So this will be my last chapter of taken! (sobbing)

This was definitely a hard story to write, but im so glad i did. Its rare that i finish something like this optionally ^-^.

There were some hard parts for me to write, but knowing that someone was actually reading this, made me keep going! n_n

(all save the rest of the sappy stuff till the end!)

disclaimer: I do not own fruits basket

It had been a week since Bob and Akito were arrested. Kyo and Yuki made it out of the hospital without any broken bones! But Yuki did get a sprained ankle. They checked out a few days ago and went back to shigure's (of course). And all of the sohmas felt better then ever, now that Akito would be in jail for another ten years! And as for tohru, she did eventually tell kyo her story, while he wasn't so happy about the things she went through, he was glad that he was the first person to hear about it. But, thanks to shigure, QUITE a few more people learned her story. He had actually published a book about it! Her "story" was a huge bestseller! She and shigure actually went on a few talk shows, and the book was brought up non-stop especially the first month. And now, tohru can talk about what happened and not be affected at all, since people were asking so much, especially at school. And even though the commotion surrounding her hasn't simmered down yet, she was getting her life back to just the way she liked it, Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure were all in the living room watching TV, talking about recent events…

"i cannot believe how much money your book has made tohru!" Shigure

"I can't believe it either! What will you do with the money?" Tohru

"I'm not sure, maybe i'll get a new tv, as much as i "love" ours, we could use a new one." Shigure

"Or maybe we could buy a new dryer, it would make tohru's job easier.." Kyo

"WHAT? NO! I couldn't ask of you to do that, spend the money however you want, please! I can do the laundry the way i do it now just fine!" Tohru said, panicky

"Hmm….well, i guess i have to…" Shigure said, teasing

"No but wait! I- "

but before tohru could finish, they all heard the sound of a door being kicked open


They all stood still for a good second, then ran to the door. They go to the now completely broken front door to find a girl around tohru's age. With long brown hair just like hers, bent over, clearly she was tired. Shigure decided to be brave and confront her

"Umm…excuse me miss- "


They all jumped back a second at her loud remark, but tohru's look was not like the others, she looked girl at the door stood up to reveal something they never expected, she looked just like tohru!

"I heard Tohru Honda lives her, does she- "

she stopped mid sentence, as the girl met eyes with tohru's


Tohru, still looking shocked, stuttered for an answer



Yep, thats it, this was the last chapter of Taken! (sorry if it kinda sucked, but whatev)

You guys, thanks so much for all of your reviews and favoriting! You guys really were the aspect that pushed me to finish this! So thanks SO much for everything!Now this is not the end for me….As you can tell, im gonna have a story to sequel this one, it wont have anything to do with the kidnapping stuff, but i just wanted to have it as a certain aspect to the new story (you'll see when i write it)So yeah, look for my new stories!

(I may take a break to publish a christmas special though)

And i will see you guys later!

Thanks Again! Bye! :)

