A/N: Hello! Just wanted to edit some chapters! For all my new readers, enjoy the story!

Review :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

My nose was buried in a book I was currently fascinated with. It spoke of a girl's dramatic life and those entire clichéd topics. Strangely enough, I found all of those stories interesting. It always amazed me that no matter how screwed up the girl's life was, she would always find 'the one'. Truthfully, I never actually believed in those corny fairytales. There was no such thing as your 'other half.'

I could be wrong, though, but I'm a daughter of Athena. Being wrong hardly ever happened.

Of course, my sister, Annabeth, would tell you a different story. She could make a whole book based on her relationship with Percy. She loves him, really, really loves him, and he loves her back. They're meant to be, that's what everyone says, and I have to agree with him.

Percy Jackson, I like him well enough. He's the Savior of Olympus. How could you not like him? He has a great sense of humor, and he's the best swordsmen ever. He works well with Annabeth. They've known each other for six years now. They've been going out for three.

With his sea green eyes and messy black hair, he was good looking. Of course, I wouldn't say that in front of Annabeth. She might deny it, but she gets jealous easily. She knew that there were still girls that go all gaga on Percy, but if they valued their lives, they wouldn't dare talk about it.

"She's been like that for hours," one of my siblings said. I was lying on my bed on my stomach. My blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, and I was glad. I hated how it kept going in front off my face when I read.

"It's normal for us to read, though," another one of my siblings replied. Judging from their voices, it was one of my sisters and another was my brother.

"But she needs to get some sunlight," my brother insisted. "Just let her read," my sister said exasperated a bit.

"She's thirteen, she needs a social life," my brother said. I sighed irritated and put my bookmark on the page I was in. I closed the book gently and slid it under my pillow. I rolled to one side so now I was lying on my back. I turned my face to the right and glared at my siblings.

"Thank you so much, brother dearest," I grumbled. My sister, Lilia, smiled apologetically to me. Her blonde straight hair was lying on her left shoulder. She was taller than me, but everyone was taller than me so it didn't really matter.

No one dared tease me about my height, though. I might be short but I could cuss you out in three seconds flat. That and because my siblings were overprotective of me. I was the youngest out of all the Athena kids. Lilia's eyes were gray like the rest of us, but it was actually never the same. All of us had the same gray eyes, but to me, we all had different shades. Annabeth's eyes were darker than Lilia's, and my eyes were somewhere in between.

Lilia's my closest sister. I told her everything but there wasn't much to tell. Like my brother, Riegan, pointed out, I didn't have much of a social life. I won't deny it. I don't talk to many people, but it's only because reading takes up most of my time. I train like the rest of my siblings do but most of the time, I'm reading.

"You need some friends, Arabelle," Riegan told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you're the son of Athena?" I asked him. "You sound more like a child of Apollo or Hermes." It was true, though. He had to be the most playful Athena kid. He would joke about things, and he always managed to make everyone—anyone—smile. He was just so easy to get along with.

He looked the same as us. We all had blonde hair and gray eyes. It was a trait that we inherited. I wouldn't complain, though. Sure, I would rather have blue or green eyes, but I have gray. I can't change what has been given to me. "Ouch, you pierce me straight in the heart," he said, clutching a piece of his shirt.

"Why don't you go outside? It's been a while since we saw you outside the cabin," Lilia said gently. She always reminded me of a motherly figure. I always depended on her for everything. Of course, I wouldn't tell her half of the things I told her if she was my mother.

"But I feel so cozy," I said, smiling.

"C'mon, Arabelle," Riegan pleaded with me, but I just shook my head and closed my eyes.

My eyes snapped wide open when I felt myself being lifted off my bed, and I was now over Riegan's shoulders. I screamed, demanding him to let me down. The rest of my siblings in the cabin turned in our direction but smiled when they saw us. Oh, so they like seeing me being held against my will? Great siblings...Back to me screaming my head off…


"Aw, don't be like that, baby sis. I'm just trying to be a good big brother by trying to get you some new friends," he interrupted me as he started walking towards the door.

"Oh my gods!" I cried. "If you go through that door, I swear on the River Styx—"

"Okay, okay," Riegan muttered, and he finally put me down on the ground. He opened the door for me, and I turned to give him a confused look. "You, baby sister, are going to go out the door and talk with some new demigods," he instructed me, and I cocked my head to one side.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"You either go make some new friends or bye bye book," Riegan smirked dangling my book in his hand. I made a sound that suspiciously sounded like a growl.

"Aw, do you have to be so mean?" Lilia asked, standing beside me, putting her arms around my petite shoulders.

"Name five of your friends," Riegan told me. "Lilia, you—" I started, but he cut me off.

"Someone notpart of our cabin," he said, and I bit my lip. Unfortunately, I couldn't name anyone. Yes, my life was a bore, but that's why I liked reading books. They offered so much drama. Riegan sighed impatiently, waiting. When I didn't say anything, he opened the door wider for me and gestured.

Frowning, I took a step outside and when I was about to make a comment, the door slammed right in front my face. My jaw dropped when I realized what happened. My own brother had just locked me out of my own cabin.

My hands were twitching to punch something. Anything. My eyes were closed shut so I didn't realize when my punch was stopped. I opened my eyes to see a boy, holding my arm that was aimed for him. I cursed under my breath and quickly apologized to him. He tilted his head before letting his hand fall. "I don't see you much around here," the boy told me.

He looked about my age. He wore all black that covered his pale skin. His dark brown eyes almost matched with his shaggy black hair. He seemed like a person who never smiled much. I've never seen him much, too, but it's pretty much the same reason that he doesn't see me.

"I spend a lot of time reading," I told him. He looked...cold. Distant. I couldn't tell if he was nice or mean because he showed no emotion behind his poker face. I only realized now how his eyes, his hair, his cold expression reminded me of a god.

"I'm Nico," he told me. My brain went haywire trying to find something I knew about him. Where have I heard him before? Was he important? Had he been claimed? Then I slowly come to a conclusion.

"You're the son of Hades," I realized. "And you're the daughter of Athena," he replied, without missing a beat. "Arabelle," I told him.

"Nice name."

"So what are you doing outside of my cabin?"

"Is Annabeth...?"

"She's with Thalia." I shook my head. The hunters were staying at camp, and Annabeth wanted to spend most of her time with Thalia. I couldn't blame my sister for wanting to spend time with her best friend. Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, found Annabeth when she was young. Now, she's the lieutenant of Artemis. Immortal. Powerful. Of course, with perks like that every girl would sign up to be a hunter, right? Wrong. All of those things came with one price.

No boys. Cue gasps.

"Oh, well, thanks, I guess," he said awkwardly. I realized he was waiting for me to say something, and I inwardly sighed.

If my brother wants me to make friends, then he wouldn't have a problem with me hanging out with the son of Hades, and even if he did have a problem with it…It's all his fault for sticking his nose in my business, anyways.