A/N: Hey. Dipping my toe into the world of Batman here. I know Harley's origins have already been done, but this is mostly me just wanting a second opinion on my writing. Please let me know if you would like me to continue.

Disclaimer: I own the fortune teller, but that's it. Harley belongs to DC.

Reassurance: I do not use tarot cards, I don't even know if they're accurate, but I thought they would make for fantastic foreshadowing. Actual tarot readers, I apologize if I got anything wrong.


"Cut the deck, dear." The young fortune teller slid the cards over the table to the doctor sitting there. She did as she was told and passed them back. The fortune teller, Madame Zaroff, turned over the first card to make the top point of the diamond layout; the romance life. "The upright fool. I see pleasure, passion, a new adventure. Let's continue." The second card representing finances was laid down. "The reverse page of pentacles. Rebellion, luxury, opposing the thoughts or ideas of others." Next was the health and happiness card, the bottom of the diamond. "Another reverse page, swords this time. You won't be well, and you'll be with a cunning person who will spring many unexpected events on you. Now, for the final card." The last card that went to the left of the finance card represented the career. "The reverse ten of wands. You'll be doing something that requires you to be clever, with lots of strength and energy and -this is odd- the desire to ruin the happiness of others."

At the doctor's raised eyebrow Zaroff merely shrugged and said, "It's in the cards, babe" then took a long drag off the cigarette in her hand. "That'll be $35." she breathed out, blowing smoke into the young doctor's face. She coughed and began to rummage through her purse. Pulling out a twenty, a ten, and a five, Harleen laid the money on the table and quickly left the smoky room. Zaroff put out her cigarette and went to pick up her deck, but she noticed something odd. The top card on the deck she was drawing from was an ordinary playing card. She flipped it over and looked at it, wondering how it got mixed in with her tarot cards. She shrugged and threw it over her shoulder. Gathering her cards, she walked away from the table, taking one final glance at the joker card staring up at her from the floor.