Severus: if you hesitate when the time comes, your life will be forfeit. Now leave me.'

Snape rose unsteadily to his feet and left the room. His strength was fast deserting him and he hurried to apparate away. It was only when he reappeared, gasping beneath the Hogwarts gates that he began to consider the implications of the Dark Lord's words.

Apparating seemed to have used the last of his strength and without warning his legs gave out beneath him. With a groan of pain he ended up sprawled beneath the great winged boar gates, utterly spent. Tremors wracked his body, a consequence of taking the Strengthening Solution and suffering the Cruciatus. With the last of his strength he summoned his Patronus. It was such a weak attempt that it took no form, but it would be enough if his will was strong enough to hold it intact. Giving it his instructions he sent it away, hoping it would reach Albus. He fought to keep himself awake but it was useless, within moments his eyes had drifted shut as he slipped into blissful unconsciousness.


For the second time that week Albus found himself directing a stretcher bearing his Potions Master. Albus had been in his office when all that remained of Severus' Patronus reached him. Undoubtedly Severus had instructed it to bring him a message, but it was so weak that it had simply dissolved before his eyes. Intuitively he had hurried to the front gates where he had found Severus passed out, his breathing significantly laboured, against the gate post. Just looking at Severus, Albus knew Poppy was not going to be pleased.

The lights in the Hospital Wing were dimmed, its occupants fast asleep. Silently Albus made his way past the beds towards Poppy's office, where a light was on. Entering he found Poppy filling out paperwork. Surprisingly Harry was curled up in an armchair, a light blanket thrown over him, fast asleep. Poppy looked up as he entered, immediately catching sight of the floating stretcher behind him.

'Bring him through Albus,' she said quickly, gesturing to the private room.

Carefully Albus directed the stretcher through, guiding Severus onto the bed. Poppy followed behind him, lighting the lamps with her wand before moving forward to examine Severus. Automatically Poppy stripped back his robes, revealing the extent of the damage done to Severus' torso. Already deep bruising extended over his chest, several of which were suspiciously boot shaped in nature. It was particularly dense over Severus' left lower ribs and it was hear that Poppy examined first.

'He has several broken ribs,' she said after a moment, 'one of which has punctured his lung. Fixing that should ease his breathing.'

Stepping back she withdrew her wand before performing a complex spell designed to seal the pleural space and remove any abnormal collection of fluid or air within the space. A second spell was used to disinfect the area to prevent secondary infection of the lungs by bacterium. Finally she muttered Episkey several times, healing the fractured ribs. As Poppy completed her spells Severus' breathing became noticeably less laboured, until finally he sounded peaceful.

'The injuries were a few hours old, so he's still going to be quite sore when he wakes up,' explained Poppy. 'Coupled with his use of the Strengthening Solution I'm going to recommend he remain bed-ridden until the end of term.'

'That sounds perfectly reasonable Poppy,' agreed Albus. 'I'll ensure he understands your wishes. Does he have any other injuries?'

'I'm worried about his spleen,' admitted Poppy. 'It hasn't ruptured but it's received extensive damage, it's not the first time either. I can treat it effectively enough but I'm not sure how much more he can take Albus. His nose has also been broken again.'

Dumbledore sighed uncomfortably.

'I'll have a word with him Poppy,' he said finally. 'I'll fetch some pyjamas for him if you want to finish up?'

Poppy nodded, already turning back to Severus. Albus made his way back into the Hospital Wing, moving towards the storage closet. Routinely he selected Severus' size and made his way back to the private room, not realising that Harry had woken at the sound of voices. Poppy had fixed Severus' nose Albus noted and put a line in through which she was infusing a potion, undoubtedly to repair the damage done to his spleen. Absentmindedly Albus flicked his wand, dressing Snape in the hospital issue pyjamas.

'What happened?' came a sleepy voice from the doorway.

Dumbledore turned in surprise to find a sleepy-eyed Harry standing confusedly in the doorway.

'He's fine now Harry,' Albus answered gently as the boy approached the bedside.

'What's that for?' Harry asked, pointing towards where Poppy was bandaging the cannula into place.

'It's nothing to worry about Harry,' said Poppy as she finished up. 'Because Severus is unconscious the IV line allows me to administer the potion he needs.'

'Is he alright?' Harry asked.

'He's going to be sore for a few days but he'll be fine,' answered Poppy. 'Now young man, you need to go back to bed.'

'Okay,' the boy agreed, after a moment's silence.

Albus could see the boy was reluctant to leave the Hospital Wing and so he offered a compromise.

'You might as well spend the remainder of the night here Harry,' he said genially, 'but do try not to make it a habit.'

Harry's relief was evident immediately and the boy spared him a small smile before thanking him and leaving the office to find a bed. Albus watched him go sadly, aware that Harry's grief was still raw. He wasn't surprised that Harry wanted to be close to Severus. The two had become much closer than Albus had ever expected, and for that he was grateful. He suspected that they would both need each other before the war was done. Sighing, he left the Hospital Wing, walking the silent corridors to retire to his own rooms.


Snape groaned as he returned to consciousness. His whole body ached and he was vaguely aware of a dull uncomfortable pain every time he breathed in. Blearily he opened his eyes to find himself once more in the Hospital Wing. The light was intensely bright, causing him to shut his eyes once more. He'd known that taking the Strengthening Solution would leave him in a weakened state but even he hadn't expected such utter exhaustion. The previous night's events were blurry but he remembered the beating he'd taken. He'd broken ribs before but the fact that he was still in some pain after being attended to by Poppy made him wonder if he'd suffered more damage than he could recollect. Vaguely he recalled that his nose had been broken once again. It had to be the fifth or sixth time, he realised. Poppy would not be happy. Each time he broke it she worried that it would not set right. Steeling himself he tried to raise a hand to inspect the damage.

Only then did he realise that his hand had been bandaged. Opening his eyes once again he inspected his right hand with distaste realising Poppy had inserted a line. There had only been a few occasions when Poppy had resorted to inserting a line but Severus knew that it meant a long stay in the Hospital Wing. Without hesitating he promptly set to work on removing the line.

'Should you be doing that?'

Snape turned sharply in surprise at the sound; he had thought he was alone in the room. Harry was standing half hidden in shadow by the window, his brow creased by a slight frown. The boy looked tired Snape noted, as Harry stepped away from the window. Snape watched as Harry seated himself in the bedside chair, waiting expectantly for an answer. Turning back to his hand, Snape deftly removed the cannula, ignoring the small trickle of blood that followed. Harry didn't say anything but Snape could tell he disapproved.

'Poppy,' he began but stopped promptly, his voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

He had forgotten the damage done to his vocal cords. It seemed attending the Dark Lord had only made it worse, he thought sourly. Aware of the limits of his voice he tried again.

'Poppy has a habit of overreacting,' he supplied in explanation.

Harry looked doubtful but he raised no further objections, instead staring fixedly across the room. Snape was unused to having bedside visitors and found himself oddly uncomfortable. With effort, he pushed himself into a sitting position.

'You heard everything I said...when you were unconscious...didn't you?'Harry finally asked quietly.

Snape shifted uncomfortably at the line of questioning. He remembered little of the experience excepting the pain and fear which had consumed him. For an unknowable time he had been locked within his own mind, trying desperately to remember himself beneath the crushing weight of the Dark Lord's presence. Unable to see or hear he had lost himself. He had been completely devoid of hope when Harry had finally spoken.

'I'm sorry...I don't know how I can help you...'

Severus did not think he would ever forget those words or the absurd feeling of hope which they had brought with them. Severus had struggled to wake then but could not rid himself of the Dark Lord's presence. Finally Harry had talked him through his own possession and the key to escaping it. Snape had immediately thought of Lily but she hadn't been enough. Absurdly it was the recollection of the time he had spent at Spinner's End with Harry that had brought him back. And it was the realisation that he cared about the messy-haired green-eyed teenager, which had shocked Severus to his core.

Finally Snape nodded.

'Good,' Harry said gruffly. 'I meant everything I said...I still do. I want to apologise properly though...for everything that happened that night.'

'No,' Snape said swiftly, cutting Harry off.

Harry looked at him in confusion.

'But –'

'There is nothing to apologise for Harry,' Snape said quietly. 'You are not to blame for any of the events that evening. You simply did the best you could with the information you had available to you.'

'But I should have listened to you!' interjected Harry.

'Perhaps,' said Severus. 'But equally so I should have told you about Black.'

Snape paused for a moment, wondering if he should continue. Throwing caution to the wind he plunged onwards.

'Initially,' he began, pausing every now and then to rest his voice, 'I was disinclined to inform you of your godfather's existence simply because I believed you were a spoiled arrogant brat. I believed that if you learnt of his existence you would demand that you see him. I had no desire to interact with Sirius Black anymore than was necessary and so I did not tell you. The longer we spent together though the more I realised I had misjudged you badly. You were none of the things I had so often accused you of being. Eventually I began to wonder whether I should tell you...but you never asked again.'

Harry was silent for a long time, staring pensively at the ground.

'The memory I saw,' he began hesitatingly, 'my dad...Sirius...were they always like that?'

Snape could see the disappointment and apprehension in the boy's gaze and knew he could not answer the question. Harry could not understand without knowing the full story and that was something Severus could not tell him. Not yet at least.

'Perhaps it would be best if you spoke to Lupin about this,' he said instead, implying that the topic was closed.

Harry looked like he wanted to object but he held his tongue, instead fiddling with a loose thread. Snape got the distinct impression that something pressing was on the boy's mind.

'Did she love him?' the boy finally burst out wretchedly.

Snape did not need to know who he was asking about. So many years had passed yet he still found it hard to admit that Lily Evans had loved James Potter. It seemed like such an absurd question for Harry to ask him though. The boy's existence was proof enough to Snape. He could not quite bring himself to answer though, instead he simply nodded.

Snape's nod seemed to relieve the boy, his posture relaxing slightly.

'You stayed friends though, didn't you?' Harry asked suddenly. 'You and my mum after...'

Harry trailed off but Snape knew he was referring to the 'Mudblood' incident. This time he could not answer, but his silence seemed answer enough for Harry. The boy frowned in confusion as the silence lengthened until Severus finally broke it.

'You should go to dinner Harry,' he said, his voice husky.

The boy nodded grimly before getting up and moving to the door.

'I'll come back later,' he promised before disappearing, leaving Snape to his memories.


The rest of the week passed quickly for Snape. Poppy had arrived almost immediately after Harry had left, subjecting Severus to a thirty minute lecture for removing her IV line. In the end Snape apologised several times to placate the woman before she finally left him in peace. Albus had visited him later that evening and Severus had informed him of the Dark Lord's parting words. The Headmaster had not seemed overly worried; instead the man had seemed more interested in discussing Harry's behaviour with him. Severus had said little on the topic, but his silence seemed to only reassure Albus.

Harry had spent increasing amounts of time with Severus as the week had progressed. The boy said little, instead seeming content to simply sit by the window reading through textbooks. It was out of character for Harry to be so silent and eventually Severus had been so alarmed by the change that he had spoken to Poppy several times. It was obvious to both of them that Harry was struggling to accept Black's death. The Headmaster had informed him earlier that Harry had specifically declined speaking to him in favour of Severus but the few times Severus had approached the topic of his godfather the boy would come up with an excuse and leave immediately. Eventually Severus had stopped trying in the hope that Harry would talk when he was ready. At least this way he was able to keep an eye on Harry, he had thought to himself.

As the final day of term approached Snape had found his thoughts straying more and more frequently to the Dursleys. Harry was due to return to them for the summer holidays, much to Severus' dismay. He had broached the subject several times with Dumbledore but the Headmaster had been reluctant to hear him out. Twice Albus had walked out on him claiming he had an urgent meeting to attend. The worst of it was that Severus had revealed everything he knew of Harry's home life to the man but still Albus refused to act. The man had certainly been furious to learn of it but any suggestion of removing Harry from the Dursleys care fell on death ears. For whatever reason Albus was adamant that the blood wards had to be retained.

It had been Harry's behaviour though that had finally forced Severus to act. He was not going to allow the boy to return to the Dursleys in his current state. He had said as much to Dumbledore that morning.

'Albus, this is utterly ridiculous!' exclaimed Snape in fury. 'The boy is grieving. The worst possible thing you could do at this time is to send him back to that hellhole for two months! Isolating him at Privet Drive now is not going to help him. Poppy has told me he barely speaks to his friends, he spends his days in here reading silently or else wandering the grounds listlessly. He needs to speak to someone about this and until he does he must not return there.'

Albus had not seem perturbed by Severus' outburst instead he had remained quiet for a long time, studying Severus silently. Snape was beginning to regret his outburst, his throat raw from overuse as the silence dragged on. Eventually Albus had broken the silence, the shadow of a twinkle hidden within the piercing blue eyes.

'Harry must return to Privet Drive to renew the wards Severus,' he had stated simply. 'He need only spend a week with his family but it is imperative that he recognise Privet Drive as his home.'

Albus had left then, leaving a bewildered Severus to wonder just what had happened.

It was evening now and Severus paced restlessly around the small room. Poppy had allowed him out of bed earlier in the week, with strict instructions not to overexert himself. Severus had grudgingly followed her advice; only after realising he was still too weak to make a break for his own quarters. As he paced he continued to think over Albus' words. The man had given him an opening, he was sure of it. He just needed to come up with a plausible way to use it. His relentless pacing was beginning to catch up with him he realised. Wearily he seated himself in the bedside chair and within minutes he was asleep.


Harry was alone in his dormitory. At his insistence a concerned Ron had finally left to attend the Leaving Feast. Harry had assured him that he would be down momentarily but he had no intention of attending. He did not think he could stand the looks and whispers if Dumbledore made mention of him in his end-of-term address.

Both Ron and Hermione had left the Hospital Wing, completely cured, three days earlier. Since then they had hardly let Harry out of their sight. He could tell Hermione wanted to discuss Sirius with him. Sometimes Harry thought he might just be able to but as soon as he tried to speak a lump would form in his throat, his chest would constrict and he would be unable to talk. It was those times that he was so very grateful he had Ron for a friend. Ron was always there, watching him silently. He'd see what Hermione sometimes missed and silently he'd place a hand on Hermione's own, gently warning her not to continue.

Eventually Harry had found respite in spending more and more time with Severus. The man himself was healing well, Madam Pomfrey assured him, but Harry could tell he was still in a lot of pain. Even just pushing himself up into a sitting position caused him to grip the bed sheets tightly. He hid it well but Harry noticed.

Harry rarely spoke whilst there, instead preferring to spend his time seated near the window either gazing out at the grounds or skimming through a text. He could tell Severus was concerned. The man was always watching him and once or twice Harry had caught him conversing in low murmurs with Madam Pomfrey. More and more frequently Severus had tried to get him to speak. He was cunning in the way he went about it but Harry always realised what he was doing and left before he could question him further. Even as he left he would wonder why he was running away. Harry desperately wanted to speak with Severus but he could not bring himself to broach the subject.

His thoughts were interrupted as his hand brushed against a badly wrapped brown package, lying at the bottom of his trunk. Unsure of what it was he pulled it out to examine it more closely. It was then that he realised what it was. It was the package Sirius had given him as he'd left Grimmauld Place at Christmas. He turned it over and clumsily unwrapped it.

A small, square mirror fell out, landing on his bed. Curious, Harry picked it up. Despite the dust covering it he could still see his reflection easily. Bizarrely it felt as though there was something attached to the back. Turning it over, Harry discovered the scribbled note. It was from Sirius.

This is a two-way mirror, I've got the other one of the pair. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you'll appear in my mirror and I'll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.

Harry felt as though he had been punched in the gut. All along he'd had a way to communicate directly with Sirius. Now more than ever he felt responsible for Sirius' death. If he had only remembered the mirror...Sirius would not be dead. He was so angry with himself that he lashed out at the wall, trying to release his anger but forgetting the mirror was still in his hand. The mirror shattered instantly, the glass driving itself deep into his hand. Harry did not even register the pain he was so horrified by what he had done.

The mirror had been his last link to Sirius; he hadn't even thought to try it he realised in dismay. Without hesitating he immediately gathered up all of the pieces, assembling the mirror roughly on the ground, sure that he was about to talk to Sirius again. It was only when he was still two pieces short that he realised they were embedded in his hand. Ignoring the pain he pulled them out swiftly placing them in their respective places. With a shaky hand he withdrew his wand from his inner pocket, oblivious to the blood dripping down his arm, and performed Reparo.

The mirror reformed instantly, and Harry let out a sigh of relief. Immediately he picked it up, ignoring his own reflection

'Sirius,' he called.

He was holding the mirror so close that his breath was fogging it up. Hastily he wiped his sleeve over it, ignoring the blood that had smeared across the surface.

'Sirius Black!' he tried again, the irritation evident in his voice.

The reflection did not change. His own face still stared back at him in frustration. Sirius didn't have his mirror on him when he went through the archway, said a small voice in Harry's head. That's why it's not working...

For one shining moment he had been convinced that he was going to see Sirius once again...to talk to him...to apologise for what had happened. Disappointment and anger coursed through him and he hurled the mirror back into the trunk, where it shattered. Immediately he piled the rest of his clothes and textbooks into the trunk, not caring that it was a mess and would not shut.

He stood breathing heavily before his trunk, the silence pressing down on him. He wasn't sure what time it was but he did not want to be here when the others returned from the feast. Leaving the dormitory he hurried out of Gryffindor Tower, ignoring the Fat Lady's admonishment that he was late for the feast. The corridors were silent and Harry walked on autopilot. Without really thinking about it he found himself outside the Hospital Wing. It was only now though that he realised it was Severus' company he wanted.

Silently he entered the deserted Wing. The lights were off in Madam Pomfrey's office but Harry was not surprised. Normally every staff member attended the Leaving Feast – even Professor Trelawney. Passing through into Snape's room he found the man sprawled in the bedside chair, asleep. Careful not to disturb him, Harry moved over to the window seat.

Harry jumped in surprise as a loud crack broke the silence in the room, a House Elf materialising before Snape. The sound was loud enough to wake Snape, who looked around blearily, instinctively reaching for his wand. He stopped though when he realised it was a House Elf that stood before him, carrying a tray. Instead Snape used his wand to light the room. Harry knew instantly that Severus had seen him but the man said nothing for the moment, instead looking expectantly towards the House Elf.

'Madam Pomfrey wishes for you to eat sir,' the timid creature said.

'Thank you,' Snape said gruffly taking the tray off the House Elf, which promptly disapparated.

With a slight groan Snape stood before silently conjuring two chairs and a small table. Placing the tray on the table he seated himself before gesturing for Harry to join him. Harry complied seating himself opposite Snape. As always the House Elves had outdone themselves, providing Severus with soup, bread and several salads.

'Have you eaten?' Snape asked quietly.

'I'm not hungry,' Harry mumbled tiredly.

'You need to eat Harry,' Snape said softly, pushing the tray towards Harry.

Harry knew the man would not leave him alone until he ate something and so reluctantly he lent forward, blindly selecting a piece of bread.

'Harry...' said Snape warily, standing suddenly.

Harry looked up in surprise at Snape's tone and watched as the man, frowning slightly, approached him.

'Show me your hand,' he said roughly, holding out his own expectantly.

Harry looked at him in confusion for a moment until he remembered he'd cut his hand on the mirror. Oddly it was only as he recalled the event that he realised his hand was really quite painful. Numbly he held it out for Snape to inspect.

'Harry...' he groaned in frustration before deftly pulling out his wand and setting to work on healing it.

The wounds had been quite deep Harry saw now, and dried blood caked his hand. Silently Snape summoned several bottles. One he upended over Harry's hand immediately, which stung painfully. The next two he gave to Harry to drink; a pain-reliever and an anti-inflammatory potion. Harry watched with morbid fascination as his skin stitched itself back together under Snape's guidance. Finally Snape was done. The man sat back down, fixing Harry with a weary gaze.

'I want you to eat something, and then we are going to talk,' he said calmly.

Snape's tone left no room for argument and so Harry turned his attention to the bread before him. He could manage only a few bites though, watched all the while by Snape. Harry noted with concern that Snape himself ate nothing. Finally Snape nodded, and with a wave of his wand vanished the meal back to the kitchens.

Harry stared blankly at the empty table, waiting patiently for Snape to speak.

'How did you injure your hand?' Snape finally asked.

Harry continued to stare at the table, aimlessly tracing patterns on the surface of the wood.

'Glass,' he began. 'The mirror broke, and I got glass in my hand.'

Snape frowned for a moment but he did not press Harry further.

'Why weren't you down in the Great Hall?' he asked instead.

Harry simply shrugged.

'Won't your friends wonder where you are?' Snape pressed.

Again Harry shrugged. Snape bit back a sigh of frustration.

'Why are you avoiding your friends Harry?' he asked bluntly, staring shrewdly at the boy.

Harry looked up incredulously at that.

'I'm not,' he spluttered in protest.

'Harry, I'm not blind,' Snape said calmly.

Snape's calm demeanour pushed Harry over the edge and suddenly he was standing, pacing before the man.

'You don't understand!' he said angrily, breathing heavily. 'I can't be friends with them...it's too dangerous! They don't know...I haven't told them...Dumbledore told me the prophecy!'

The words were wrenched from him but immediately he felt as though a great weight had been lifted from him. Exhausted he re-seated himself, avoiding Snape's gaze. For a long time Snape said nothing. Eventually Harry looked up. The man was staring at him, his face carefully blank but Harry could tell his words had shocked Snape. It was impossible to know what the man was thinking though.

Snape struggled to find something to say to Harry's admission. Dumbledore had never revealed the remainder of the prophecy to him – and Snape had never asked. He could not discuss the topic with Harry though, not while his role was still unknown. Yet he could not bring himself to reveal his greatest mistake...not yet.

'Prophecies are often mistaken,' he said instead, aware of how pathetic his explanation was.

'No,' Harry said flatly. 'There's no mistake.'

He paused for a moment.

'Voldemort chose to act without hearing the full Prophecy,' Harry continued. 'And by doing so he confirmed the Prophecy.'

Harry laughed suddenly at the irony of the situation.

'He marked me as his equal that night, without realising what he was doing. There's no mistake,' he repeated again.

The blood drained from Snape's face at Harry's words. The boy had no idea what he had just revealed.

'I wish he'd never heard the stupid thing in the first place,' Harry muttered, staring morosely at the floor.

Harry could not know how many times Severus had said the same thing. Had wished he'd never listened...never repeated the prophecy to the Dark Lord...never joined the Death Eaters...never called Lily a 'Mudblood'. Not for the first time he found himself wondering just when his life had become the mess it was.

'Are you alright Severus?' Harry asked, cutting in on his thoughts.

Snape looked up to meet the concerned green eyes. How had he ever thought this boy arrogant?

'You are so very like Lily,' he said in answer, his tone reminiscent.

Harry blinked in surprise.

'No one's ever told me that before,' Harry said solemnly before he grinned slightly. 'Are you sure you didn't hit your head sir?' he asked cheekily.

'Quite sure,' Snape answered dryly.

'It seems you're the one suffering amnesia now,' Harry continued cheerfully.

'What are you talking about Harry?' Snape asked, amused despite himself.

Harry was standing now, laughing slightly at Snape's confusion.

'Well,' he said seriously. 'It seems you've forgotten I'm James Potter's son.'

Snape's expression of shock was so comical that Harry started laughing once again. The boy was right though, Snape thought shrewdly. He smirked at the teen before him, refusing to answer his question, which seemed to only amuse Harry further. Patiently Snape waited for Harry to calm down.

Harry tried to stop laughing unsure as to why he was still laughing. He realised he hadn't laughed this hard since before Sirius had died.


The thought sobered him immediately; the laughter dying away. All the grief he'd felt since Sirius' death washed over him like a tidal wave. Slowly he sunk to the floor, utterly overwhelmed by his grief. It was then he realised he was crying. He had not allowed himself to cry for Sirius. Not once. Now though he could not stop himself. Silently the tears rolled down his cheeks.


Snape watched as a pained look crossed Harry's face and suddenly the boy was no longer laughing. He looked utterly devastated. Slowly Harry sank to the ground and Snape watched as silently, tears spilled down the boy's cheeks. Snape was not surprised. Poppy had warned him days ago that Harry was suppressing his grief and to be aware that Harry might suddenly no longer be 'alright'.

Severus did not hesitate. Without having thought about it he found himself on the ground beside Harry. Ignoring his sore ribs he gently put his arm around the teenager, pulling him into a one-armed hug. He could not say how long they remained like that. Occasionally he'd run his hand through the boy's hair, mostly though he sat silently beside the boy – allowing him to deal with his grief. Simply being there seemed to be enough for Harry.

His own thoughts strayed once again to the conundrum Dumbledore had presented him with and the solution which had just occurred to him. He had realised it as he sat on the ground, comforting Harry, not caring that his shirt was steadily being soaked by the boy's tears. Slowly Harry's tears dried up, but still Severus did not move.

'I'm sorry,' Harry said suddenly, his voice hoarse.

Snape didn't say anything, except to tighten his hold slightly. As he calmed down Harry flushed slightly as he caught sight of the mess he'd made of Severus' shirt. He had never broken down in front of an adult like he just had.

'I've got to finish packing,' Harry said abruptly in embarrassment.

He expected Snape to let go but the man did not move.

'You don't have to go back to Privet Drive,' the man said quietly, although he sounded almost unsure.

Harry stared at him in surprise.

'What?' Harry spluttered, 'but the blood wards...Dumbledore said...'

'I'll have to finalise the finer details with the Headmaster,' Snape explained, sounding surer as he continued, 'but I do not think he will object. I wish you did not have to return at all but the Headmaster was adamant that the wards be maintained. To do so you need only spend a week with your relatives. As much as I dislike the notion Privet Drive must remain your home.'

Harry sighed; he thought it had been too good to be true. Snape looked down at him, an odd look on his face.

'I do not think you are ready to return to Privet Drive just yet, nor do I think you should go alone,' Severus continued frankly.

Harry gaped at him in surprise, wondering if it meant what he thought it did.

'I want you to stay here at Hogwarts with me for the next few weeks and then when you're ready we'll both pay your Aunt and Uncle a visit.'

'Seriously?' Harry asked, not caring that he sounded childish.

'You should know by now Harry,' Severus mock chastised, 'that I never joke.'

Besides Petunia and I have some unfinished business he thought to himself.

'Thank you,' Harry said seriously.

Tiredly Harry leaned back against Severus, his earlier desire to leave having vanished. Snape remained where he was; his own thoughts occupied as he considered what he would tell Albus. He was sure now though that it was the solution Albus had wanted him to reach. At one point Severus looked down to find that Harry had fallen asleep. It was the first time Snape had seen him so at ease since his godfather's death. Briefly he considered moving the boy onto the bed but he was too exhausted from the day's events to attempt it. Instead he remained where he was, summoning the pillows from his bed. Without disturbing Harry he managed to place them behind their backs. Even that small task had tired Snape though and within moment's he too had drifted off to sleep.


That was how Poppy found them, almost an hour later. The messy-haired teenager sprawled comfortably against the usually stoic Potions Master. Poppy found herself smiling at how peaceful the pair looked. Whatever was coming, she was glad the two had sorted their differences.


The End


A/N: Well that's it for this story, but I can assure you that there will be a sequel. A few things to get through quickly though before I talk about that.

Thank you to everyone who left a review on this story. Whether it was a simple one liner or a lovely paragraph I enjoyed them all. Your feedback was immensely helpful! Special mention to Turn to Paige 97, Jordina and Dem Bones. You guys reviewed consistently and your insight into the story was absolutely brilliant to have.

One final request. It would be fantastic if I could hear from as many of you as possible on your thoughts of the story overall (not just this chapter). I will be replying to all reviews and I'm more than happy to answer any questions about the plot.

Alright. I regret to announce that I have exams coming up. As such I'm going to be taking a break from posting until the end of March. As soon as the mid-semester exams are done I'll be back to posting. 'You've Forgotten Who I Am' has been a massive project - standing at over 107,000 words. I want to make sure the sequel lives up to your expectations and so I'm going to take the time to extensively plan it out (as I did before I started this story). Plus I've yet to come up with a suitable title for the sequel :P

I hope to post the first chapter of the sequel by 1st April. This story will be marked as complete BUT should I post something here to alert you all to the sequel?

Finally, I hope you've all enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to life. Until next time!