Just something I whipped up a long time ago. enjoy!

Slipstream glided onto the couch, her elegant body looking as if the gray interior of Megatron's room was made just for her.

"Drink, my dear?" Megatron offered as he made his way to the bar.

"Yes, please," She said in her hoarse voice as she looked around the Spartan room. "Why don't you decorate this place more, fill with mementos and memories or something?"

Smiling, Megatron called over his shoulder, "Like what?"

Slipstream shrugged. " Prizes from successful battles, pictures of the many times you've beaten up my brother, holovids, trophies, and more pictures of, I dunno, home?"

Megatron paused only for a moment, his mind back to distant and yet strangely fresh memories. Of desperation and fear, starvation and exhaustion, of working days and days to make a living, only to barely get one, to fighting; so much fighting. He started to fill up a cube. Then softly, he said, "Home is a place I don't want to be reminded of."