(This prologue and a few of the chapters have been edited, as I am going to finally continue this story. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for your support! Forgive my complete knowledge of WWII, I'm doing research where necessary and filling in blanks in others.)

I own no characters related to BBC's Merlin, and the telling of any of these characters is not in any way resembling the true events of real people and real lives that were affected by World War II.

It is the beginning of the war. An influential man by the name of Adolf Hitler has ensnared Germany with his radical ideals, and has lead the country into the belief that they are entitled.

As tensions in Europe begin to grow, lines are drawn. Opposing sides begin to realize that there is no escaping this time, and much of Europe jumps to join a side.

In early summer of 1940, France falls to Hitler and the Germans. The Germans, with their ulterior agenda, begin their secret rounding up of the Jewish peoples. On the battlefront, they prepare their war planes for bombing of the United Kingdom, determined to remain a strong and commanding force in the war of their own making. The Blitz, as the resulting air strikes became known to the British, would expand to claim the lives of 40,000 alone in London, and would destroy a million homes.

On Germany's front, the Luftwaffe has much to gain pride for. War general Uther Pendragon leads charges against those opposing German rule throughout Europe, while promoting and boasting the strength and superiority of his only son Arthur, a Luftwaffe soldier who had performed well in many of the runs to Britain's crumbling landscape.

In a large field in the south of Wales, young Merlin Emrys has arrived at his wedding day with his childhood friend, Freya. The young Jewish man, still untouched by the war, has been oblivious to the attacks in London and is only subconsciously aware that he lives quite close to the capital city, a direct source of Luftwaffe interest. He only knows that he is about to be married and begin a new lifeā€¦