
The only sound to be heard.

A cheshire grin, on a face so pale, looking completly foreign to all who know not of who I am. What I am, or what I used to be. Blond hair stained red hangs limply in front of my eyes, concealing them from view. I never stopped smiling.

Body flowing like water, arms trailing behind, lifting the weight of a weapon to large for my small frame, the same red staining my clothes and blade.

I have nothing left.

What was that you asked?, But what about my family? Surely such a small child must have a home?

There was no home here, among the broken dolls and brittle chains. Books with torn pages, ink bleeding through the paper, wiping away any happy ending that might have been there.

But my friends! you argue, Surely I must have one?

Gone. Stolen from me, or rather, I was stolen from them. It didn't matter, either way. I'm not leaving anytime soon, not that I would be able to see them if I did. I can hardly remember their faces anymore.

A lover?

You jest, surely, for no one really loved me. If they did, why did they abandon me? Chase after the person hidden in my shadow?

Truly, such a fool. You make me laugh. What is your name? Alyss? Huh, nice name. It sounds familiar, but that doesn't matter.

My heart pounds in pain each time I tried to remember my life, so I stopped trying. I don't want to remember anymore. I stop my scyth from continuing on its path down towards a chain's head, and raise it back up slowly. It was already dead anyway, no use wasting energy.

Huh? What's that? Do I want a cookie? heh, where did that come from? It tastes good Alyss.

You make me smile. It's been so long since I've been really happy, it feels nice. Alyss? Who are you? Some red dripps into my eye and I blink washing it away.


Where did you go?

Did you leave me to?

I can't feel your warmth anymore, I can't see your face. I raise my scyth again, and let if fall behing me, slicing the head from another chain. I glance back briefly.

A black rabbit.

My heart hurts again. It's time to forget. I don't want to remember. Please, stop making me remember. Someone is in front of me.

Huh? Who are you? Why are you smiling?

Your name is Oz? That sounds so familiar. Who's waiting for you? You're confused? But who's that?

A smile flashes, before I'm alone again.

My heart doesn't hurt this time.

Oz? That's strange.

That's my name to.

Who are you? Alyss? Nice name.

Want a cookie?

I don't know what brought this on. Review please. You get a cookie if you understood this story. I for one, liked it very much, and enjoyed writing it.