A/N: The Tranquil Solution is the only quest in DA2 that you can actually ignore completely. If you take the quest, after killing him, you learn that Alrik's plan is turned down by both the Divine and Meredith as being too severe. In this dark AU, Hawke turns down Anders request to stop Alrik, believing that Anders is being paranoid. However, it turns out that Alrik is in fact using the rite of tranquility on as many mages as he can get away with. His attention turns to Hawke. He sees her as the epitome of all that is wrong with Kirkwall and sets out to capture her and make her tranquil.

The timeframe of the story is Act 3 after Hawke and Fenris deal with Danarius and reunite. While it's mentioned in party banter that Varric watches out for Anders, the assumption is always made that a mage Hawke needs no such protection, especially after Act 2 and her crowning as Champion.

The non-canon characters of Cormac and Durstan are two Fereldan refugees that Varric pays for information. They are informants or eyes. Nominally they are set to watch Anders and report to Varric if the Templars are getting too close. They are aware, however, that the Champion is a friend of both Varric and Anders and take the initiative to alert Varric when they see her with the Templars.

The first two chapters will switch from Hawke's perspective to Cormac/Durstan's and have overlapping timelines.

Warning – implied rape and torture

"You are to be made Tranquil, Champion. As an example to all apostates in Kirkwall, but before that happens, we will break you. When we are done with you, you will beg for the Rite of Tranquility."

Those we the last words Andrea Hawke, Dre to her friends, heard before the magebane the Templars had poisoned her with pulled her into unconsciousness. She had left her Hightown estate at sunrise, heading for the Gallows and Solivitus' herbalist stand. Slipping out without waking anyone was a task that Dre liked to challenge herself with on occasion. Her staff, Orana in particular, seemed to have the ability to just know whenever she was up and invariably greeted her with a cheery Good Morning, Mistress and Can I get you something, Messere no matter how early she tried to escape notice.

So, this morning, when she had successfully managed to evade their sometimes smothering attention, she was feeling a bit smug. The sun had barely begun to light the Hightown pathways and the streets seemed virtually deserted. Confident and complacent, Dre headed towards her destination without paying much attention to her surroundings. Instead, her thoughts were focused on the list of items she needed to pick up from Solivitus.

So focused, in fact, that she only belatedly heard the clink of armor behind her; followed quickly by a sharp prick at her neck. She swatted at it, thinking it a biting insect, but her hand pulled out a dart. She stopped in her tracks and looked down in surprise at the tiny feathered bolt entwined in her fingertips. Glancing back, she saw three Templars behind her, hands on their swords. She reached for the staff strapped to her back before remembering that she had left it behind, thinking its encumbrance unnecessary for a quick trip.

By the time she had processed this information and kicked herself mentally for being stupid, the poison began to work its way into her system. A wave of dizziness swept over her and she stumbled, reaching out automatically for the nearest Templar.

He took her arm in his steel gauntleted hand and leaned in to whisper, "You are to be made Tranquil, Champion. As an example to all apostates in Kirkwall, but before that happens, we will break you. When we are done with you, you will beg for the Rite of Tranquility."

His smug chuckle accompanied her into oblivion.

As her senses slowly returned, the first thing Dre noticed was the smell. The unique and utterly indescribable mélange of raw sewage, unwashed people and rat droppings told her she was in the Undercity. As always, the first breath of the fetid air caused her to gag and she coughed. Her throat was dry and the bitter cloying taste of magebane coated her mouth. It seemed these Templars were taking no chances and had dosed her again.

The sound of tiny scurrying feet let her know she was not alone, wherever she was. Listening, she tried to discern if anything larger was in the room with her. As she strained to hear, she realized that she was naked with her wrists tied together by rough, coarse rope. She was suspended by her arms and the sensation of being bound momentarily panicked her. Wrenching open her eyes, she took in her surroundings as she spun on the rope.

The room was small, no more than 7 feet across from wall to wall. The dirt packed floor and stone walls confirmed her sense of smell. Darktown, most definitely. A single torch lit the room with a guttering light. Aside from herself, the only other thing in the room was a small table. She took note of the manacles on its legs and the single iron bolt on the top. She shuddered to think what use it would be put to.

Her wild spins caused the rope to cut into her wrists and she hissed in pain. Completing her frantic survey of the room, she found the single door that had been to her back. It opened as she watched and in stepped a Templar. Without his helm, Andrea easily recognized Ser Arlik. Even among the Kirkwall Templars he was noted for his cruelty. Many rumors of torture and abuse swarmed around his name and Dre cringed. Anders had tried to tell her years ago that Arlik was a madman, something about a Tranquil Solution, if she remembered correctly. Seems she should have listened more closely and not dismissed it as more of Anders' ravings.

"So, you're finally awake, Champion. Good. I was wondering when the fun would begin."

As he entered the room, two other Templars, fully armed and armored, followed him. Hawke watched the men as they positioned themselves, twisting and trying to keep all of them in sight, before focusing her attention on Arlik.

"You can't possibly believe you'll get away with this, Arlik," Dre sneered.

"Who is going to stop me, Champion? You ventured out at the break of dawn, alone. Not even your smelly Mabari to guard you. Who knows you are gone? And if they do, who would do anything about it? You're the Champion of Kirkwall. You can take care of yourself." He laughed at that and stalked closer. "Oh, perhaps that last bit was an exaggeration. Still, before you're knife-ear lover notices that you've gone missing, I will be done. And the greatest threat to Kirkwall will be removed."

"The greatest threat to Kirkwall? You mean, you're finally going to take down Meredith? This I have to see."

"Do not speak of the Knight Commander, mage!" The growled warning was followed by a fist to the kidney, delivered by the Templar behind her. Dre winced and spun from the impact. She grasped the rope with her hands and stopped herself from turning away from Arlik. Breathing hard through her nose and trying to ignore the pain, she focused on the smirking face before her.

"Fenris will come for me and you will die. Rather horribly, in fact." She glanced over her shoulder and spat. "You, too. Have your ever witnessed Fenris in all his glory as he crushes a man's heart with his hand? I have." She turned back to Arlik, glaring. "You are all dead men."

"Well then, we should take what pleasures we can before the end comes, eh men?"

The laughter at her back raised the hackles on her neck. This was going to be bad. Very bad. Surely, someone would notice when she didn't return for breakfast. Though how soon Bodhan would grow concerned was the real problem.

"I think I will enjoy breaking you, mage. This is the best part of my job."