Disclaimer: I own nothing but myself.

Love is a promise to support each other for life. To take a chance and choose to believe that we are two halves of a soul.


He looked up into those amber eyes framed by long thick brown lashes, into those eyes he betrayed, and looked straight back down at the floor.

"I'll try everything I can. I'm going to get you there. I promise.'' Josh spoke softly but desperately, holding on to her hands, through the cold metal bars, which separated them. Behind him, the cold COM voice coldly announced the final boarding.

She looked up and whispered ''Go. Live a good life."

Josh sadly smiled at Kara, who was now looking down, blinking the tears out of her eyes.

''But-But Please Kara, I can't- I'm an idiot I know, but you-I need you please forgive me I-'' he took a breath in "-I can't live without you and I- I need you''

Kara smiled through the tears which were brimming up in her eyes,"I love you," she whispered, pulling away her hand, one glistening drop of tear falling from her pretty eyes and running out before she broke down completely.

"I love you too," Josh whispered to Kara's retreating figure, and walking away like he hadn't just made the biggest mistake of his life.

Outside Kara leaned against the door, holding with all her strength, the numbness, which prevented her from realizing the truth.

He was gone. Forever.

That night two lovers with broken hearts cried themselves to sleep feeling oh-so-cold without the other half of their soul besides to lean on for comfort and reassurance.

A/N: one of the shortest I've ever written. I'm not completely satisfied with it, but Reviews are love.