Okay this is the last chapter!

I chose to finish it before uploading so that the readers can read it all in one go!

If someone actually reads this of course… =D

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3

Listen to my heart

It was over.

Joe has lost control over Wavern. She can't return to her ball form. She was being tortured by Naga. He couldn't do anything; he felt as useless as when he was in the hospital.


But that was all he could do. He could only shout out Wavern's name endlessly. There wasn't much he could do. Plus, Hal-G currently had him hostage and Alice got knocked out by her own grandfather.

They were threatening Wavern that he would get hurt if Wavern didn't surrender the Infinity Core to Naga without resistance. He was trapped. He can't let Wavern surrender the Infinity Core to Naga.

To his surprise, Hal-G's grip on him suddenly loosened. He got free and was bewildered with what he saw.


His savior was clad in red Chinese clothing. Her indigo hair was neatly tied with a pink ribbon. She wore the presence of a strong fighter, but a gentle heart lying inside. When he last saw her, she was answering his call for help to save the earth. Now he's meeting her in the flesh.

She winked and smiled "Hey Joe!"

A series of hard battles followed. Chan didn't stand a chance against Naga, but she bought them enough time.

In the end, sorrow followed suit. Wavern died and she entrusted the Infinity Core to Drago. Joe was saddened by Wavern's death; she was an irreplaceable friend to him after all.

He looked up to the sky. He knew that Wavern was in a better place now, wherever she may be. Tears made their way down his face.


Joe turned and saw Chan.

She took his hand and said "Come on, everyone's waiting."

Joe let himself be pulled by Chan out of his sorrow and into his friends.

You're right Wavern… Chan is…

Way back, Wavern noticed how close Joe was to one particular lady, Chan.

"I see you enjoy her company, Joe." Wavern teased

"Does it seem like that?" Joe asked

"You smile a lot in her presence." Wavern nodded "Even if you've only met in cyberspace, you enjoy her company a lot."

"She's the first friend I've ever made…" Joe smiled "And I'm the first friend she ever made…"

"Was she sick like you?" Wavern inquired

"No…" Joe shook his head "She was a normal one…"

"Then how could you be the first friend of hers?"

"A lot of people didn't like her because she's a martial arts expert and also because she's the 3rd best Bakugan player…" Joe replied

"So she was too strong and you were too weak." Wavern muttered

"Ironic isn't it?" Joe sheepishly said

"No, that's the reason why you are attracted to her." Wavern said

Joe blushed

"I knew it…" Wavern muttered "You are attracted to her…"

"Well, I won't deny that…" Joe said

"Have you told her how you feel, Joe?"

Joe shook his head "I can't…"

"Why not?" Wavern asked

"Because… I'm not strong enough to tell her that…" Joe said "And besides, I'm just a bed-ridden pathetic excuse for a brawler…"

"I'm sure Chan doesn't see you like that…" Wavern said

"How can you say?" Joe doubtfully asked

"Because if she looked at you like that, she wouldn't continue talking to you, she wouldn't enjoy your company and she wouldn't be your friend…" Wavern pointed out

Joe blushed "Do you really think so?"

"I know so…" Wavern nodded "You're a strong man Joe… I'm sure Chan feels the same as you do…"

A few months later, Joe and Chan met with one another in the park. Joe was so relieved to find out that Chan was staying for a while. Chan was relieved that Joe was over all the crying over Wavern.

"I haven't relaxed like this in such a long time…" Chan sighed "This neighborhood is very peaceful…"

"I'm glad you like it." Joe smiled

"I'm glad to finally see you Joe…"

"I feel the same way Chan…" Joe nodded

They gazed into each other's eyes. They caught themselves in the act and quickly drew back.

"Uhhh…" Chan stammered "So… I…"

"Why did you agree to become my friend?" Joe asked

Chan turned to him with a surprised expression.

"I mean, I'm weak, bed ridden and… I've never brawled before…" Joe said "So, why did you put up with me?"

Chan gulped and blushed "Because… you were the first one to see me as I am… Not as some martial artist and the 3rd best Bakugan player…" she turned to Joe and asked "What about you? What's your reason for putting up with me?"

"Because I enjoyed your company…" Joe replied "And because you didn't mind that I was weak and sickly…"

"That's because there's much more to you than meets the eye, Joe…" Chan said "You're strong and… delicate at the same time…"

Joe smiled. Wavern was somewhat like Chan.

"Hey Chan, do you mind if I tell you something?" Joe asked, blushing



Chan and Joe cringed at the sound of that voice. They turned and saw Runo hitting Dan. Apparently, they also chose to meet in the park.

"Those two are a mess…" Chan muttered

Joe nodded grimly

Their faces were so close to one another. Chan leaned on her hands for support "You were saying?" she asked

Joe gazed into her eyes. Their sparkle was back in place. Her eyes were like fireworks that glistened in the morning light.

"Actually…" Joe said "I wanted to tell you a few things…"

Chan nodded "I'm all ears Joe…"

"You're really beautiful Chan." Joe said

Chan blushed. She didn't expect that to come out. Her eyes widened and to her embarrassment, she couldn't avert her gaze. Joe fixed her gaze into his. She could see her heavily blushing and embarrassed reflection in Joe's eyes.

"And you're a really amazing woman…" Joe said as he brushed a strand of star hair from her cheeks.

Chan stopped blushing.

"I'm grateful to have you as a friend… And I'm glad I met you…" Joe lifted Chan's chin and said "And I like you a lot Chan…"

Chan's eyes widened even more. She never expected a confession from Joe. She was speechless.

"Joe…" was all she could mutter

"I'm sorry. Did I surprise you that much?" Joe asked

Runo and Dan were gone by this time.

"Wavern told me that I should tell you how I feel." Joe said "And now I've done it…"

Chan buried her face into Joe's chest. Tears started to cascade from her eyes again.

"Chan? Is something wrong?" Joe frantically asked "Are you okay?"

Chan stopped crying and started sobbing "Yeah… I'm fine…" She wiped off her tears "I was just caught off guard…"

Joe wiped off a tear in Chan's eyelid.

"Would you mind if I told you something as well, Joe?" Chan asked

Joe nodded

Chan leaned closer to Joe. Their faces were centimeters apart. Chan gazed into Joe's eyes. Joe rewarded her with his equally intense gaze.

"I feel the same Joe…" Chan said while smiling "I like you too… a lot…"

Joe didn't wait for Chan to put her plan into action. He leaned towards her and kissed her lips. Chan responded and returned his kisses with equal intensity.

Chan broke the kiss and said "Oh, and about your invitation… I accept it…"

Joe smiled. He asked Chan out a while back. Now he had his answer.

"Thank you Chan…" Joe said

"Stop being so modest." Chan teased "I know you want to kiss me again…"

Joe chuckled and kissed Chan once more.

You're right Wavern… Chan really is amazing… Thanks for pushing me to tell her…

That's that!

I feel a little lazy now…

Please REVIEW!

I'll try and update Out of harm's way soon..

See yah!
