Chapter 1: Princeps Dimid Sanguis

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Please Read Below:

Hey guys! so I KNOW I haven't posted/finished my Luna/George fan fic yet. I promise I'll get right on that. I've been really busy these days and I got inspired to start a dramione fan fic. I have no idea if it'll end up including sex scenes or not but it will most likely have some of that. I hope you guys like it and I promise to do 1 chapter per story every week! (Or at least I'll try) thanks for all the support! Be sure to review for me^_^

"Ron!" Hermione whispered while looking at the red head slumped across the table. This is the third time he's fallen asleep in Potions. If he keeps this up Snape will have both of their heads.

"Ronald Billius Weasley you wake up this instant!" She nudged at Ron's side and with a jolt the boy sat up in his seat with a dazed look in his eyes, knocking down the flask filled with the sleeping draught Hermione had been working on for hours. She released a frustrated sigh as Ron finally realized what he had done.

"Sorry 'Mione! I didn't mean to, I just-" of course he wasn't able to finish his apology as Snape swept across the dungeon and started across the room to the golden trio's table.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of your classmates, Mr. Weasley?" Ron's face burned bright red as he hung his head and murmured his apologies. "No, Sorry. Professor."

A cold smirk crept up on the man's face, the closest she's ever seen to a smile from her potions professor. "I see you three have made a mess of yourselves. 60 points from Gryffindor for lack of attention, making a mess in my classroom and a mockery of Potions, as well as poor vocabulary. Oh and a good hour of cleaning out the potions cabinet tonight ought to make you think twice before falling asleep in my class, this means all three of you." He finished with his eyes on Ronald. And stalked off to his desk but not before a crash was heard at the back of the classroom. The class turned heads to see Goyle attempting to sneak his wand through his robes for a quick scourgify spell. "Clean up your mess, Goyle." Snape said coolly and went back to where he was seated.

Hermione quickly began to clean up her spilled potion with a blue cloth. As Ron murmured his apologies and Harry began to complain about Snape's teaching methods being biased she faded into her thoughts once more. Snape really is rather incorrigible. Harry wasn't even involved in the situation and he still took away house points and gave him detention. Before she could go further into her thoughts she began to feel light-headed. She looked down at her hands and noticed the thick light blue liquid smeared across her palms slowly fading as her skin absorbed the potion. "Bugger" she said before completely blacking out, but not before a flash of blonde hair caught her eyes.

She woke up at the hospital wing on a cold night wearing the usual sleeping gown. Her eyes flickered open and the drowsiness clouded her sight, making her instantly regret the decision to awaken so soon. Why was she in the hospital wing? Oh...yes. The sleeping draught. She guessed it wasn't as perfected as she thought. Much too powerful, possibly because of the amount of standard ingredient added. did I end up here?And how long have I been asleep?She wondered as questions began to fill her mind. She leaned against her elbows to take a better look at the large hospital room, glancing at the clock beside her bed. 4:12am. She laid back down in defeat and stared at the ceiling.

Splendid. I haven't been here since third year when my teeth got jinxed, it could've been worse though.At least my teeth were fixed.Her thoughts wandered for a while at the memories of 3rd year and the years before hand. Meeting Harry and Ron for the first time was one of her best memories yet. She thought about her first year at Hogwarts and the troubles they could've gotten into but somehow managed to escape the consequences. Now they're in sixth year and so much has happened, it feels like with every passing year they only get closer to the final battle. It's rather surprising how much we've accomplished in our lives at such a young age...must be the Gryffindor blood in all of us. She chuckled at the thought before looking back at the clock. 4:32am. I guess I could stand a few more hours of shut-eye. I'll figure out the rest tomorrow morning. And with that, she closed her eyes and fell into another dreamless sleep.

"Oops." murmured Goyle as Draco silently brewed his sleeping draught. For Salazar's sake, Goyle have some grace will you? He rolled his eyes as his classmate began shuffling about to clean up the muck off the floor with his wand. It couldn't even be considered a potion really, just a brown thick liquid. He grimaced at the mess. Draco could feel the eyes of the other students on his table but he ignored them all. He was too focused and Severus would only ignore Goyle's failed attempt at performing a scourgify spell unnoticed. As expected the potions professor simply ordered Goyle to proceed and moved back to his desk. Looking up from his perfectly brewed Sleeping Draught he smirked at the thought of the golden trio suffering in the dungeons with Severus tonight. That weasel really is a prat... he thought as he poured the remaining potion into the flask and sealed it shut walking toward Snape's desk to turn it in.

As he walked his eyes fixated on the Trio and the neurotic mudblood on the floor, cleaning up for her pathetic little friends once again. She really should gain some backbone, the lousy Gryffindor.Then again she did manage to break my nose in third year, he thought. As he was about to pass her she collapsed on the floor at his feet. In one quick move he was bent down over her lifting her up bridal style, flask still in hand. Goddamit Granger. He turned to his side and noticed Potter and Weasley standing, wands raised and aiming at the blonde.

"Let her down, Malfoy." ordered Potter. Draco simply rolled his eyes as a smirk crept up on his face. "Gladly" and with that the mudblood was on the floor faster than he had carried her.

"Fuck!" yelled Potter as he hurriedly kneeled beside her and checked her over for damage. Draco stepped over them both and began walking to Severus but stopped when he overheard the weasel bellow out "You're going to pay for that, Malfoy! STUPEFY!" in one swift movement Draco's wand was out and he cast a quick protego charm to shield himself from the stunning spell.

Snape was on his feet standing between both students in an instant. "100 points from Gryffindor for attacking and threatening a fellow classmate. I will see to it that Professor McGonagall give you three weeks worth of detention with Filch. Mr. Malfoy, take Ms. Granger to the hospital wing and come straight to the dungeons afterwards. Her potion was too powerful, must've reacted to touch rather than actually swallowing it down."

"Professor, let me take her. I don't want Malfoy-" said Potter completely ignoring the fact he lost his house over 100 points in one class.

"Mr. Potter, unless you want another couple of points taken off and a few more detentions you will allow Mr. Malfoy to take Ms. Granger off your hands and to the infirmary." after a lingering silence Harry Potter stood up looking down at the unconscious mudblood and then directly toward Draco giving him a glare almost as deadly as any other Slytherin.

Draco raised an eyebrow at this but chose to ignore it. "Yes, Professor." said Potter after returning Severus's cold gaze. As Draco stepped closer to the girl, the weasel began stepping forward but a hand pulled him back and Potter told him to let it go. With a sneer at both boys Draco bent down and picked Granger up bridal style once again and walked out of the classroom. Leaving two infuriated Gryffindors, one annoyed teacher, and the rest of the students to their mind numbing gossip.

As he walked he continued to look straight ahead trying his best to avoid the fact the filthy mudblood he's despised for 6 years was slumped over his chest, but after turning a corridor he finally looked down at the sleeping head girl. Silly girl, clearly she isn't as smart as people believe she is. She couldn't even get the sleeping draught right. She must have added too much standard ingredient. Salazar's sakes she's heavy. Sure she wasn't overweight in any way but nonetheless she still weighs a bit much for his taste. She slept soundly with her head resting on his chest.

After a bit of walking she began to stir causing him to pause in the middle of the abandoned hallway and silently hope she didn't wake up while he held her this way. The mudblood would probably hex me to oblivion in an instant, he thought. But she simply tightened her hold against him and shuffled closer, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. His eyes widened as her steady breathing caused shivers down his spine. Jeez, these Gryffindors are too sodding comfortable around their enemies. They might as well belong in Hufflepuff.

When he reached the hospital wing he noticed the room empty and carefully set Granger down on the nearest bed. Shortly out of breathe and relieved at the sudden freedom to use his arms and relax he sat down on the chair beside her and conjured a glass of water to quench his thirst.

Madam Pomfrey entered upon hearing the creaking doors and straightened up when she saw Malfoy standing there. "What happened Mr. Malfoy?" said Poppy as she rushed to Granger's bed, her presence faltering when she saw the girl lying unconscious.

"Her sleeping draught was too strong and she had a physical reaction to it. She fell asleep...and I also dropped her. Professor Snape told me to bring her here." He said calmly as Madam Pomfrey grimaced at the thought of the blonde being in charge of her. She began her basic exam and while she began scanning the mudblood's body with her wand Poppy looked up and nodded to the door. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. You can return to your class now."

He silently stood up, held his head high and strutted back to Potions. On his way back the students began flooding the hallways and he realized the class was over. He started down the spiral staircase leading to the dungeons as he passed the two gits Granger was oh so close to. He rolled his eyes once more as they glared daggers at him and swiftly passed them. Once the students were gone, he reached the door to the potions classroom and whispered the password to Snape's private quarters. "princeps dimid sanguis." with those words the doors swung open and Draco found his godfather working at his private desk. This ought to be good...