Prompt: Gay marriage is legalised in the UK. Sherlock and John's reaction to this.

John awoke slowly that Sunday morning, Sherlock and him had crashed out the previous night on their bed after their latest case. He could feel Sherlock's gentle breathing against his neck, with his head rested in to the crook of John's neck. It wasn't until John heard the sound of a page being turned did he open his eyes to find Sherlock reading a newspaper in bed, with a slight smile on his face.

"Good morning. You're reading something good, what is it about?" Sherlock smiled.
"Marriage in the UK has been allowed for gay couples." John laughed.
"Maybe one day we'll get married."
"Would you like to consider marriage?"
"Sherlock, I've just woken up. But yes, I would if you're happy with it. But I expect a proper proposal if you are planning on marrying me." They both smiled at each other as John's alarm went off.
"Another day at the surgery..." He gently kissed Sherlock, and dragged himself to the shower.

Sherlock waited for the water in the bathroom to run for a few minutes before getting up, leaving his pyjama top off. He walked into the living room, wearing just his pyjama bottoms and silk robe. He made John tea, two sugars no milk, and made him egg omelettes for his breakfast. John stepped out of the shower, and pulled on his work clothes, leaving his tie undone and the top two buttons of his shirt undone before walking into the kitchen.

"It smells like eggs. Sherlock, what have you be-" He cuts himself off in slight shock of his breakfast laid out on the table.
"You did- you cooked this for my breakfast?" John sat down and started to eat his egg omelettes and sip at his tea.
"Yes, yes I did." John smiled and ate quickly before kissing Sherlock lightly.
"Thank you."

It would be two weeks before Sherlock would surprise John again.

It had been a long day at the surgery, having to deal with all the little children crying because they're scared of needles and their parents worrying because they have a cold. John was tired and annoyed, all he wanted to do was go home and fall asleep in Sherlock's arms on the sofa with a take-away. He walked into the flat to be greeted by a note.
"Get changed into the suit that's on your bed, and meet me at the nice Thai around the corner in an hour.
I'm missing you."
John smiled, and slowly walked up to his bedroom, opening his door to see a black Spencer Hart suit with a light blue shirt.
"Oh Sherlock..." He mumbled into the empty room before changing into the suit which just happened to be perfect fit. He checked his watch, ten minutes and he'd be expected to be with Sherlock in half an hour. He had ten minutes to waste before heading to the restaurant, it took twenty minutes to walk there.

John wandered down the stairs from his bedroom, and into Sherlock's. He picked up a book Sherlock was reading, one of John's medical textbooks from his training days. John smiled. He just looked around the room, properly appreciating it for what it was worth. Even though it was a mess, it was organised. As if Sherlock had placed everything he had in that certain order, and if anything was moved, he wouldn't be able to find a thing.

John turned up at the restaurant a few minutes early, with Sherlock no where to be seen. He walked up to the front desk and asked if there was a reservation for a Holmes. John was led to one of the small private rooms at the back of the restaurant, to were Sherlock was sat waiting for him.

Sherlock smiled and stood up, gently planting a kiss on John's lips.
"I missed you today." He whispered into John's ear as he held the seat for John.
"I never realised you missed me this much during the day. A new suit and dinner out?" John looked slightly puzzled, but felt so glad that Sherlock had arranged the dinner out.
"Just one of the ways to show you that I love you." Sherlock smiled as he called the waiter to order their favourite Thai curry.

John finished eating and slowly got up.
"Just going to the bathroom." He smiled at Sherlock and left. Sherlock watched him leave, and calmed his heart. It was beating too fast, he was nervous. He'd never felt so nervous in his life. As John walked back through the door into their private dining room, Sherlock stood up and kissed John.
"I love you, and I want to be with you forever. I need you, you are what keeps me going everyday, and I don't want you to be swept off your feet by someone else. I want you to be here by my side with me as my partner," Sherlock smiled at John, and slowly knelt to the floor, never breaking eye contact as he took John's hand in his. "What I'm asking is, my John Watson, is will you marry me?" Sherlock looked into John's eyes, trying to read him. But nothing could prepare him for what John did next.
"Of course I will marry you, my consulting detective." John pulled Sherlock to his feet, and kissed him with passion and love. He pulled away slightly and breathed the words onto Sherlock's lips.
"I love you forever, and to be honest, I thought you would never ask." John gently stroked Sherlock's perfectly sculpted cheek as he pulled Sherlock in for another kiss.

All mistakes are mine, and mine only. Hope you enjoy, and please review~

Olivia x