Another one. I'm really just doing these at random now. I hope some people still like these.

I do not own Naruto.


The summer festival was in full swing. Kiba was carrying watermelons around the festival to tables where they would be split open and served to festivalgoers. They were heavy, but he didn't particularly care. It was fun to see everyone dressed up and happy, as well as scouting out the best booths and activities for later, when he was done helping out.

Kiba was actually enjoying himself. The watermelons weren't that heavy, and he liked helping out. Besides, a lot of the booths gave him free food and stuff in return for carrying things, which so made it worth it.

He was almost done. Just a few more, and they would let him go to enjoy the festival on his own. Kiba hoped to find some of his friends – Hinata and Shino, or maybe Naruto, even Shikamaru if the lazy boy had bothered to come – and wander until the festival closed, far after sunset.

He was so busy thinking about where he had to make sure to revisit that he didn't see her until she was almost right in front of him. When he finally did see her, his brain mostly decided to stop functioning.

Hyuuga Hinata was walking with Sakura and Ino. She was wearing a beautifully decorated yukata, pale lavender embroidered with large dark purple blossoms scattered across it. Her hair was pinned up and tiny amethysts sparkled from between the strands. Her makeup was subtle but accentuated the gleaming white eyes that so distinguished her clan.

It wasn't the clothes, or the hair, or the makeup that caught Kiba's attention. Not really. It was just something else – the way she walked, like she was floating, or the pure happiness that shone from her face, or the way her eyes glowed like the full moon Kiba loved so much. Hinata was glowing, and Kiba's brain ceased functioning the moment he saw her.

That was a bad thing. His hands slipped on the watermelon he was carrying, and before the dog-nin could react, the heavy melon had crashed down, straight onto his right foot.


Kiba's brain came back in time to stop him from shouting every vulgar word he knew (which was a darn lot, when you had a mother like Tsume), mostly because of the two little girls staring at him from a few feet away. Instead, he bit most of the way through his lip and sat down hard, clutching his probably-broken foot. Ow ow owowow godsDAMMIT MY FOOT.

"Kiba-kun? Are you okay?"

He opened one watering eye to see the exact cause of his pain staring at him, her beautiful moon-eyes wide and filled with worry. "What happened?"

He let go of his bitten lip and that probably would hurt a lot more if his foot didn't hurt so much more. "Uh… ah. Dropped it. The thing. Watermelon. The damn watermelon. On my foot. Damn. Ow."

Hinata managed to look both sympathetic and like she was trying really hard not to laugh. "Ouch. It looks heavy." Kiba nodded, still trying not to jump around and yell because his foot really really really hurt and it was way too distracting to think about other stuff like words. What was words how was talking ow damn foot damn foot damn watermelon gods dammit ow.

"Hang on." Hinata turned around and left, leaving Kiba still sitting on the ground, silently cursing his heartless teammate. The two little girls were still staring at him. Heartless. Everyone was heartless. Everyone here was cruel, uncaring, heartless – oh. Hinata was back. Sakura was behind her, looking very pretty in a grass-green yukata (although Hinata was prettier), and also looking like she was trying not to laugh. Ino, behind her, didn't hold back. The blonde was cackling like a witch at his pain. Okay, there was a heartless one.

"… and I think he might have broken his foot."

Kiba looked up as Sakura crouched down beside him, Hinata on the other. Ino just kept laughing, and hadn't budged from her spot. The little girls were now staring at her.

"Really, Kiba? You broke your foot with a watermelon?" Sakura sighed. "You're dumber than Naruto sometimes."

"It's not my damn fault! The freaking thing slipped and landed on my freaking foot! How –" he broke off with a growl as Sakura poked his foot lightly. "Well, it's definitely broken, but it's not bad. I can fix it here." Light began to glow beneath the kunoichi's hands and Kiba sighed in relief as the pain began to fade.


Hinata had barely been able to stop laughing ever since Sakura healed Kiba's foot a few hours ago. As they sat down to eat from the boxes they had gotten from one of the food vendors (one that Kiba had spotted earlier when he was working), Hinata giggled again and Kiba flopped on the ground in despair. "I'm doomed. Ino's probably told everyone by now. Defeated by a freaking watermelon. I'll be the laughingstock of the class!"

Hinata laughed. "It will be fine. You can just ignore them, and anyway, you know plenty of embarrassing stories about everyone else, too. Besides," she added with a wicked grin, drawing out a package from her pocket, "I like watermelon."

Kiba buried his face in his hands. "Dammit. I'll never be able to eat watermelon again!"

Now I want some watermelon.

- Ruyax