I am SO sorry this took so long to update. Been busy and distracted and not really in the best mood to write, everything I wrote I just deleted and started again. This is my fourth attempt at this to make it good in my eyes! :L Please enjoy, rate and review, and this is the last chapter in the mini-series.

John slowly awoke as the sunlight started to pour through the window. His arm was wrapped around his naked lover, and he looked down at his rings. He watched them sparkle and shine in the sun, and he smiled to himself. Sherlock started to stir and he moved his head up off John's chest and onto his shoulder. He looked into John's eyes and smiled, slowly closing them and he pressed his hand gently above John's heart. He mumbled quietly "Good morning, Doctor W-Holmes." He smiled again and reached for his other hand, and slowly drifted back to sleep. John looked down at his beautiful lover, and pulled the blanket over the both of them. John was wide awake, and checked Sherlock's clock. It was 8:30am. John smiled and settled back down on the bed, smoothing Sherlock's curly locks that were messed up with sex and sleep.

"Good morning Dr W-Holmes." John almost jumped out of his skin as he noticed the older brother leant against the door frame. His cheeks turned red as he blushed, and he pulled the blanket up closer.
"Why are you here?"
Mycroft chuckled. "I just came to say you never said Greg- I mean Lestrade was a looker."
John groaned. "The two Holmes brothers, one's fallen for a detective and the other is a detective. Let me guess, you want me to tell you want your future boyfriend likes?"
It became Mycroft's turn to blush red, and straighten his already straight jacket. "If you please."
John laughed, and awoke Sherlock from his slumber. "John, tell my gay brother to fuck off, and leave us be until after our honeymoon." John looked at Mycroft and smiled. "I'll text you later." Mycroft nodded and left the room, but turned around and spoke to Sherlock.
"I think you should leave the fucking for John, I don't think he would appreciate it if you fucked anyone else." Mycroft grinned and left. Sherlock turned to look at John, and deleted the conversation that him and his annoying older brother just had.

John lay in bliss as he thought about every single event that happened the previous day, and how amazing the previous evening was. John smiled at the last memory, and he slowly unwrapped himself from Sherlock. Sherlock leant up onto his elbows. "John?" John turned his head around slightly, his back still facing Sherlock.
"Yes Sherlock?"
"Where are you going?"
"The shower. I need to freshen up. Although... You could join me." John winked at Sherlock and walked into the bathroom, shortly followed by Sherlock.

Sherlock locked the bathroom door behind him and pushed John against the door, passionately kissing him and he kissed his way down to the sensitive spot of John's neck, and gently sunk his teeth in and sucking. He pulled back and admired his work. "There, perfect. That should be fun to hide later when we go on our honeymoon." He smirks and dragged John into the shower after him and turned the water on.

John had just finished packing their suitcase and he headed back into the lounge. "Sherlock, you have to put more clothes on than just your trousers at one point you know." John's hand subconsciously moved to his neck, where he could feel a hickey forming.
"Make me." Sherlock looked up from his laptop screen and grinned.
"My pleasure then." John winked, pulled a rope out of the top drawer of Sherlock's desk and quickly tied Sherlock's hands in front of him in such a way that he had a lead to pull Sherlock on.
"Bedroom. And you are going to put on clothes and then I will force feed you." John pulled him onto the bed, and tied the rope to a bed post. He quickly unbuckled Sherlock's trousers and stepped him into a pair of comfortable jeans. He then untied his wrists and pushed him backwards onto the bed and tied his ankles to the bed. John smiled, and got his pale blue-green shirt. He straddled Sherlock's hips and pressed one arm to his side. He pulled on the shirt onto one arm and then switched arms. He then pressed both of Sherlock's arms underneath him and kissed Sherlock, buttoning up his shirt as he slipped his tongue into Sherlock's mouth.

John got up, smiled and untied his ankles and tied his wrists back together, but behind his back this time.
"Good boy, you've behaved yourself." Sherlock smirked but still remained silent as he was lead into the kitchen. His wrists were tied to the chair as John quickly prepared a sandwich and salad. He sat to the side of Sherlock and held a fork of salad to his mouth. Sherlock shook his head.
"Sherlock, I won't appreciate you throwing up over me on the plane because you haven't eaten anything."
Sherlock shook his head again. "Fine, fine." John took a bite of sandwich, held it in-between his teeth and forcefully kissed Sherlock whilst he pushed the sandwich into his mouth. Sherlock smiled and swallowed the sandwich. "I don't mind that one bit however." John laughed and repeated until the entire sandwich was gone.
"I am not doing that with the salad." Sherlock frowned and pulled on his wrist ties. "Untie me and I'll eat myself." John looked carefully at Sherlock and untied one of his wrists, the other remained behind his back. Sherlock smirked and ate the salad slowly and never broke eye contact with John. John smiled and sat straddling his legs and untied his other wrist. "Good boy." John gently kissed Sherlock as he wrapped his arms behind Sherlock's neck. "I do believe you need to finish the packing as I have no idea where you're taking me." Sherlock grinned and kissed John again. He then pulled John's ring hand forward and kissed his finger where the two rings sat. He then picked John up in his arms and carried him onto the sofa.

"I do believe that there is a box set of Doctor Who for you to watch." Sherlock smiled and kissed his forehead.
"And if you say David Tennant looks better in a suit better than me, I will prove you wrong and punish you until you won't ever remember his name." Sherlock winked and grinned darkly as he left the room to finish the packing. John laughed and switched on episode one of series 3. He then wolf-whistled and shouted to Sherlock. "Fucking hell, he is gorgeous in a suit! You can't say he isn't." John waited for Sherlock to reply as he laughed. Sherlock came bounding out of the bedroom and pushed John backwards onto the sofa and pressed his arms to his side next to him. "I'll make you regret that." Sherlock growled and forcefully kissed John, and pressed his hand firmly around his neck. John's pupils dilated until only a thin band of sparkly blue was left as black engulfed his eyes and a slight tightness spread in his trousers. Sherlock smirked. "You get aroused when I'm angry. Nice to know that for the future." John growled. Sherlock released John, and spoke again before he sauntered out of the room. "You can deal with that," He looked down at the tightness in his trouser and smirked "Yourself." Sherlock nodded and left the room. John shouted after him "Bastard!"
"You'll pay for that to!" John laughed and walked into the bathroom for a cold shower.

"Sherlock, please. I bet we look like idiots wondering through an airport with your hands over my eyes and with me wearing earplugs to muffle everything other than what you say." Sherlock laughed.
"I can't give any part of our honeymoon away until we're on the private... Oops. I forgot to mention we're borrowing Mycroft's private jet. Anyway, we're only a minute away from the steps." Sherlock laughed and pushed John towards the steps up to the private jet and removed his hands. John turned around and looked at Sherlock in awe as he slowly climbed the steps.
"Mycroft has a bloody private jet?" John slowly sat down on the large sofa in the jet.
"Well, he wasn't going to let his brother in law travel in a normal jet was he? And since I'm his brother I guess I was included." Sherlock pulled John towards one of the four seats with a seatbelt.
"We're going to take off soon."

Once they had taken off, Sherlock clicked his fingers twice and the visors on the window slowly shut. "Can't risk you seeing." Sherlock smiled and unbuckled himself and gently kissed John.
"I'm afraid it's a long flight, about twelve hours to the island."
John laughed and kissed Sherlock.
"I don't care; more time that I get to spend with my perfect husband." Sherlock unbuckled John from his seat, and pulled his legs around his waist and carried him to the sofa and placed him on his lap as he gently caressed his cheek and smiled.
"I think you've got the bad end of the deal Doctor. I'm a pain to live with; whereas you're amazing. You care about everyone and you're beautiful, you have medals and you're brave and so special. Whereas I'm not like that." John let a tear well up.
"What's got into you? I don't think I've ever got that many compliments in one go before. You're perfect; clever, beautiful and so so special. Surprising and lovely, and a wonderful heart no matter how much you refuse my dear soppy husband." John kissed Sherlock and twisted round to sit next to him and rest his shoulder as Sherlock chuckled.
"I guess the emotions of the wedding are getting to me."
"Good." John looked up and smiled at Sherlock.

"John, we're here." John looked out of the plane window to discover that they were about to land on an island, an island he'd always dreamed about. The island where all honeymoon couples must go.
"Sherlock... We're at Jeju island. You brought us here..." He looks out of the window in awe and Sherlock rests his head on John's shoulder.
"I thought you'd like it." Sherlock pressed a kiss to his neck and took hold of his hand.
"Come on then." Sherlock smiled and unbuckled John out of the seat and led him out into the heat of the island.

They arrived at a hotel, overlooking the sea. Sherlock and John were lead up to the honeymoon suite on the top floor, where Sherlock thanked the guide and shut the door. John turned to look at Sherlock as he grinned, before heading out onto the balcony to look at the beach in the night sky.

Sherlock placed the suitcases down as followed John out onto the balcony and wrapped his arms around John's middle before he rested his head on John's shoulder. He whispered into his ear. "How about a midnight swim? Or are you too tired?" John looked up at Sherlock and gently kissed him. "Midnight swim sounds great."

They slowly wandered out into the water in t-shirts and shorts as the splashed each other with the hand that they weren't holding. As John reached the point where he could no longer touch the floor, he wrapped his legs around Sherlock's hips and his arms behind his neck as Sherlock carried him further.

Sherlock gently kissed John as the moonlight reflected off the surface and at the happy lovers as they kissed each other in the peace of knowing they would not get interrupted.
"Dr Watson-Holmes?" Sherlock pulled back and looked into John's eyes.
"Yes Mr Holmes?"
"I love you." John chuckled and kissed him again.
"I love you too silly."

Two weeks later and the lovers returned from their honeymoon, tanned and happy, their wedding glow rubbing off on everyone, even Anderson and Sally laid off the jokes for a while.

Thank you for reading!

Olivia xx