New Reason for Living

(This is my second Lucario-centered fanfic, the first one being Pokémon Platinum: Lucario's Journey. But, these Pokémon have their own names, as will be shown later into the story. This is rated T for, like Lucario's Journey, containing Pokémon religion especially from Aaron.)

Chapter 1: The Attempt

Aaron's POV

It was sunset and the sky seemed to be a combination of both purple and orange. It would be probably the last time I would see this, and I knew why.

I stood at the edge of a cliff face. I knew why I was here and I wasn't letting anyone know of what I was doing.

Things hadn't been the same for me ever since it happened. I had become convinced that all there was in the world was abuse, anger and hatred; because it had become all that I knew.

But I had hope in one thing: that there was a better place for me in another world. I wouldn't have to suffer like I had been forced to every day; I could actually have a place in the world.

But, something about this made me feel uncertain. I felt very confused and left to wonder whether or not this was actually the right to do.

I was sure that there was an answer for me somewhere, but I had to be sure because I didn't have any idea myself.

I looked up at the sky. I was sure that Arceus, the creator of the Pokémon universe, was looking down on me. I knew this didn't seem right, but I felt like I didn't have a choice.

Something seemed to convince me that He had other plans for me, but I felt so uncertain that I had to be sure.

I looked straight up, hoping that I wouldn't go unheard. "Great Arceus, I know that what I'm doing isn't right, but I just feel like I don't have a choice. But, if you believe that there is still hope for me and I still have a place in this world, please give me the strength to survive this." I whispered.

I must have been taking too long, because a Wartortle behind me was becoming very annoyed. "Okay, less talking, more falling, mister!" he called.

Before I even had a chance to react, he pushed me off the edge! I could feel myself falling; I suddenly realized that this wasn't what I wanted.

Just then, I looked over to see a young Treecko next to me. It seemed like he was bungy jumping because he looked surprised to see me. "Hey, doesn't bungy jumping without a cord seem a bit dangerous?" he asked. But, this wasn't the case for me.

"I need help!" I said, as I grabbed hold of the young Treecko. "Hey, be careful! That's not a good idea!" he called. "Does that really matter now?" I asked in response.

The two of us both continued to fall, but we seemed to slow down. Eventually, we both stopped in mid-air. I looked up at the young Treecko. "Do you remember when these bungy cords go back up?" I asked, because this was starting to make me nervous.

"No, I don't, unfortunately." The Treecko responded. After he said this, the two of us shot back upwards. I wasn't sure of why I did this, but at some point in our flight back up, I let go of the young Treecko allowing him to fly back up by himself.

I was sent flying through the air, not knowing where I would land. I found out a few seconds later; I hit the back of a tree that was behind me and hit the ground, going into unconsciousness.

Leanne's POV

I knew that it wasn't going to take me long to get back to my place with the new route that I was taking. 'I guess it was a good idea to listen to that guide.' I thought. I wanted to get back before it became night; I knew what happens on the streets and I wanted to avoid that happening to me.

As I came to a tree nearby, I noticed a very surprising sight. "What's that?" I asked. I got closer and was shocked to find what looked like a Lucario, lying unconscious on the ground.

I ran over immediately. "This isn't good. He looks like he needs help, and fast!" I gasped. I decided to get him back to my place; it wasn't too far from where we were.

But, this started to build up questions in my head. Who was he, and how did he get there? I didn't realize that I would find out a little later.