Finally! After three seasons MIA from Fanfiction, I have returned! This is the first of a series of pointless, purposeless KibaHina fluffiness. I apologize for the pointlessness, but I wanted to write KibaHina and these were all I could come up with.

I made a list of 16 random prompts and wrote a short oneshot for each one. They are completely unrelated to each other and though I intended it as a pairing, most can be considered just friendship, if you prefer.

First prompt: Puppy Dog Eyes

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Puppy Dog Eyes

"All right. We're done." Kurenai sheathed her kunai and regarded her team with a small smile. "Good job."

"Finally!" Kiba shouted, still full of energy even after a rigorous training session. Then his stomach growled. He made a face as Hinata giggled. "L-let's get lunch to-together," she said. Shino nodded agreement, and Akamaru barked happily.

"Well, then, let's go!" Kiba said, and took off without waiting for his teammates. As Akamaru ran after him, Hinata sighed. She knew Kiba. He would burn out in about two minutes and be waiting for them up the trail, complaining about how hungry he was and how slow they were.

She was right. She and Shino came over a small hill to see Kiba and Akamaru standing at the bottom, Kiba yelling at them to hurry up or he'd starve to death. Hinata hid a smile and increased her pace a little.


They chose a table that was outside, partially because the owner wouldn't allow Akamaru inside even if he was a ninken and not just some pet, but also because of the good weather. There had been so much rain lately, and before that it had been terribly hot, so they were lucky to have good weather at last.

They were reading over the menus, choosing their lunch, when suddenly Kiba sat up and smacked his forehead. "Shit!" he exclaimed, startling all three of his companions. "I don't have any money!"

Hinata blinked. "Why?"

"'Cause I forgot it! I didn't know we'd be having lunch!" Kiba's stomach growled loudly. Akamaru whined. He was hungry too.

"Hey, Shino…" The bug-user looked up. "What."

Kiba scratched the back of his head. "Um… can you lend me some money for lunch?"

Shino dropped his head back down to look at the menu. "No."

"What?" Kiba shouted. Glancing around, Hinata wished Kiba would be just a little quieter. People were looking at them. "Come on, Shino. Please?" That was a surprise. Kiba hardly ever said please. But Shino would not budge. "No."

Kiba knew when he had lost a battle. You could read it in his body language, the way his shoulders slumped slightly, the way the energy seemed to drain out of him just a little. Hinata was sure that if Kiba had had a tail, he would have dropped it completely. Kiba wasn't really one to hide his thoughts and feelings, and after knowing him for so long, Hinata could read him like a book.

Then Kiba turned to her. "Hinata?" he asked a little too sweetly.

Hinata jumped a little. "W-what is it, Kiba?" But she already knew what was coming.

"Please, Hina-chan? I'll pay you back tomorrow!" Hinata knew it wouldn't be tomorrow. Kiba never got anything done on time. But she knew she would get her money back eventually. He always kept his promises.

Still, she tried to resist.


And failed. Fifteen minutes later, all four were enjoying their lunch. Hinata suppressed a sigh as she tucked her wallet back in her pocket, a good bit lighter than it had been a while ago.

She glanced over at Kiba, who was happily tearing into the first of his three sandwiches. Akamaru lay under the table, wagging his tail and making happy-puppy noises as he chewed on a large piece of meat.

Oh well, she thought as she picked up her chopsticks and dug into her noodles. It's not like this is the first time I've paid for Kiba's food. And Akamaru's.

How could she help it? Kiba was a champion when it came to making puppy dog eyes.


Did you like it? Is it even worth continuing? Please review!

Also, I probably won't be able to post the next bit until after November, 'cause I'm doing NaNoWriMo! (National Novel Writing Month, for those of you who don't know).

See you in December!

- Ruyax