Spoilers for Miracle Day
Word count: 473 (roughly)

Esther can remember exactly what she was thinking, that first time she saw him. Well, not the first time, since he'd wiped her memory clean of that particular encounter. Still, she could remember all of her thought processes from the first time she met him that she could remember. She's been thinking, not about how attractive he was, though there could be no denying that – the man was entirely beautiful, in the most jaw dropping way. No. All Esther could remember thinking was of the power that this man exuded. His entire being oozed it, the aura around him demanded attention. Everything about him positively screamed that this person had a natural, deep authority, one so subtle you wouldn't even realise you were doing his exact bidding until he'd long since disappeared.

It took Esther all of sixty seconds to work this out. It took her another twenty to realise that she'd go along with whatever this man wanted, whatever he needs, just to see that lopsided smirk raising the corners of his mouth, whilst his eyes were smiling at her, hiding an oldness she couldn't quite put her finger on. It had only been a minute and a half but Esther Drummond knew she'd go the the ends of the Earth for this man. She'd follow him anywhere. Captain Jack Harkness.

Two months down the line, after everything that had happened and she was still there. Right by his side. Draining his blood, pint by pint – earning her the affectionate nickname of vampire, no matter how many times she corrected him – but still, she was with him, and she had no immediate plans to leave. Sure, she loved Rex, she loved him with all of her heart, but Jack, Jack was... special. You couldn't be in the same room as Jack and not want him. She cracked jokes as she cleaned the wound in his side, the steady drip of the IV draining his blood providing her with a metronome, wiping the stitches over with an antiseptic wipe from a stolen first aid box she stood up and smiled down at Jack.

"What would you do without me, eh?"

Jack just laughed at her, acknowledging that he wouldn't actually be able to cope without her, but too afraid to admit it. With an evil smirk he reached out with one arm, hooked her waist and pulled her down on top of him, showing a surprising amount of strength for somebody whose condition had been not so good.

"I'd be very, very lonely." He smiled at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead as he moved her underneath his arm, tucking her under it so that her head lay on his chest.

Esther smiled softly, she knew she'd done the right thing.