Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Harry Potter, the characters from the book, the plot lines, or anything else. I have merely taken J.K. Rowling's Amazing work and warped it to fit my own imagination and uses.

A/N: Writer's Block is a bitch. I'm having a hard time getting the next few chapters of my Sam/Janet (SG1) and my Eryana/Arya (Inheritance Cycle) Stories written. This story was buzzing around my brain so I thought I would give it a go. Hopefully if I work on it for a little while my muse will return for my other stories.

As the title suggests this is an AU. Instead of Harry Potter you now have a FemHarry, Harriet, thought she will be referred to as Harry in the story. It is a Femslash, which means a Harry/Ginny paring. It is rated M so there will be Scenes of a Sexual Nature between our two Heroines and yes they are under age. If you don't like Don't read.

Also, I have changed plot lines and played with the age of the characters. Harry, Ginny, Neville, and Luna are all the Same age and a year older than Ron and Hermione and a year younger than the twins. Look out for the four to be super powerful and well trained.

Mention of some type of Soul bond between Harry/Ginny and a relationship between Luna/Neville. There is also Dumbledore Bashing so be ware.

Finally just FYI this story picks up in the groups 5th year, which I have made the tournament year. You will get a brief overview to begin with then you will learn the back story as you go but just so you know we are starting off in the middle of things.

One final note. Anyone has ever read any of my work knows how much I hate Angst. So don't expect a lot. This is mostly a Fluff, Romance, and little bit of Drama and action work. Feel free to review but no flames. I don't want them or need them. If you hate the story that much they click the red X in the top right hand.


The Story of Harriet Potter: The Girl-Who-Lived

Chapter 1

Fifteen year old Harriet Potter, Harry to her friends, the girl-who-lived to her fans, sat on the hill overlooking the black lake at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her knees were drawn up and her arms were wrapped around them. Tears were silently streaming down her face as she tried to come to terms with the newest crappy thing in her life.

Her life had never been easy. Even before she was born there were many different things plaguing her future. A prophecy stating that either she or Neville Longbottom would be the one to destroy the Dark Lord sent both families into hiding. A year later the Potter family was betrayed by Peter Pettigrew and Lily and James Potter were killed. Harry was attacked and Voldermort temporarily destroyed.

Dumbledore tried to place Harry with her magic hating relatives, the Dursley's even though he knew what type of life he would be sentencing her too. Luckily other plans had been made and not even two weeks later she was taken by Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Minerva McGonagall and hidden. She was never reported missing and it would be nearly ten years before even Dumbledore realized she was gone.

The next ten years were spent in heavy training and very little contact with the outside world. Not out of desire but out of necessity. At the age of three Harry started reading; at the age of five she started learning the basics of magic and how to control her wandless magic. At six she was joined by three other extremely powerful children and they spent the next five years learning in private, away from Dumbledore's influence. By the time they were ten they were all master at Occlumency and Legilimency. They had all mastered Wordless and Wandless magic and all were trained in a wide range of topics such as: Muggle and Magical defense, Ancient Runes, Arithmicy, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. By the time they received their Hogwarts letters they were all Animagus. Luna became a Falcon and a Lion, Neville an Eagle and a Lion, While Ginny and Harry were a Panther, a Lion, and a Phoenix.

Harry could still remember the shock that Minerva showed when they all had multiple forms. She could still remember when the elder witch nearly collapsed when she and Ginny turned into Phoenixes and she could still recall the shock and the pain that she felt after transforming for the first time. As soon as she transformed back she collapsed, crying in pain and clutching her scar. They all watched in horror as a green mist erupted from it then disappeared while the famous lightning bolt scar faded into almost nothing. They latter learned that the piece of Voldermort's Soul that had attached its self to Harry's soul couldn't survive the purity of a phoenix.

Entering Hogwarts had been amazing for them all. They were finally able to meet others their age. While they understood why their life had been some isolated it was nice to finally have a change. They were all sorted into Gryffindor. The hat couldn't decide where to put them, but claimed that they all needed to be together, and he absolutely refused to separated Harry and Ginny, which worked well with them. The hat wanted to put them in the house of Merlin. It was a house for the chosen. It was said to only be used in times of great need when the world was in peril. but Harry knew that would draw too much attention to themselves. They weren't ready for that yet, so it was finally decided that they would go into the House the Dumbledore would expect Harry too. The four quickly founded a new Generation of Marauders and had more than one prank war with the twins. Unfortunately, not everything was peacefully.

Their first year was the easiest; they simply had to deal with Dumbledore and his followers trying to find out where Harry had been all this time and what she had been learning. Too bad for the head master that most of his 'people' were loyal to harry and her group. It was great fun to watch the old mad get so frustrated he nearly blew a fuse in the great hall.

Second year they were forced to stop Quirrell from getting the Sorcerer's Stone in an attempt to resurrect Lord Voldermort. Their third year they had to rescue a second year student, Hermione Granger, from the Chamber of Secrets and kill the Basilisk within. In their fourth year they had to deal with Peter Pettigrew who escaped Azkaban and came after Harry, kidnapping Ginny in the progress.

Harry couldn't help but think that it was too bad that this year couldn't have been, if not normal, at least as calm as the last few years. She whipped the tears from her eyes as she thought about what happened that very night. She had always hated her fame, hated people staring at her. She hated it all. So when her name came unexpectantly from the Goblet of Fire that evening she knew that she was in for a rough year. She couldn't handle the crowds, the cheering, and the people believing she had intentionally entered, so instead of going to the common room when they were dismissed she quietly slipped through the ground to the lake.

She knew that Ginny and their friends would find her eventually so she didn't even jump when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around her body. She knew those arms, this body as well as she knew her own. She knew it as a friend and a lover. She leaned back into Ginny's embrace and soaked up her warmth and comfort. Warm lips planted a soft kiss just below her ear before whispering softly. "Where have you been baby? I've been worried about you?"

"I couldn't face them, Gin." Harry Sobbed. "All of them celebrating me for something I didn't do or want." Ginny pulled her tighter into her body. "I'm scared Ginny." Harry Whispered brokenly. "I know we have been training for Ten years, but I'm scared. It's him, Gin. It's Voldermort."

Ginny simply gathered her larger partner into her arms and whispered softly in her ear, trying to easy her fears. "I love you, baby. I promise it will be alright. Forget what others say of think and simply concentrate on making it through this thing alive. I don't care if you win, but you better survive, Harriet Potter, because I need you in my life and in my arms."

Turning around Harry studied her lover. She loved her long, silky red hair, her deep brown eyes and the sprinkling of Freckles across her nose. She eventually brought her hand up to gently cup a soft cheek. "You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." She ignored the blush staining Ginny's cheeks. "I love you, Ginevra Weasley and I want the world to know it. I want to spend my life with you. I want to marry you, have babies with you and grow old with you."

Ginny's only response was to wrap her hands in wavy black hair and pull Harry to her. Capturing her lips in a passion filled kiss. At some point they switched positions so that Ginny was straddling Harry's lap. Her hands still buried in long black hair and Harry's hands grasping her hips. The kiss was full of equal parts tenderness, love, passion and comfort. When they finally broke apart in order to breathe Harry pulled Ginny close. They took a moment or two to gather themselves before Ginny pulled back and cupped her lover's face.

"Someday, my love." The red head said quietly. Losing herself in piercing green eyes. "Someday this way will be over and you and I…we will have the life and the family that we both so desperately want." She leaned in and kissed Harry again gently. "We will live in Potter manor and we will raise our children with the same love and devotion we were raised. But first we have to make it through this war. So until that time comes we continue to do was we do best. We train and we fight."

Harry smiled at her lover, her best friend as her tears finally drying up and her eyes shining with laughter. "You never fail to amaze me, Gin. You always know how to help me, what to say. You are my reason for fighting, my reason for winning this war." There was a moment of heavy silence then Harry decided to bring things to a lighter level. Standing up she took Ginny's hand and asked. "So you know this Ball that goes with the tournament?" When Ginny nodded Harry continued, "Would you go with me…as my date?"

Ginny stood staring at her lover for a long time then finally asked, "You mean let the school, and since the school is full of Rumor Whores, the wizarding world know the truth. You want them to know that we are gay and that you and I are in fact dating."

Harry nodded, "But only if you are alright with it. Baby, I love you and I'm tired of hiding. I'm still scared of what the press might say or do, especially about you, but I don't want to hide. I don't want to lie, and I especially don't want to watch other's come on to you anymore. It takes everything thing that I have not to curse them when they do it. You are mine and I want them to know it." She gave the red head a rakish grin then added, "Think of it this way, my love. It can be the first in a long line of secrets that will be revealed in the years to come."

Ginny smiled as she stepped closer to her partner, molding their bodies together. "Mmmm…I love it when you get all jealous and protective on me." She kissed Harry gently on the neck, causing the taller girl to moan. "I am more than willing to tell the world that I belong to you and you to me, Ms. Potter." She kissed her again, sucking gently. "I don't care what anyone says, baby. We know the truth and that's what matters."

"How would your family feel about this?" Harry asked quietly. She was desperately trying to ignore her arousal, but heat kept flooding her body as Ginny sucked, licked, and nibbled on her neck. She unconsciously tilted her head to the side to give her more room.

"Mum and Dad love you and you know they have been our biggest supporters since we told them. They won't care. Percy is a prat whose opinion means nothing to me. Bill and Charlie won't care as long as I'm happy." She kissed her way to the other side.

"Are you happy?" Harry asked gently, suddenly seeking reassurance. She gasped and then moaned as Ginny bit down on her neck.

"Deliriously," the red head whispered before she continued her earlier train of thought. "The twins have already figured it out and obviously don't care." She worked her way back up to Harry's mouth. Ron's the only one who will care and that's because he fancies you." She teased the soft lips under hers with feather light kisses.

Harry captured her head in her hands and pulled back to look Ginny in the eyes. "He will just have to be upset then, because you are the ONLY one I will EVER want in my arms, my heart, my soul, or my bed. You are it for me Gin. I know people think we are crazy, that we are too young, but you are it. You are my all, my everything." Harry gently whipped away her lover's tears and kissed her tenderly. "I love you, Ginevra." She whispered softly before pulling away.

"I love you too, Harriet." Ginny said smiling then took Harry's hand, "Come on, my love. Let's go shock the Hell out of the tower and feed the rumor mill. Then I'm going to make love to you till you scream."

"I would love that, baby, but don't you think Luna would mind?" Harry teased her as she allowed Ginny to pull her back towards the school.

"Luna told me that she's staying in Neville's dorm tonight" Ginny answered, "so we can be as loud as we want. I wonder if I can make you scream loudly enough that they hear you through the silencing charms."

"I'm willing to try if you are, love." Harry laughed as she pulled her close. Allowing them to just enjoy each other's company as they walked.