This story is set a year after the Jellicle Ball when Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have ran away from Macavity for good – but Macavity's always watching them. And when the worst happens and the whole tribe is in terrible danger, what can the notorious duo do? Rated T for violence and language.

Disclaimer: Stop doing this to me! D: You know I don't own it (unfortunately) so what more do you want? :'(

Rumpleteazer nuzzled her head into her tomfriend Mungojerrie's warm fur and purred happily. She sat up and looked around their den and their treasured collection of stolen items, each jewel or silverware twinkling under the morning sun's rays shining through a crack in their door. Now they wouldn't be bullied or threatened into stealing – they could do it for fun. True, they'd been robbing from their owners on a few occasions, but only when Macavity wasn't breathing down their necks. Teazer could scarcely believe how great she felt.

"Mungo," she hissed, "Luv, wake up!" she impatiently shook her mate's shoulder, who sleepily swatted her paw away.

"Wassa matter?" he mumbled, cracking an eye open.

"Nuffin'. Oi jus' want ta get up, so we can go someplace." She beamed, stretching as she jumped up.

"Ahe ya sure tha's a good idea?" he asked slowly, scratching behind his ear uncertainly, "Wif..."

"Heavisoide, Mungo!" Teazer exclaimed, "We're free! We don' need ta freak ou' wheneva there's a knock on our door! We've foinally lef' Mac! So oi'm celebrating!"

"Oi know, Teaza, oi know," the tiger striped tom said hurriedly, padding over to her. He groomed her headfur until she relaxed and leant against him, purring, then he gently continued, "I's jus'...we on'y ran from 'im las' noight. 'E'll be lookin' for us an' 'e'll be angry."

"'E'll forget soon enuff," she insisted, but she couldn't ignore the way her heart raced and her fur bristled slightly.

"Oi won'," Jerrie murmured, "Las' nigh' was a roight noigh'mare. Oi don' fink oi'll eva get tha' pictcha out moi 'ead. Everytoime oi close moi eyes, oi'm there."

He was running as fast as his exhausted legs would carry him, one paw clutching Rumpleteazer's and the other grasped around a knife he'd managed to snatch form one of Macavity's henchcats. There was no escape. There were at least five henchcats chasing after them under Mac's orders, all with dangerous morals and no sense of right or wrong. An arrow flew through the air, narrowly missing Teazer's tail and landing lethally into the ground, gleaming in the moonlight.

She shrieked in fright and menacing laughs echoed through the dark alleyways as the henchcats closed in on them.

'Got to find Munkustrap...Got to reach the tribe...' Mungojerrie thought desperately, then the wind was knocked out of him as a henchcat sprang onto his back and shoved him on the ground.

"Get outta 'ere, Rumpleteazah!" he managed to yell, the blood trickling through his fur, "Get ou' NOW!"

He heard his mate's desperate crying and he lifted his head to see that they were surrounded by the henchcats. There was a sudden crash of thunder and the Hidden Paw himself leapt from a discarded, run- down building's roof silently, glaring at them with terrible eyes.

"Going somewhere?" he asked softly, unsheathing his deadly claws...

Mungojerrie broke free of his thoughts and silently trailed a paw over the deep cut on his forearm. Rumpleteazer kissed him on the forehead and sighed.

"Don't fink abou' it, luv. We got away, didn't we? An' ya were so brave...Ya really were, Jer."

"They could 'ave done sumfin' terrible ta ya," Mungojerrie said darkly, "Oi know 'em toms. They'd 'urt a queen for a joke."

"Well, they didn't. No use finkin' o' what might 'ave 'appened." She said firmly and kissed him again. "Come on, Mungo, le's see some cats. Everyfin's foine. Everyfin's gonna be foine..."

End of the first chapter! Tell me what you thought and chapter two will be up soon. I hope you liked it! And as for how they got away...well you'll find out, soon :)