I found World is Ours by Atama Ga Kuru Teru about nearly a week ago and I love it! The concept is original and since then I've been inspired to write my own version (I seem to get inspired a lot lately). But seriously, if you haven't read the series then go and READ it because it's that good.

Anyways, just thought I would let you know that this story is going to be somewhat dark. There will be funny moments, but there's stuff that won't be so... funny. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or the concept of countries living in Globes. I do, however, own Kristy and the plot.

Chapter One

"So your cousin tells me that you've been hearing voices for several months." It was a statement, not a question.

The doctor was addressing the dark haired girl who was lying on the couch staring at her with a blank expression. The girl's hands were stuffed in the hands of her white sweatshirt and she radiated an air of not wanting to be in the doctor's office like most of the first timers who balked at having to see a professional for their problems.

The older woman was somewhere in her thirties and seemed to have a permanent frown creasing her face. She wore a black suit free of wrinkles as well as looking freshly ironed and her hair chestnut hair was tied back and pinned into a bun with not a single strand out of place.

Just from her appearance and the way she gave Kristy a disapproving look for not coming out with this 'problem' earlier told the apathetic teen that this woman was the stern, strict no nonsense type.

Which meant Kristy was likely going to be labeled as schizophrenic or having any other mental illness that was associated with hearing voices. And if she was lucky, they'd chuck her into a mental institution and throw away the key.

Or just have her doped up on so many pills that she wouldn't be able to tell up from down.

Most people would freak out about hearing anything except their own inner thoughts within the sanctions of their heads; Kristy found she didn't mind them so much. Maybe it was because the voices didn't tell her to go kill herself or slash the person sitting next to her to ribbons with a knife, which was a extreme case of a paranoia schizophrenic, but the girl found their presence comforting even if they caused her major migraines when she still had lunch and two more classes to live through before school ended.

"Tell me about these voices."

Kristy stared blankly at the doctor.

The reason she was in the doctor's office when this was the last place she wanted to be, ever, was because her cousin had begged her to go. Her cousin who had literally been on her knees with eyes brimming with tears as she asked and asked Kristy just to go to one appointment to make sure everything okay.

The filipina-american (she was half filipina, with her dad being Caucasian) had nearly laughed at her cousin's words. Nothing in her life had been okay. If everything had been okay, Kristy wouldn't have moved to Vancouver to live with her cousin and burden her with the task of having to take care of a teenager. In fact, she would still be in warm California basking underneath the rays of the sun but even her birthplace and her former home, Oceanside, felt empty.

Not that she had a home to go to anymore.

A lot of things had changed that day and the people there could only stare at her with pity or apologize for her loss. Kristy hadn't paid attention to any of their demure condolences. She had tuned out a lot of things that first dreadful, agonizing month just so that she wouldn't have to face the painful reality.

She had no idea how she made it through after that but maybe, she thought with grim satisfaction when things had finally settled down, catching those three guys who had managed to take nearly everything precious from her had made things... better.

"They are voices that talk to me." Kristy deadpanned. "Is that all?"

"Kristina." The doctor sounded annoyed as she addressed Kristy by her full name. "Your cousin is paying for this thirty minute session and is expecting to get her money's worth of results back. I suggest that you cooperate with me here so that we don't waste any of it."

"Wouldn't that be better for you?" The teen snorted. "Doesn't it get tiring listening to the incessant ranting of other people's problems? Wouldn't you prefer to just sit here in blissful silence, taking a break from your pointless job and still get paid anyways?"

"It's my job to listen to my clients' 'incessant ranting' as you call it. And if you must know, I happen to enjoy my occupation." The doctor said dryly.

"You like listening to people whine about their stupid problems?" Kristy shifted in the couch, seat, whatever the hell it was called and stared at the woman incredulously.

"My clients' problems aren't stupid, Kristina. These people come to me because they need and want help and have no idea where else to get it from."

"Seriously though, you actually like listening to some guy state that the reason they are so screwed up in the head is because their daddy didn't buy them a monster truck when they were a kid?"

"Why yes, there are cases like that..." The doctor muttered underneath her breath, narrowing her eyes as she recalled one particular session yesterday involving a wealthy twenty-two year old and her seven year long resentment towards her dad because he had refused to buy her a dress that cost within the four figure range when she was fifteen just because she maxed out three credit cards in six months.

Seeing Kristy giving her a 'I told you so' look the doctor sat up straighter and cleared her throat.

"But this isn't about them, this is about you. Now tell me about these voices."

"Hmm..." Kristy looked thoughtful as she stared up at the ceiling. "Well they're always at each others' throats. And when they start arguing, I always end up getting a headache."

"They argue?"

Kristy heard the scritch-scratching sound of a pen writing on paper as her doctor for the next- she glanced at her brother's black and red watch- twenty minutes started taking down notes. Pen moving across paper was pretty loud if no one was saying anything.

"About the stupidest things. Whether it's about how unhealthy McDonalds are or how stupid Americans can be... any inane arguments that have me banging my head against something just to tune them out."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. Her patient's cousin had said that Kristina sometimes hit her head against a hard object for no reason at times.

"How many of them are there?"

Kristy frowned as she tried to recall just how many voices there were. There was the voice with the American accent, the British, German...

Her eyes narrowed for a moment before she answered. "Eight. Apparently there are more of them, but so far only the eight of them have spoken to me."

There was a pause. "Then how many are there supposed to be?"

"...you don't want to know."

"Tell me."

"You really don't want to know."

The Doctor remained silent, having used this trick on previous clients before. They always talked eventually because they couldn't stand the silence.

Kristy sighed and rolled her eyes. "It's apparently in the hundreds."

"...I see." The Doctor wrote something down. She heard Kristina mutter something along the lines of 'Thanks a lot guys' and took note of that.

"Do these voices tell you to do things?"

"America demands that I eat often at McDonalds. And watch scary movies because that's what heroes do. Then England calls him a git and then they start arguing. France, being the french voice he is, joins in just to piss off Britain."

That had The doctor raising an eyebrow. "America? England? France? You gave the voices names of countries?"

"They have accents. American, England, French, Chinese, Russian, German, Italian, Japanese... basically the Allies and the Axis Powers combined. They got sick of me calling them 'Chinese voice', 'French voice', ect. They told me to address them by the respective country their accents are from."

"They tell you to do things?"

Kristy looked annoyed. "They don't tell me to go kill myself or the person sitting next to me, if that's what you're implying." She grimaced and then rolled her eyes. "In fact, they start freaking out when my thoughts get... dark."

She remembered the time when she wondered if anyone would miss her if she was gone while examining a razor blade. The voices literally freaked and would not shut up for hours after wards. Screaming and lectures and a pounding headache that made her throw up twice during the night because they wouldn't let go of the issue until she got it through to her that suicide was wrong.

And even then they wouldn't leave her alone for days about it.

"Tell me, when did you first hear them?"

"After my Great-Aunt Helen visited me which is... three months after the funeral."

"So it's likely that-"

"No." Kristy cut off the doctor. "It's not that."

The doctor was silent as she watched Kristy who refused to even look at her.

Finally, she said, "Why makes you think that?"

Kristy let out a small, bitter laugh. "Because believe it or not, these voices are the only thing that keep me from going insane."


So in the end, even though Kristy stated that she actually liked the voices, the doctor still gave her a prescription note. Shifting the lone strap of her back pack on her shoulder, she shoved the paper into the pocket of her jeans and descended down the stairs. She was finally out of that office. If she found a trash can before her cousin picked her up, then she would toss the note inside and be done with it.

'Ve~!' The Italian (whose full name was Northern Italy, but Italy for short) voice said in alarm. 'You shouldn't do that!'

'Why not?' Kristy argued. 'The pills are a waste of money, considering that I don't need them.'

'Vell, that is true.' Germany joined in. 'But you shouldn't throw it away. Your cousin vill find out eventually and I'm sure it vill only make her sad that you destroyed the note.'

'You play dirty.' Kristy hated making her cousin upset, something she'd been doing for a while now. But honestly? She didn't want to divulge anything either or go see some support group... especially after the first time when she got into a fight with another girl.

"Guys! Do you hear what you're saying?' That would be America. 'You want her to be drugged up on medication?'

'But what can she do?' France, suave voice that he is, said smoothly. 'To everyone else, she seems... not quite sane.'

'Really?' Piped up the childish, light-hearted voice of Russia. It should be noted that he wasn't sane himself. 'I do not think of her as such.'

'Well we know she's perfectly fine, if not somewhat... depressed.' England added the last part hesitantly. He was a gentleman and as such, he would never insult a lady.

'Her thoughts are worrying though.' Ah Japan, one of the more saner of them. 'They are so negative. And she is so cynical too, for someone so young.'

'Aiyah!' China who told her over and over that he was a man despite how feminine he sounded. 'Japan, aru! You do not say things like that out loud!"

'HEY.' Kristy did NOT want them arguing and giving her a headache before her cousin arrived. 'DON'T START.'

That shut them up immediately.

'Just so you know,' Kristy told them dryly when they were silent. 'It's disturbing to know that even the very voices that got me sent to the doctor's office in the first place are now questioning my sanity.'

Even more silence followed by mumbles of apologies from them. They sounded like a bunch of little kids who got scolded for trying to sneak out cookies before dinner time.

'Seriously though,' America whined. 'Why did you tell Evelyn about us?'

Evelyn was her cousin's name. She was in her twenties and she worked at a dental office as a dental hygienist and as such, was perfectly capable of supporting herself and now sadly, Kristy. The latter did try and get a job, but Evelyn wouldn't hear of it.

'America,' Kristy gritted her teeth. 'She broke down in tears. What did you want me to do? Lie more?'

"Mm." Was France sniffing a rose again? 'It is hard to deny a woman's request if you put it that way. But it made things more difficult, hasn't it?'

She wasn't going to argue with him there. Evelyn had pleaded with her to go see someone who specialized in things like Kristy's current 'problem'. Being adamant, Kristy didn't want to consider the possibility until her cousin broke down in tears. Again.

'A proper lady does not make anyone cry!' England was a stickler for those kinds of things and had been appalled by Kristy's behaviour at times.

'Who said I liked making people cry?' Kristy was about to give the british accented voice a piece of her mind and what she thought about his lectures on manners when she spotted Evelyn's car driving towards her.

Kristy internally sighed and told her 'companions' not to say a word in the car. Evelyn's nerves were shot as they were and she was likely to ask Kristy how the appointment was; something that wasn't going to be easy when you were trying hold a conversation in the real world and your mind at the same time.

Jerking the door of the silver car, she slid into the front passenger seat and braced herself for the onslaught of questions that would ask her about her day.

Finally, I'm done. Anyways, I hope you guys really liked this introduction. Even though this was done in two days, the words just wouldn't stop flowing and I could hardly stop myself from typing.

Take no offense of Kristy's attitude towards seeing a doctor. She's just purposely being an ass. So if you know anyone who is seeing a therapist or are seeing a therapist yourself... don't take any offense. Please.

As I said, I hope you enjoy it!