Hey everyone. Below lies the last chapter of I Miss You. When I started this story, I said that is was written for the author WinxClubFan89, aka Orange Starburst. It still is. This chapter is very special, not just because it's the last chapter, but Orange StarBurst has a a little problem, so WinxClubFan89(Orange Starburst) this story is for you, and especially this last chapter, I hope you get well soon!

Thanks everyone who had reviewed...LaLa and Arey and Bloom2000. And I'm sorry SolarianLovix... I forgot to thank you the last few chapters ago... so sorry!

Chapter 30: Peace Can Be Found Anywhere

Have you ever had a friend, who really wasn't your friend? Or have you met someone and you thought you knew them but you didn't? That's what was going on with Stella. She thought she could trust Chase Hunter, but she couldn't. He locked her in a room while Brandon was about to get his head cut off.

The blonde sat on the cold hard ground. She buried her head into her knees as tears dripped on her khaki shorts. She breathed heavily, warm stuffy air that was all captured in her knees. She had taken her wig off, from it scratching her head.

Mia and Joy were right. Stella had to face that. Only two could play this game and they were Joy and Mia, and they won, even though it wasn't fair. It just wasn't! Her life wasn't fair, all because of Mia. Only if she knew that Mia wasn't her sister at the beginning. Only if she knew that Bloom was her sister. This would had never happened if she knew. Only if...

The blonde felt a breeze through the warm stuffy air in her knees. That breeze brought a loud squeaking sound. Stella looked up from her knees. Everything she saw was all a blur. She could not see from the warm tears that were forming in her eyes. What she did see was blurry figures, people. Stella wiped the tears in her eyes away. When she did that, more tears started to form, but Stella could see. Those figures were were friends, the winx.

Stella was shocked to what she had seen. She didn't know how they found her, or why they came to find her. How did they even know that she was locked in this room? She wondered how.

"What-" Stella started to asked, but had gotten cut off.

"Don't ask. It's a long story." Riven replied.

"Now come on Stella we have a friend to save." Layla said, as she reached her hand out to Stella helping her up of the floor. The eleven all ran out if the room.

"Alright guys," Tecna started. " Brandon is is hidden good, and well. He could be anywhere in this castle. Chances are, he might not even be in here. We have about thirty minutes to find him before it's time. I advise you girls not to transform. We don't want to leave a magic trail for Mia and Joy."

"Alright, so...um.. which door should we take?" Nabu asked looking at the many doors that surrounded them.

"Um... doesn't matter. just open one."Tecna said.

The eleven searched for a while, 10, 15, 20 minutes. Time ticked fast. Brandon was going to die in ten minutes. It was ten til 8 O'clock. Once that clock stroke eight, it was all over. They could let that happen, they just couldn't lose. They had to win, for Brandon's life. They pushed more doors opened, as fast as they could. Time kept ticking. It didn't stop.

"You guys." Timmy said. " Brandon's probably already got in the stadium. It's five til eight." Timmy pushed on the last door that hasn't been opened.

"Alright, but how are we going to get down into the pit of the stadium, and not get seen?" Bloom asked.

"Umm... I think I found away." Said Timmy, looking into the room he just opened. " Come on."

The gang followed Timmy as he lead them down a lot of stairs. When they had finally reached the door, it was locked. The boys tried to break it down. Once they finally got it down, it was too late. It was five after. He, was gone.

Stella's POV
That was a day I could never forget, that was the adventure I could never forget. I thought about that every day. I would shed tears every once in a while for Brandon.

Mia, Chase, and Joy had finally been defeated. After a few months that we tried after Brandon's passing, we finally had destroyed them. They deserved it. They didn't have the right to take some one's life like that. It wasn't right.

Riven finally stopped being so rude, Musa got a happy ending. They had gotten married within two years after Brandon was gone.

Flora and Helia, well, they ended up being who they are, kind, helping people. That's what they always did, and always will. After we defeated Mia and the other two, Flora and Helia moved to Linphea, Flora's home realm, and contiued on helping others there. They had gotten married about 3 years after they moved. They visit us often, but not as much as I would like.

Layla and Nabu, they stayed in Magix, like everyone else but Flora. They eloped right after the battle, but everything pretty much stayed the same. The two would go to Tides every couple months for Layla being the princess of it, she has to visit her kingdom.

Tecna and Timmy just gotten engaged. Their getting married soon, they've been planning their wedding over the computer, which makes them on it more than ever. I winder what they would do if their laptops suddenly broke?

How Bloom ended up, well the two of us decided to keep the sister thing a secret, between us, the winx and Bloom's parents. We found out they knew about the switch and they had no choice but to let it happen. I'm glad they told the truth about that finally. Bloom and Sky had gotten engaged right after the final battle with Joy and Mia, and there wedding took place on the one year anniversary of Brandon's passing. They gotten married in the grave yard... how creepy? Sky wanted his best friend to be there at his wedding, and if Brandon was alive, he would've been his best man. And Bloom agreed to this because it was her sister's boy friend.

How I ended up? Well, of course, I cried. And I can never forget that adventure. I guess you can't trust anyone, you never know when they will turn their back on you. I discovered that Brandon and Mia never really gotten married, the preacher, wasn't a preacher... I guess that made me feel better.

I miss Brandon. I do. I just wish i could have seen him alive before he died. I haven't seen him since I gotten kidnapped... that was a long time, and the next time I see him, he's dead, gone forever. I wish I could go back to where this all started, with Joy's friend being kidnapped, but I can't.

I guess I won't exactly be lonely with out him. I still have ten wonderful friends, and the best dog in the world. And Brandon, I know you are looking down at me right now, aren't you? I want you to know, that I had always loved you from the minute I placed my eyes on you. You were my hero. You are my hero. I miss you Brandon. Always have from the day Mia has taken you away from me, and from forever on.

And they all lived happily ever after...

The End.

Farewell everyone... sorry for the few days delay on the chapter... my internet wouldn't work and FF wouldn't let me type on document manager so sorry... anyways sorry for the sad ending. and hope you enjoyed! Thanks everyone who supported me by reviewing! I really appreciated that and thanks future reviewers as well! I am not going to make a sequel to this story... sorry...

The moral of this story is to watch your back and to choose your friends wisely... if you ever had a friend who turned on you, that's what Chase Hunter was... Anyways check out my other stories if you like... and good bye to the story I Miss You... by me.

Forever and Always...
