Here is chapter..8? Yeah 8, I think. Anyway, things start to get sort of interesting in this chapter. 10 MORE REVIEWS before I update. I have it written so it's just a matter of you people. First person to give me a flashback (made up or real) get's a preview of the new chapter. Also I NEED you guys to let me know if you want Freddie to become his old self soon, and the story end soon, or if you want Freddie to continue to be OOC and have more chapters. I NEED answers to these questions before I update, so get to it (:

Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, I am just an average 14year old with time on her hands.

"CARLAH!" I screamed as I walked into Carly's apartment.

"I'm coming!" I heard her yell then a bunch of noise then she came down the stairs.

"Hey, you ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you?" She replied smiling.

"Yep. Where's Spencer?"

"He went down early." She explained.

"Oh alright, well lets go then!" I smiled.

We walked down stairs and got into the car.


"So…" I replied.

"Yep." She said.

"How's things with you?" She asked.

"Fine, and you?" I replied.

"Fine…. "

Well this couldn't get more awkward.

"You look really tired, how about I drive?" I asked.

"Okay, I'll pull over and we can switch." She said.

We pulled into the inside out burgers parking lot and switched places.

"Why are you so tired?" I asked her.

"Couldn't sleep last night." She replied.


About 15 minutes later we arrived at the camp ground. Spencer met us at the space.

"I'm going to go back and get the other load of stuff…." Carly said.

"The other load?" I asked.

"Yeah, we still have more stuff that we need to get and stuff… So yeah I'll be back soon." She replied.

"I can go back and ge-"

"I CAN DO IT FREDDIE!" She screamed.

"Okay…?" I replied.

"You and Spencer just hang out here I'll be back." She said, getting back into the car.

"What just happened?" I asked Spencer as she drove away.

"Girls… So lets go get some wood and stuff at the wood store…" He said.

"Um alright." I replied starting to get into his car.


"WHAT?" I yelled.

"Let's walk!" He replied.


"Yes! Walk! It's fun and stuff! Let's go!" Spencer yelled and started dragging me down the road.

"Uh, okay?" I said.

"So, how's things with you and Sam…?" He asked.

"Sam? You mean the girl who acted like a bitch then dropped off the face of the planet?" I replied.

"Yeah, that one."

"Nothing, I don't know anything and Carly won't tell me anything. Which really doesn't matter because I couldn't care less about her. She lied to me to get what she wanted and then didn't even feel bad about it. Who does that? Besides it's not like I'll ever see her again. She's obviously not doing iCarly." I said.

"Maybe she was just confused and she-"

"Spence, it doesn't matter. I don't care about her, and my life has been great since I stopped talking to her." I explained.

"Whatever you say…" He replied.

*Sam POV*

"Hey Carls! You ready?" I asked as I walked in to her house.

"Yeah! You all packed and what not?" She replied.

"Yep. I do have some homework to do, so I guess I can do it on the way." I told her.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Let's go." She said.

"So….How's school?" She asked.

"Well, okay I suppose. I get my report card Tuesday." I told her.

"Oh really? That's good. Do you think you did well?"

"Yeah I guess. I mean I've been doing good on my tests so I'm guessing maybe A's and B's." I explain.

"What classes do you have again?" She asks.

"Since I just switched I have Geometry, honors English and Lit, World issues, New testament, Earth Science, French 1, and Drama 1. What do you have?" I replied.

"Civics, Pre Calculus, Bio 2, Honors English, and Spanish 2. Oh, and I signed up for yearbook."

"Oh really? I take yearbook as an elective. I get a credit so it works. I'm also on the dance team."

"That's great Sam! You know I'm really proud of you. You wanted to change and you did." She smiles.

"Thanks. I really like this school. The people are nice, and it's so awesome to have people proud of me for once. I mean, instead of having everyone always saying "Oh, Sam did this or Oh Sam's in jail again." It's nice to have them saying how good I am and whatnot." I explained.

"I understand, sort of. Look we're here!" She replies as we pull into the camp ground.

She rolls down her window to talk to the old woman in the little tower thing.

"Hi! We're camping here with Spencer Shay." She tells the lady.

"Oh. Yes him. Down the trail to your right. Here's some information about the different trails and stuff we offer. I hope you have a fun time!" The woman smiles.

"Yeah, that's all I can hope also." I hear Carly mumble.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." She replies.

"Uh, alright. Hey! There's Spencer's Car!"

"Oh yeah, this must be the space then." She smiles.

"Where's Spence?" I ask.

"Probably getting wood or something." She replied.

"Uh okay. Let's unload the car then."

"Okay." She smiles again.

"Hey, was Spencer supposed to get the tent up?" I ask as I pull my suitcase out the car.

"Yeah. Ugh, Spencer." She mumbles.

"Well, we can just put it up. Can't we?" I replied.

"Yeah..I guess we can. Do you know how to set up a tent?" She asked.

"I can figure it out." I told her.

After about an hour we finally got the tent up and then put the stuff inside it.

"Wanna play Uno?" I asked her.


We got out the Uno game and started to play on the picnic table on the site.

"Hey, why's the tent so big?" I asked.

"Well, we needed enough room for us all." She replied.

"Yeah but still it's really big." I told her.

*Freddie POV*

"Ugh, are we almost back to the camp site?" I asked Spencer.

We had been walking for like 3 hours.

"Yeah look, there's the campsite!" He screamed.

"Yeah, that's Carly, but who's that Red head girl?"

*Carly POV*

"Look there's Spencer! Wait, is that Freddie?" She yelled.

Well here we go.

Eh, it's cliffy I know. It's longer though. So please please please please review!

Yes - Aw, thanks!

happy reader - Thanks so much! I try(: