
The Amazons and the Bakuten Blaze are two teams from Bakuten High. The teams are extremely competitive, esp. the feisty leader of the Amazon's- Raina Pendragon- and the ice cold leader of the Bakuten Blaze- Kai Hiwatari. But things are about to get very hectic in Bakuten High, and the two teams will need to work with each other to solve all the problems about to come their way. Drama, hatred, enemies both new and old, as well as unwanted attraction. Can these teens deal with it all?


Bakuten Blaze:

Tyson Granger

Kai Hiwatari

Tala Valkov

Max Tate

Rei Kon

The Amazons:

Hilary Tatibana

Raina Pendragon

Aya Waterstone

Mariam Westerholmes

Mariah Wong

Chapter 1

(Raina's POV)

I yawned sleepily, my eyes still closed, while my hands searching for the irritating alarm clock. Finally my hand found the cursed thing and I whacked it with every ounce of strength I had. I heard a loud crunch and I groaned. That was the 6th alarm clock this year….. I got up and groaned again. I hated waking up early. I searched my mind, trying to figure out why I had to get up this early, when realization dawned upon me. It was the first day of the new school year!

My name's Raina Pendragon. Yeah, I suppose you think that I'm super hyper from that intro, huh. Anything but, actually. I'm a blue-eyed girl with silver hair. It reaches a little lower than my chest. I live in Bakuten, California, a small town near the coast.

I ran down, after my bath, to find my best friend and House mate Aya Waterstone already making breakfast. "Don't tell me, you broke another one," she said, smirking slightly. I glared at her. Aya and I have been best friends since we were born. She had blonde hair and apple green eyes, and she's really smart. Aya and I have the same tastes in literally everything but blading.

"Yeah, yeah. It just dawned upon me that I have school," I replied, grabbing a bagel she had already put out for me.

"I remember mentioning it to you last night," said Aya, amusement lacing her voice.

"You must have, but I was immersed in that book. You know well and good I hear nothing when I'm reading something interesting."

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, Hilary and Mariam are picking us up," she said.

"Let me guess, Mariah's hitching a ride with Rei," I said, chuckling.

Aya merely grinned and then we both set out to the car already waiting for us at our doorstep.

The car at my doorstep belonged to my two other good friends- Hilary Tatibana and Mariam Westerholmes. Actually, it belongs to Mariam's dad, and Hilary, being Mariam's neighbor, usually comes to school in it.

Hilary is a ruby eyed brunette, with a rather loud bossy attitude. However, she's probably the most faithful person on earth, and she's better than an alarm clock (albeit sometimes more irritating).

Mariam is the direct opposite. She's a ferocious fighter, easy to piss off, hard to calm down, but she's so sweet and kind most of the time that its hard to believe that it could even be her. Some people believe that her Evil twin wrecks havoc on people when Mariam gets angry. -_-U yes, I know. Stupid much?

The only person in our group not present was Mariah Wong, a pink haired, golden-eyed cheerleader girl, whose perkiness can possibly drive you to insanity. She's the girliest of us all, me being the least.

Together, we form the Amazons- Bakuten High's all-girl beyblading team. Bakuten High is a large building on the west side of the town. It was fairly easy to spot, since it was probably one of the larger places in town. Originally meant to be a mansion, Bakuten High is now the only place a kid can go for their High school years. So if you want to invite all ex-students of Bakuten high for a party, get prepared for the whole town to arrive.

Bakuten is a small town, and most people live here from the beginning to the end of their lives. Of course, of late, there have been people coming here since Bakuten is known to be the home of some of the strongest bladders in the world. Not that I'm bragging or anything. Personally, I think we still have a long way to go, since we've always reached the finals, but never won it.

But enough of that. I'll tell you a little about the Amazons. You see, the Amazons are, as I mentioned before, an all girl group in Bakuten High. The reason as to why we have two teams, one of guys, and one of girls, is because of that mother-fucking bastard. Yes, I know, language. But still. Grrrrr, he just makes my blood boil.

Who, you ask? Well, Hiwatari of course. Captain of the Bakuten Blaze (pfft. Boys have NO creativity). Our teams have been at logger heads for a long time. Of course, Mariah and Rei (one of the nicer Bakuten Boys) are going out, and Mariam and Max really have no issue with each other, but the rest of us hate each other.

Technically, I only hate Hiwatari , because he is the biggest prick ever, and he pisses me off. Tala usually comes pretty close to making me explode, but he's usually fighting with Aya. Hilary and Tyson are always fighting as well. Tyson fights with her because she's too bossy, and Hilary thinks he's just plain stupid. But he's actually nice, you see. He finishes my lunch when I don't want it.

As Bakuten High's popular gang and the Beyblader club, we all have to sit together. Luckily, we ensure there's a HUGE distance between us. Yeah, you see, Most of the girls in our group are really pretty. I don't think I match up with them, truthfully, but I think guys like me mainly because I can blade well.

And why are the Bakuten Blaze boys popular. Well, they are all quite hot (yes, I'll grudgingly grant you that, Hiwatari, but I'll never admit to saying it.) also, coincidentally, they are also all rich. Personally I think its more of the second one than the first that makes them so popular. And that's why our groups are usually forced to work together in every field possible.

I sighed as I turned back my mind to more happy things, such as the girls sitting next to me.

"So, are you excited to get back to school Aya?" asked Hilary.

"So-so. But I truly feel bad for Raina here. She's co-student president with Hiwatari, isn't she?" said Aya, smirking.

I groaned in despair. Like I needed to be reminded of that.

"You know, it was really funny how Hiwatari just jumped at the chance, once he heard raina was running. And now the two of you get to spend 'Quality time' together," said Mariam.

"Which we both really don't want." This elicited laughter from the rest.

"Who know's, Raina. Maybe you'll end up going out, or even better, married," said Aya, chuckling.

I sent her a heart-felt deathglare. "I highly doubt that is about to happen any time soon."

And coincidentally the phone rang just then.

"Brat." This was a statement, rather than a question.

"Hiwatari. What do you want?" I growled, hearing my friends cackle.

"Get down here. NOW."

Something in his voice hinted that something was very very wrong.


"Dickenson's BBA office. Fast."

Behind him I could here Tala's and Tyson's angry protests.

"Fine. But don't you dare boss me around again."


They all looked at me.


"BBA hq. now."


AN- soooo? Did you like it?

Kai- no. all that brat did was insult me.

Raina- you deserve it.

Kai- but you think I'm hot.

Raina- not you, your friends.

Other boys- aw, man. Thanks Raina!


Kai- don't think this means I forgive you mega-brat. After I saw what's happening it the next chapter…

Raina- I swear, I'm gonna kill you.

Aya- aw, they're finishing each other's sentences.

Raina- no, I meant that as a personal statement. You can't possibly be happy with what happens next.