Halloween Time

A/N: This is my first Adventure Time fanfic! :D I wrote it for creative writing club because we had to write a spooky story for the Halloween party ;) I hope this doesn't suck! XD

Disclaimer: If I owned Adventure Time, it wouldn't have been nearly as hard for me to pull together my Fionna costume XD

(Fionna's POV)

In the middle of the night, I awoke with a start. There was a scratching sound on the window.

I leapt out of bed and called for my cat, "Cake! Did you hear that?"

She groaned, "Fionna! I'm sleeping! It was probably just the wind. Now go to bed!"

"Okay…" my voice sounded weary. But I sighed and took Cake's advice all the same, and crawled into bed again.

I laid with my eyes shut, trying to sleep, but sleep would not come. I was still worried about that noise.

"Cake…" Are you sure that noise was nothing?" my voice was a whimper.

I heard a light snore and figured she had fallen asleep again and could not hear me.

Trying not to let the noise make me paranoid, I closed my eyes and nearly fell asleep.

And there was the noise again. I yelled, "Cake!"

She woke up and groaned, "Fionna! I told you, it's just the wind!"

There was the noise again. At the sound of it, Cake was at my side, with her tail frizzed out.

I smirked, "Told you it wasn't nothing."

She brushed this off. "Fionna, this is serious! There could be a burglar or somethin'!"

"Well, what are we gonna do about that?" my tone was filled with alarm.

Before Cake could respond, the window burst open and in flew a tall figure. The room was too dark to tell just who was there, but the one thing that I could depict was that this figure did not seem to be touching the ground.

I mumbled, "What in the…"

Before I could do a thing, Cake jumped on the figure and began clawing at it.

"Cake!" I yelled, "See who it is first!"

A new voice came that I didn't recognize right away; I figured it belonged to the intruder, "Fionna! Get Cake off of me!"

"How do you know my name?" I was truly frightened.

Cake came flying into me, seeming to have been thrown by this mysterious being.

"Who is that?" I whispered frantically to Cake.

"I dunno; turn a light on, girl!"

I ran to the light switch and flipped it up, but the light remained off.

"What's going on?" I yelled as I frantically ran to my pack that was lying next to the bed and grabbed a flashlight from it and flicked it on.

I turned around and ran right into the intruder. My flashlight beam shone on his face, revealing his black hair, pale green skin, and two pointy fangs.

"Marshall Lee?" I was so confused.

Cake jumped on him and started clawing him again.

"Cake!" I shouted, "It's just Marshall Lee!"

She rolled her eyes, "He's here in the middle of the night! He's a vampire! He needs to get out of here!"

Marshall Lee threw Cake at me again.

The next thing I knew, I felt a cold, icy wind, and the window burst open again, revealing the Ice Queen. She flew in and grabbed Marshall Lee, cackling as she flew out the window.

A/N: So, should I do more AT fics? You tell me! ;)