Part II

"What's the first step, Jade?" Cat asks me as she unwraps a candy cane and pops the hook end into her mouth before sliding into a chair at the kitchen table. I scowl at the sight. I'm not a fan of candy or anything sweet for that matter, but the way she's eating it bothers me even more. Don't most people hold it by the hook and stick the long end in their mouth first?

"Have you never carved a pumpkin before?"

I made sure to sound snappy because it wasn't exactly meant as a real question, but that doesn't stop her from giving me a genuine answer.

"Well, I usually just watch my brother do it. But like I said everyone in my family has been so busy lately…" she trails off into some story that explains more about her brother carving pumpkins, but I can only process about half of her words because suddenly, I find my eyes lingering on her lips and the way her tongue is twirling around the hook of the candy cane that she keeps in her mouth while somehow continuing to talk and not sound like her mouth is stuffed, and I can't help but be slightly amazed but at the same time it still bothers me that she's eating it on the curved end first.

"Why are you eating it like that!" I demand to know, interrupting her story. She shut up and appears confused, eyebrows shooting up to practically her hair line.

"Like what?" she questions dumbly, resuming her sucking actions on the peppermint candy. I roll my eyes. I don't know why this is such a huge deal, why something so small is irking me. Maybe it's because I've spent too much time with her for one day, and any little thing she does at this point is enough to make me want to rip my hair out. But for whatever the reason, I don't let it go.

"You're supposed to hold the curved end and eat the straight end first," I snap at her in annoyance, placing the kit on the table and crossing my arms. I'm still standing in front of her. She goes quiet for a moment, obviously considering my words because she still appears to be in a daze and it only makes my blood itch more.

"What do you mean?"

Does this really need a visual?


I grab the bag of candy canes from her hands, unwrap one and, after holding it up in front of her face by the curved end for her to see, I then shove the long end into my mouth to demonstrate. I expected to cringe at the taste; this was my first candy cane in years. Since I'm back and forth between my mom and dad's house for Christmas, tossed between them like some sort of gamble, we don't do the whole stupid tree-decoration-candy cane thing in either household. But when the white and red striped candy met my tongue, I found that it wasn't really that bad. It was… good, in fact. But that wasn't the point I was trying to make here.

"The long end goes in first," I tell her, ignoring that this probably sounds like some sort of sexual innuendo but Cat is too naïve and innocent to think of it like that anyways. Instead, she looks up at me in curiosity.

"I didn't know there was rules for eating candy canes," she says, and had that sentence came out of anyone else's mouth, I know it would've been meant sarcastically, but I can tell that Cat truly means it.

"Well, now you know," I say, and before I know it, I'm finishing the candy cane. She smiles and unwraps another, eating it how she's supposed to this time, but she scowls after she does so.

"I don't like eating it this way," she murmurs with a pout.

This whole thing is pointless, and I know that. We're supposed to be carving a freaking pumpkin right now, but instead, I'm standing here giving a lesson on the proper way to eat a candy cane even though I just had my first one in years.

I find myself reaching inside the bag for another one, because the first one was gone too quickly. I can't believe that I actually like candy canes, but I'll keep eating them if I want to. I sit down in the chair next to her as I suck on my second one and she finishes off hers before reaching out to take the bag from my hands, but I refuse to let her, and my grip around the bag tightens.

Cat shoots me a look, and I can't suppress a laugh at how hard she tries to look intimidating but fails miserably to do so, and I take the opportunity to tease her about it, figuring that she deserves it now after everything she's forced me to go through with her today, much to my annoyance.

"If you want it, you're going to have to try harder than that," I tell her. She frowns, tossing me a more pleading look this time as tugs on the bag tighter. I can tell she's still trying so hard to look all serious as she tries to pry the bag from my hands. I'm still crunching on my candy as a wide grin spreads out over my face. My eyes meet hers, and we just kind of look at each other for a moment. She's trying to challenge me and if anyone else did that I would slap them, but with Cat… I can't help but find it… cute, and I can't believe I'm even thinking that, but just by how her forehead wrinkles and she gets that weird little glint in her eyes and her dimples just throw off her whole attempted-"mean" look, I realize at last that I must have a soft spot for kittens. More specifically, "cats."

We're both pulling on the bag with all our might now, and I'm actually a little surprised to find myself start to struggle to keep it in my grip. The plastic is slipping slowly away from my fingers, so I latch onto it tighter and tell her she needs to try harder through a teasing smile that I can't help but wear even though it goes against everything I believe in.

She's struggling too, in all kinds of ways. Struggling to keep an "intimidating" look upon her baby face, struggling not to burst into hysterics, struggling to get the bag away from me, and before I can do anything about it, she gives one hard yank, causing me to release the bag completely. My eyes widen as she flops backwards and the bag goes flying, candy canes soaring across the room and landing in a scattered mess on the floor.

"I win!" Cat exclaims breathlessly through a fit of giggles from her place on the floor where she landed flat on her back. I laugh and stand up from my own seat, kicking her toppled over chair out of the way. I'll never admit it out loud, but I'm glad she doesn't seem to be hurt. After I help her up, we make our way across the floor to where most of the candy canes landed, and I'm disappointed to see that the majority of them are in broken little pieces.

Suddenly, my eyes land on one last candy cane in pure, good, unbroken form. I lunge at it half a second before Cat does and the next thing I know, we're rolling around on the floor in a bed of broken candy canes, fighting for that last perfect one.

"You have candy corn!" I exclaim in between uncontrollable laughs and tossed limbs. This isn't me. I don't know who this person is that I seemed to have become within the last five minutes but I don't care who it is. All I know is I'm enjoying myself, and god damn it; I want that freaking candy cane!

"It's mine!" Cat yells in between laughter of her own. We continue to struggle with each other, rolling around frantically to gain complete possession of the tiny little candy cane and she has it. She stretches it in her arm out far above her head as I finally get her pinned to the floor as if that will save it, but we both know that I'm stronger than her. I reach out to grab it, practically having to crawl up her body to get to it but at last, I grab her hand and manage to pry her fingers open and at last, it's mine and thankfully still not broken like the rest even through all our wrestling for it.

The second I grab the candy cane is the same second I'm springing off of her, I scramble to my feet and start to run across the room with it but she latches onto my legs, causing me to fall back down again. But too bad for her, I've already got it unwrapped, and too bad for her, I've already stuck the curved end into my mouth.

"Jade! No fair!" Cat exclaims when she comes to the realization that I've already started to eat it. She sits back on her legs and crosses her arms unhappily and I can't help but sit up and remove the candy from my mouth for a split second to tell her "haha!" before sticking the hooked end back into my mouth.

"I'll show you ha-ha," Cat tells me before leaning forward quickly and capturing the pointed end of the candy cane between her teeth before I have time to do anything about it. My eyes widen as I realize then how close she just got and the only thing that separates us is literally a two inch stick of peppermint. I try to bite down on my end of the candy cane to put some distance between us, but I find that my teeth are too weak. They start to chatter so much that I can barely even move them on my own and all I can do is sit there like a fucking idiot with my heart pounding. She locks her eyes on mine, and I see flecks of gold in hers that I never noticed before and never would've had I not come this close to her. She's barely gripping what is now her end of the mini candy cane lightly with her front teeth and her lips aren't even touching the candy, they're pulled back in a small smile that can almost be mistaken as suggestive.

What's striking me the most right now is the sudden silence that fills the once laughter-filled room, and I don't know how the fuck it happens, or who the fuck initiates it in the first place (I want so bad to say it's her but I really have no idea), but suddenly my thoughts become lost in a jumble, my eyes lost behind closed eyelids and the candy cane itself lost between the two of us as two pairs of lips crash fervently against each other seemingly at once and we're breaking the candy to pieces and swallowing it up.

I taste peppermint and candy corn and I didn't even know that combination was possible, but it tastes far better than I ever would've imagined and my body just won't allow me to pull away from it. Her tongue plunges into my mouth and that tells me that maybe she really is the one who initiated it because now, she's taking complete control and as hard to process as that is, I let her, despite my own typical controlling ways.

I'm almost positive she can hear the fucking bowling alley inside my heart right now because it's crashing inside my chest so hard and fast I can't contain it. She pushes me gently to the floor and crawls on top, and it pisses me off because I don't even like to let Beck take such control like that. I'm not a bottom bitch. I'm a top gun, but I've been giving into Cat all damn day it's like it's a habit now. But I feel like I was giving into doing everything she wanted earlier because I felt like I had to, her stupid innocent little puppy dog looks were just too much for me to resist. I would've felt like the words biggest asshole denying her, and that's saying something coming from me.

But this time, I'm not giving into her because I feel like I have to. I'm not so sure it's really because I want to either. These kisses; I'm giving into them because I need to. I am physically incapable right now of pulling away; this just feels so damn good I don't have the will power to stop or even question what the hell we're doing.

Is she a lesbian? Am I? No, I'm not… I know I'm not. I have a boyfriend, the same one for almost three years. So what does this make me then? Bi?

Cat's the first girl I've ever kissed, but holy hell does It feel amazing. Her breath is hot on my face and it comes out in little pants as she pulls her head slightly back and I can feel her rubbing small circles on my stomach. When did she sneak her hand up there?

When her lips latch onto my neck it takes everything I have to not let a deep throated groan escape me. I can feel it building up inside me but I bite my lip to stop it and swallow hard, forcing it far back down to the inner depths of my body.

"Cat-" I try to speak as she ravishes my neck up and down in things that I can't even consider as kisses. No, they are much more than that. It's kissing, and sucking, and nipping and full on biting- it's every combination possible that a human is capable of doing with their lips and tongue. She stops for a brief moment before continuing her attack further up my neck, by my ear and jaw this time, after telling me to "shh."



Who the fuck does she think she is, telling me to "shh?"

I'll fucking show her how to "shh."

I was cradling her in my legs before, but I use them now to flip us over so that I'm the dominating one on top. She lets out a low gasp at my sudden action and tries to find my neck again with her lips, but I don't allow it despite how bad my body craves it. Instead, I find the spot on her neck just beside her throat where I know how to work magnificent wonders on Beck, hoping that this will have the same effect on her.

She doesn't even bother to try to hide her groans as I put her through the same thing she just did to me and more, and I wonder if sarcastically telling her to shh would ruin the moment, so I decide not to say a word. I feel her lips lighting fire on my cheek as I continue to work on her neck and I can't resist kissing them any longer. Our faces are crushing against each other's again and it feels even better than the first time because at this point we're both so heated. She still has my sweatshirt on so I push it off of her, and things almost start to go too far and god damn it do I want it, but I need to breathe and I can tell she does too. We're both gasping for breath at this point and I feel like I just ran a mile, so after one last long kiss, I collapse beside her on the floor on top of all the crushed candy cane bits, hand gripping the still throbbing spot on my neck where I'm sure a hickey has formed.

I turn my head to her to see if she has one, and my eyes go wide at the size of it and all it does is confirm to me that I probably have one the size of a damn hockey puck as well. I have no idea how we're going to explain them, but I'm not too worried about it as it's only Saturday and I've had my fair share of hickeys from Beck, and they're typically nothing that a little bit of a wait, some makeup and a cold spoon or cube of ice can't fix.

I put my head back down and stare up at the ceiling as more questions start to form within my brain but I can't bring myself to ask any of them out loud. My thoughts get caught off when I feel the soft lips pressing against my cheek lightly, and I turn to her only when I feel like I've composed myself. I know at this point if I want any last chance at pretending I'm not apparently somewhat attracted to Cat, I should probably sprint out to my car and drive away faster than the speed of light, pretending like none of that just happened. But all I can do is look at her glossy brown eyes and her kiss-swollen lips that are formed into a smile and ask her what the hell just happened even though the both of us know exactly what just happened.

She giggles at my question as if there's some secret inside joke between us that I should already know about and I'm confused as hell but I can't help but give a small smile back to her. Despite everything, I feel like she needs to know that this doesn't mean anything for us. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. I have no idea what I just got myself into but I'm still trying to make sense of it, so I'm definitely not about to start making any suggested promises that I know I probably wouldn't and couldn't end up keeping anyways. So really, I'm being almost considerate when I say, "this doesn't change anything, Cat."

I look her deep in the eyes when I say it, because I want to make sure that she understands.

"I know," she says, but kisses me again anyways, so quickly that I can't even react to it. She gets up from the floor then and I stare up at her in shock. She sticks a hand out to help me up and I ache desperately to know what the hell is going on in her head right now but when she speaks again I realize immediately that I already have my answer.

"Come on, we have to carve the pumpkin!"


Nothing is going on inside her head right now, at least nothing extreme. She's still Cat, and I realize now what I've really known all along; Cat doesn't have heavily-processed thoughts. She probably doesn't even know what it means to be straight, or lesbian, or bi. She only knows and does what makes her feel good, and maybe kissing me was just as much in the moment for her as it was for me. She doesn't expect anything from me now, and I must say that realization brings one of the biggest reliefs to me that I've ever felt in my life.

So, I smile at her again and we walk back over to the kitchen table to finally do what she dragged me here for in the first place; one of the things I gave into doing with her aside from the singing earlier, and the ice cream which didn't end up happening anyways…. Carve that stupid pumpkin.

She halts in her footsteps halfway across the kitchen floor and I almost crash into her. I glare at her as she whirls back around to face me and her hair whips me across the face by accident.

"Oh no!" she exclaims out of nowhere.


"I left my ball at your house!"

This girl is proving to be more random by the second, but that thought almost comforts me, because look how fast we're bouncing back after ravishing each other. But still, here she goes again, back to her annoying, random ways where she says things that half the time I don't know what the hell she's talking about.

"What ball?" I ask her in thoughtful confusion, but then it strikes me before she continues on to explain. It's that stupid green ball she was tossing around at my house earlier. She forgot to bring it home with her, which means that I'm going to be met with that stupid thing when I walk into my bedroom later.

"My green stretchy one I brought over! I left it there before we left to go get ice cream!"

"That sucks," I tell her, because I really don't know what else to say.

But apparently, I don't have to say anything, because she's already got her plan all figured out.

"Can we please go get it Jade?" she throws me that look for what feels like the millionth time today and I'm literally on the verge of slapping the stupid out of this girl, not to mention the adorableness.

"NO!" I exclaim loudly. If I give into her again today, it will be the official ending of my sanity.


And just to make things harder for me, she leans forward and kisses me, just because she thinks she has the freedom to do that now. I want to scream at her that if that's the case, she's sadly mistaken and that if she ever kisses me again without my permission or to get me to do something that she wants, I really will slap her, but once a-freaking-gain, all I can do is sigh and curse myself for letting the pouty look that she sends me after the kiss get to me like it always does.

Damn it.

I know I shouldn't even try to talk my way out of doing anything she wants ever again. If I couldn't even truly say no to her before when her only defenses were her begging, her baby talk and her puppy dog look, I know I don't stand a chance now up against her kisses.

She wants it, she's got it.

Damn you, Cat.

I whirl around and stomp over to the door, yanking my keys out of my pocket.

"Let's go."

A/N: So yeah, that was a lot longer than I expected. It was supposed to be a oneshot, so that's why I broke it into two and that's why both "chapters" were posted at once. Please review though, I don't really feel like this is my best work but I guess we will see. Oh and Happy Halloween ! (one day early haha) Also, I guess merry super early Christmas xD hehe
