I'm going to put in a warning here; there will be OCs. I'm sure you can guess who by the title, and that the other ones will be a surprise. Anyway, sorry if some of the slang in this offends you ^_-' I used a British slang translator to do it. *headdesk*

America sat back and put his hands behind his head. Today had been another long and tiring day, and he needed a good rest. Surely no-one would mind if he just lied down on the couch and took a little nap...

Before America could take a nap, though, a seriously annoying ring cut through his thoughts. He groaned inwardly and picked up the phone. The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile when he saw who was calling, and he raised the phone to his ear.

"'Sup, British dude!" he said, sitting up and putting a hand on his knee.

"Yes, yes, hello." England said from the other end of the phone. America didn't know this, but England was packing bags, sandwiching the phone between his ear and his shoulder. "Can you meet me at King's Cross station in around ten minutes?" the elder nation asked. America narrowed his eyes and adjusted Texas.

"Why?" he asked.

"It's a surprise." England said with a teasing note in his voice. America grinned.

"I like surprises." America said, standing up and heading to the staircase. "But can you give me one little hint at what it might be?"

"Absolutely not." came the reply. America sighed.

"All right..."


England stood at the place where he was supposed to meet America, his bag hoisted over his shoulder. He sighed and checked his watch.

"Where can he be? I mean, the hotel is only a five-minute drive from here." he muttered, when one arm went across his neck and a hand rubbed his head.

"Yo!" America said. "How'd ya like my greeting? I call it a noogie!"

England pried America's hands away from him and rubbed the places where they used to be. He turned to the younger nation.

"Where were you for the past twenty minutes, action man? Huh?" England asked, prodding America's chest with one finger. America shrugged.

"Got hungry and stopped by McDonald's." he said nonchalantly. England put a hand on his forehead and sighed.

"Should have known..." he said. He pulled up a small checklist – you know, just in case America had forgotten anything.

"Anyway, the train leaves in twenty minutes. We need to check if we have everything. Got your jacket – never mind..." England said, looking over America. Today he had decided to wear a baseball cap, a white shirt with the American flag on it, a pair of blue jeans, and as usual, his trademark bomber jacket. England's clothes were a bit more formal; a black top hat, a black coat, a white long sleeved shirt (not a blouse), and brown trousers. He looked as if he was going to meet the Queen rather than take America to meet his brothers.

"Got your clothes?"


"American entertainment?"

"3DS, PSP, GameBoy, the works!" America said, holding up a small backpack. He also held up two walkie-talkies, handing one to England, earning him a confused gaze from the Brit.

"Just in case ya get lost." America said, grinning. England shook his head.

"Anyway... shoes? Cash? Credit card?"

"Check, check, and check. To answer the rest of your questions..." America gestured to his bag, which had bulges in some places. "No, this bag is not stuffed with burgers, yes, I have my watch, and yes, I have my sunglasses."

"Oh, where we're going, you don't need sunglasses." England said with a small smirk. Suddenly, a voice came over on the intercom.

"People who are to be on the train heading to Edinburgh, Scotland, must go to platform 9." it said. England ignored the rest of the announcement and dragged America to the platform, which had only been a few meters away. America caught sight of something and stared at it for a moment, ignoring England's protests.

"Iggy, what's that?" he asked, pointing to it. England glared at the younger nation for the use of his dreaded nickname for a moment, then turned his head to glance at what America was pointing at.

"Oh, that? It's a Platform 9 and three quarters sign." he said. America squirmed free from England's grasp and ran over to it.

"That's so cool! There's even a trolley in the wall!" America said, bubbling over with excitement. He grasped the handle of the trolley and pushed, trying to get the rest of it through. "Take a picture, Artie!"

Oh yes, that's one thing I forgot to mention. All nations were meant to refer to each other using human names when they were among the people. This was thanks to Russia; he had walked out into the middle of a street shouting "Become one with Russia! Russia is me!". Needless to say, the civilians were not amused.

England facepalmed as he walked through the crowd to America. "Alfred, be quiet."

"Not until you take a picture!"

England sighed and rummaged through his bag to find the camera he had packed (America always wanted pictures of the place he visited).

"Smile." he said, lifting the camera to his eye and pressing the shutter. A series of flashes came, leaving America with bubbles in his vision. The man shook his head to clear them and walked back to England, grinning.

"Let me see." he said, grabbing the camera and looking through the gallery. He grinned at the pictures. "Hey, I look pretty good!" he noted. England rolled his eyes and snatched the camera back.

"Sure you do. Anyway, let's get onto the train." he said, pulling America through the crowd and getting his bag while he was at it. They hopped onto the train and made their way to a couple of empty seats.

During the ride

America had decided to fall asleep about ten minutes into the ride. A string of drool ran down his cheek, and England wiped it away before he dove into his bag (not a purse), searching for his notebook (not a diary). He found the small book and fished a pen out of his pocket.

October 27

Taking America to see my brothers. I wonder how they'll react to each other. I know for sure that Wales' reaction won't be good, though - what with America killing all that cattle to make those idiotic burgers. He'll probably get along with... you know what, never mind.

And now some unneeded explanations! :D

King's Cross= A train station in London. Fans of Harry Potter are sure to know about this.

Texas= America's glasses, if you didn't already know.

Action man= A man who participates in macho activities.

McDonald's= England has a secret passion for hamburgers. /shot

Platform 9 and 3/4= There was a small cast-iron sign put in between platforms 9 and 10 with part of a luggage trolley sticking out of the wall under it. However, due to crowd problems, the trolley was taken out. A new trolley was placed to the right hand side of platform 1 as of 2011. However, it is not the original.