"Red Alert," Picard stated in his monotone voice. He knew this wasn't going to be like any other fight though. "All hands battlestations!" he finished off his order as the bridge of the Enterprise darkened and flashed red. The plan was to have Buffy weaken Glory with a spell from Willow, and give the Enterprise enough time to lock on to her and beam her up, and hold her in transporter suspension. It was a risky plan, but it was all they had. "Bridge to Summers," Picard said over the comm. "Buffy, please report to the Bridge."
Buffy walked into the bridge a flew minutes later. Her hair pulled back into a looped ponytail, her boots clicking off the metalic floor, and somehow she had made her uniform look casual. She was followed by her red-haired friend, who was holding several candles, a bottle of colored sand and a book. Picard raised his eyebrow questionably.
"What?" Willow asked. "I had them in my bag..."
"Very well, the Bridge is a dangerous place to send out the spell, you can use my ready room," Picard said gesturing toward the room adjoining the Bridge. "Buffy, We need you here for this..." he said, nodding to Data. "Is the frequency open?" he said. "Yes sir," replied Data. "Hailing frequencies open..........she is responding from Federation Headquarters in Paris, sir."
Picard tugged on the bottom of his uniform. "On screen." he ordered. (Not done typing yet)
The view of Earth changed to the image of Glory. She was looking the same as she was last time. She didn't answer the call herself, so it was obvious she had help. Possibly people she opressed from Federation HQ.
"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise." said Captain Picard.
'This is Glory, ruler of the universe.' replied the god on the screen. 'Why are you contacting me? What right do you have to look upon the face of a god?!'
"I am protecting the United Federation of Planets. Surrender your hostile takeover, or be destroyed." said Picard.
Glory just laughed. 'Are you joking? Who the hell are YOU to tell ME what to do?'
"On the contrary," Jean-Luc said. "I am completely serious. And to show that I am, we have an old aquaintence of yours with us." He nodded to Buffy to join him and talk to Glory.
Buffy walked into the view of the screen, "Miss me?"
Glory chuckled, "Who'd have of thought they would have actually brought you to me, slayer."
"You dont actually believe that, do you?" Buffy asked. "God, I wouldn't put it past you after *that* lipstick."
This got Buffy some strange looks from several crew members, and caused Glory to touch her lips once or twice.
"Doesn't matter... Im guessing you will be within killing distance soon enough." Glory said, picking an offical up by the hair. "Unless you want me to kill this guy, and half of this building before you can fire up your lazers or whatever the hell you are using these days.
"See ya soon, sweet-things." Glory said as her image disapeared.
Buffy turned quickly and looked Picard directly in the eyes, "Beam me down there... now."
"No questions, tap into the security cameras or whatever, and if she beats me, get the hell out of this solar system."
She turned to Wil, "Try that thing we were talking about."
Picard nodded. "Bridge to Transporter Room 3, prepare Crewman Summers' beam out." he said over the comm. "Mr. Worf, take her to Transporter Room 3."
Buffy followed Worf, and Willow walked into the room that Picard pointed out to her. She surrounded herself with the coloured sand and started the first spell...

Buffy beamed in behind Glory, who turned around to meet a fist in her face.
"Oww... that kinda hurt... no wait it didn't. Couldn't you use a door like anyone else?" Glory said.
"Well, I prefer big entrances..."
"How are you with exits?" Glory said, hitting Buffy backwards, almost through a wall.

Willow's eyes where ebony, a golden light passed through them, and lightning crackled from the edge of the sand circle.
"Return to us what is lost... return...return...RETURN!"

Buffy stood up, she felt a tingling in her hand, she looked down to see she was holding a golden orb... she recognised it...
"Thanks Wil.." she mumbled.
Buffy threw the orb at Glory, "Catch!"
The orb hit Glory in the chest and exploded, knocking her backwards and weakening her slightly.

Willow was on her second spell, "Come to us, who call you near, Come to us, who call you here. For all those that passed before, return the first, the last, the always."

Buffy felt the effect of the spell, her eyes flashed golden. The first slayer.
Glory stood up and picked the pieces of metal out of her hair.
"Ok, bitch! That *did* hurt!" She said and ran at Buffy. What she wasn't counting on was the invisible sheild that she bounced off when she tried to punch Buffy. What she definately wasnt counting on was the force that was crushing her neck as the Slayer picked her up and squeezed.
Buffy threw her backwards, and started punching her in the face, with apparently a greater force than the Troll Hammer. Glory starting returning the blows at her greastest speed, but somehow Buffy deflected each one. Then with a final kick, Glory was sent through another wall.
The gold passed out of her eyes, and Buffy fell to the ground.
She hit her comm badge and yelled, "NOW!"

At that moment, Glory felt a very odd sensation. One she never felt before. Her hands and skin eminated a blueish light, and it felt like bubbles rising from a jacuzzi in water. It travelled all over her body as the Enterprise beamed her up. A second later, she was gone. Trapped inside the ship's transporter buffer. Then the comm badge chirped. 'Enterprise to Summers, report!'
Buffy sat up and coughed out some blood, "She's gone..."
'Are you Alright?' It was Crusher this time.
Buffy clutched at her ribs, and fell over again. She was the slayer, she *would* handle this.
"I'll live."

In the Enterprise Conference room the next day, Counselor Troi took a seat.
"Commander La Forge tells me that Glory is in stasis in the Transporter Buffer. Our mission succeeded." she said.
"But how'd we kill her?" Willow asked, as if the Enterprize crew had more knowledge of demons and gods than Buffy.
"Well, we didn't. We're working on a way of degrading her DNA to a human level. So far, it's been successful," said Troi. "But that's not the reason that I called you here."
Buffy rubbed her head, she couldnt get rid of this headache.
"And that is?" she said irritabily
"Buffy. There is no way of delacately putting the fact that you might have to live in this century. And I've spoken to Captain Picard, and to Starfleet Command. Not only to they both commend you on a job well done, but they also gave you an offer."
Willow looked over at Buffy, who in turn looked at Troi, and asked her to continue.
"You can go to Earth. Try to start over in this new century. Or.." Troi said smiling. "Captain Picard is willing to give you a field commission from Starfleet, and let you stay aboard the Enterprise with us."
Buffy thought for a moment. She couldn't go back to earth, not now. She would only spend her time there wishing she was back in the 21st century, she sighed and answered.
"I'm staying here."
Troi smiled. "Is that what you want as well, Willow?"
"You don't think I'm leaving her here to start trouble by herself, do you?"
Deanna smiled again. "I'm glad you two are staying. Oh...before I forget...Dr. Crusher asked me to ask you about a "Spike" person. Aparentally, he is giving everyone a hard time in Sickbay. Especially Worf."
"Oh no..." Buffy mumbled, then turned to Willow. "Didn't he die?"
"No, that was you, remember?" Willow said.
"Yeah.. I keep forgeting these tiny details."
"Another Vampire?" asked Deanna.
"Don't worry, he won't be able to hurt anyone... unless they aren't human..." Buffy said
"Yeah, but he has a chip. Can't hurt anything that is human."
"Alright..But Dr. Crusher is a little mad at him for a few choice words he told her, and she had him confined to quarters. If I were him, I'd stay out of sickbay for a few days." She smirked.

Later in Buffy's Quarters, she sat on her bed and spoke aloud, almost comfortable for the first time in days. "Computer, begin recording personal Log." She said as the computer beeped in reply. "Ensign Buffy Summers, Personal Log: Stardate.....Well, I haven't figured out how to work the stardate yet. This is my first entry, so if It sucks, then it sucks. Well, it all started when I woke up in Sickbay to thi woman named Beverly Crusher......."

Meanwhile, on the border of the Romulan Neutral Zone.......

"Captain Davidson, something is happening." A Science officer said at his console at the bridge of an Excelsior class ship.
"Report Lieutenant." Captain Davidson said. "Subspace anomoly, almost like a subspace corridor...a wormhole! And......there's a ship coming through..." The science officer said. Captain Davidson got a feeling of fear. "Is it a Borg ship?" she asked. "No captain, It's not a transwarp signature......oh my god......" the officer trailed off. Davidson turned to the viewscreen. "On Screen." she said as the starfield changed to the wormhole dissappearing, and leaving a massive ship in its place. A huge white wedge shaped ship. Almost a kilometer long! "What the hell is that?" Davidson asked absentmindedly. A console beeped. "We're being hailed." said the operations officer. "On screen." Davidson ordered. The view changed from the alien ship to a man in a dark greenish gray uniform. He wore a hat of the same color. His rank insignia, or at least thats what it appeared to be, was red and blue and attached to the chest of his uniform.
He even appeared to be human. 'This is Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Imperial Star Destroyer Executor. We claim this space in the name of the Galactic Empire. All will surrender or be destroyed.' he said.
Davidson cleared her throat. "This is Captain Davidson, and I don't take kindly to threats."
'I don't take orders from a low ranking Captain,' said Thrawn. 'Especially a woman. Prepare to be destroyed, rebel scum!'
The channel was cut. Then, without warning, the Wedge shaped ship opened fire with thousand of weapons at once at the Federation ship.

To be continued.