Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the film Rio.

Please: R&R

(I'm in the mood for fluff, and since I just bought and watched Rio for the first time yesterday, Pedro and Nico offered their services. This can be taken as Slash or just Friendship, your call. Enjoy!)

Pedro fluffed up his feathers with a grumble as he came down from the branches to take shelter under the low hanging leaves as the sky began to drizzle with rain, the night chill getting in the gaps in his feathers only to get heated by his body, insulating the slightly pudgy Red Crested Cardinal as he perched on a low hanging fruit branch.

The Cardinal chirped in surprise as a familiar chirrup of glee cut through the cricket chorus as a dart of yellow blinded him when a canary wearing a bottle cap as a hat was suddenly cuddling into him, the lithe smaller Samba master shivering slightly in the light night breeze as he shuffled in close to his warmth radiating partner.

"Am I a personal heater for you or what?" Pedro snickered as Nico clacked his beak at him, nipping him and making the slightly larger bird jump and reveal space under his wing that the bottle cap wearing canary quickly took advantage of. "I'll take that as a yes."

Nico gave a sleepy chirp as he snuggled closer to his singing partner, content to stay under the larger bird's wing as the drizzle became full on rain, the water running off the leaves sheltering the pair in tiny waterfalls, bending the large luscious leaves perilously close to the top of Pedro's crest, before it sprung upwards with a jolt as the Cardinal shoved the middle of the leaf up, the water cascading down around their dry patch.

"I hate these storms." Nico muttered from his cosy spot under Pedro's wing clutching his bottle cap hat close as lightning flashed in the sky in the distance, followed closely by the ominous rumble of thunder. "It reminds me of the storm that blew me here when I escaped those Smugglers."

"Bro, you haven't got anything to fear." Pedro smiled down at his friend, pecking the slightly smaller yellow bird gently on the head in admonishment with his bill, earning a small yelp from the canary. The Red Crested Cardinal hugged his nervous friend close, the Canary rubbing his head against the soft feathers of Pedro's chest as he offered comfort for the small bird who was scared of the storm.

They stayed like that for the rest of the night, the two samba maestros falling into a content slumber as the clouds parted with the morning, the sun baking away the puddles and droplets of water that trickled down the channels of battered, glossy leaves.

A single drop hit Pedro's back waking the music loving Cardinal with an un-male like squawk of surprise and terror, his slumbering Canary companion falling out from under the larger birds wing, awake in an instant as he nearly fell off their shared branch, scrabbling at the wood of the tree with his primary feathers, his bottle cap hat, somehow having migrated to his head during the night, falling lopsided over his vision as he saw Pedro jump around like a mad bird wailing about the cold water that had dropped on him.

"Now that you two love birds are up…" An unexpected teasing voice snickered from a higher branch, both small birds looking up in surprise at the familiar toucan leaning down from his perch, a suspicious dew covered leaf dropping from between his primary feathers, "Let get going, I heard there's a good Samba party going down!"