
Second chapter, quite short but I did write it over text, so bear with me! Hope y'all like!

Tumblr username - themisfitsanddreamers

YouTube account - ALDETwilight14

Twitter account - AliceRDempsey

^^ Find me on anything!

Reed sighed, squeezing his nose with one hand and pointed at the group.

"Ok.. One more time. Why are you in a bad mood with-" he pointed at Kurt.

"Blaine? Hmmf! He said wearing Alexander McQueen at prom would just be garish, and he" Kurt inhaled sharply and looking down, sadness rung through his voice.

"He.. Said sometimes my fashion was a bit too outlandish for him". Reed raised his eyebrow and patted Kurt's ostrich-feather covered arm sympathetically.

"I see, and Mer? Why are you angry at Spence?"

Merril's eyes flashed and she tossed back her long hair, eyes glittering dangerously.

"He said that I shouldn't GO to prom! That buying a dress and having a normal girl's experience was just going to evoke teasing! I want to be pretty for a night!"

"I get that Mer, but you didn't have to throw a vase at him".

She pouted, drumming her long pink nails across the tabletop.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way Mer" Reed continued diplomatically, much to Merril's disagreement.

"Pfft! No, he said we should stay in and have a pizza! I want to dress up, not wear sweatpants!" Merril argued back, snarling under her breath. Reed shook his head, curls bouncing slightly.

He turned to the next person apprehensively. Julian was hunched over a steaming coffee cup, his eyes swollen slightly from tears.

"What about Logan?"

"He said he didn't want to be seen with me at prom, otherwise his dad would flip out and probably take him out of Dalton. He said we should go separately for appearances sake" Julian ran his hand through his hair, before pulling on his sunglasses, covering his puffy eyes.

Reed frowned slightly, before turning to Katherine who unlike Julian was fidgeting angrily and biting her hip. She still had her hospital pallor, but spots of pink flushed her cheeks.

"And David?" Reed asked, worry in his voice as he took in her visibly angry exterior.

"He came into my hospital room, all calm and announced that he had asked that Fiona girl from Dobry out to be his date. Fiona! That slut, with her big eyes and dyed blonde hair! I went out, I bought a dress, and here my own boyfriend was standing me up! The cheek!" Katherine's indignant voice flew up a tone.

Reed ruffled his hair in exasperation, and taking a deep slug of the strawberry milkshake in front of him. It seemed like a strange dream, to have four more romantically advanced people then he come and beg for help, but here he was.

"Ok.. Have you spoken to them at all then?"

Four pairs of angry eyes flew to his face, each of them pouting furiously.

"I've done NOTHING else-"


"You think I can speak to that SQUID-"

"Reed, that's silly advice-"

"OK! OK!" Reed raised his hands in defence, narrowly missing Julian's coffee cup. Feeling a surge of empowerment, Reed pointed at Kurt, his eyes narrowing.

"You. Blaine is right; McQueen's new line is a bit more… flamboyant then previously. However, Cavalli has a divine new set of suits in. Choose one of those and not the purple flairs"

"Merril. Perhaps Spence is right, but if you turn up and discuss with him, he might change his mind. Or just turn up in a dress and sweep him off his feet"

"Julian, we all know that Logan is a Squid, but think about it. If he get's taken out of Dalton because of your primadonna-ness, how could you cope with that? I know it's hard, but you hurting him won't solve anything for yourself"

"And Katherine, a few weeks later we didn't know if you were going to survive. And weren't you the one who said that he had to go to prom despite everything. He probably didn't think that you were going to be out, it's just a mistake"

Reed slumped back in his chair, exhaling loudly. His cheeks were flushed brightly at the spiel but he was happy with his advice.

The group were silent, each of them opening their mouths like fish out of water. They didn't know Reed could be so.. forceful. In fact, they didn't know Reed had that many words in him.

Julian sat back, his eyes brooding as he took in Reed's flushed face.

"Or… We could pair up together and go to prom together and completely ignore them".

"That's a brilliant idea Jules!"

"Yes! I like it, and I can wear McQueen then".

"Yesssss… then I can show up that SLUT Fiona. Good idea Julian!"

Reed groaned, banging his head on the table.


All characters go to CP Coulter who wrote the beauty that is Dalton. I don't hold myself responsible for anything!