
"That is so sad. I never knew you were such a deprived child! I'm so sorry Lucy!" Levy cupped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide.

Lucy sighed and rested her forehead on the table she was sitting at and closed her eyes. "It's alright Levy, you had no way of knowing."

"Knowing what?"

Lucy didn't have to look up to know that it was Natsu who'd taken the vacant seat across from her. She'd know that husky rumble of a voice anywhere. Sometimes, especially when she wasn't expecting it, the sound would even go as far as to arouse goosebumps on her skin and send chills up her spine.

Three years ago he officially turned 18, and apparently when a dragon slayer hits that age they start puberty. No, not the puberty that had hair growing in strange places and acne spouting up inconveniently; he had that happen with the rest of the guys.

Gajeel had said that the difference between Dragon Slayer puberty and regular puberty was that it was separated into two time periods. The first part focusing on bodily changes, the second developing emotional changes.

When Lucy asked why everything didn't happen at once like regular people Gajeel had only huffed at her with a nasty snarl. "Imagine a Natsu that was awkward in his own skin and constantly trying to get into girls' pants. Not very pretty mental image is it, Bunny Girl?"

Gajeel was right, it wasn't. She had a lot of trouble dealing with Natsu now, and he was 21 years old, settled into his female crazed mindset, and even a bit calmer. She didn't wanna think about how he would have acted if he was going through this at the age of thirteen.

Lucy never thought she'd see the day when Natsu Dragneel acted like the rest of men.

She couldn't really say she was upset by it. Now, it was much easier to get him to do things for her. A little tug on a zipper here, and a heated look there, and soon her laundry would be done. Of course, after about the fifth time, she realized that she'd be better off coaxing him into doing her dishes. She still hasn't gotten a couple pairs of her sexy undies back from him yet…

"Luce? Earth to Lucy Heartfilia!" Said dragon slayer was ruffling her hair. Groaning, Lucy titled her head to look up at Natsu. She swatted his hand away and scowled at him. Despite his face becoming much more…masculine and defined, he still made the same cute expressions he did when they first met.

"What?" Her voice was dully tinted with hints of annoyance.

"What was Levy so upset about," Natsu looked over his shoulder when there was a loud gasp. At the bar, Levy was leaning against the counter, animatedly talking to Lisanna and Cana. The other two girls were both leering from Lucy to Levy with a semi-disbelieving expression plastered onto their faces, "It has to be good considering Cana looks shocked. She has a stalemate face that could put Erza's to shame."

Lucy nodded her agreement. "Apparently, it's weird that I've never celebrated Halloween."

"…." Natsu blinked at her, a cheesy smile spreading across his cheeks. It was big, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. When she didn't return the smile his face slowly started to fall. "You are kidding…right?"


Natsu, much to his credit, didn't freak out and burn the entire guild down. He didn't even start yelling or screaming. He calmly stood up, walked over to wear Juvia and Gray were sitting, and tapped the dark haired man on the shoulder. When Gray turned to look at him, Natsu didn't waste anytime in punching him in the face.

Then, like he didn't just randomly go up to his best friend and knock his freakin' lights out; he returned to the table and sat down in front of Lucy again. He put his hands on the table top and intertwined them, twiddling his thumbs in an innocent manner. "Please tell me, Lucy-dearest, why you haven't brought this to my attention until now. I've known you for what," He paused in thought for a brief second, "four years?" His voice was scary calm. The type of calm that might blow up in her face if she didn't choose her words correctly.

"It was never brought up and I didn't feel the need to mention it."

He leaned forward, his face coming to a stop a foot away from her own. His breath smelled of apple cider. It was his favorite drink after all. "You're telling me that every year the guild sets-up for Halloween—hanging decorations, putting together the Dread Fest, dressing up and attending the Fairy Tail Halloween Party—it hasn't crossed your mind once to tell anyone, even your partner and best friend that you had never experienced the true epicness of Halloween?"

Well shit. That sounds about right. "…Yeah."

"You've never been in a haunted house?"


"Ever gotten lost in a corn maze?"


"No Haunted Woods walks?"


He winced and looked away. "I take it you've never been trick or treating either then."


"God, Luce. I suppose it's time for me, the awesome, handsome, courageous, hot dragon to show his breathtakingly pretty princess the delights of Halloween. Am I right?" His smirk was only a little frightening, the sexiness of his raspy voice and devious grin definitely drowned out the utter fear she should be feeling about now.

Lucy knew she would regret saying this. That she would be cursing herself for her lack of good judgment. "You know Natsu; I think you may be right for once."

Usually, she would have smacked him for the flirty comment. Usually, she would have tried to talk her way out of spending so much potential alone time with him, because damn-it, he was one of the most touchy-feely guys she'd ever met. So, by all rights he had a couple sound reasons for being shocked by her easy acceptance. She was even a little shocked by it.

But he was so shocked that even his super dragon slayer senses didn't tingle until Gray's fist collided with the side of his head and a chair crashed into his skull-courteous of Juvia.

Lucy couldn't help but bust into laughter. The look on Natsu's face was that priceless.

So yeah, this is the beginning of a quick series of Halloween related shorts. I wanted to experiment with a more mature Natsu, so I created this weird alternate world in which Natsu is just as perverted as the next guy. XD

I plan on updating this everyday until Halloween from here on out. There will be nine chapters. Prologue-seven days of Halloween goodness-epilogue.

And I haven't forgotten about Wheel of Fortune, I just have to get these plot bunnies out of my head before I can write the next chapter of that o.o; please don't kill me guys!

Anyway, hope to see ya'll next chapter, yo.

Until then Rakora out.