Raimundo trudged out of his room and to the training grounds for morning exercises, he'd never been a morning person. Sadly, Master Fong was beginning to get the young dragons up earlier and earlier. Raimundo remembered Master Fung saying something about it being good for the soul and what not. Of course this never helped Raimundo, in fact getting up at the crack of dawn only made him more sluggish.

As Raimundo walked down the temple stairs in a zombie like state he missed a step and fell. Rai groaned in annoyance and pain. He was tired of being tired.

"Raimundo, my friend, what's wrong? You seem low," a cheerful voice said from above the wind dragon.

"You mean 'down'," Raimundo automatically corrected, use to the younger monk's word misuse. The Brazilian boy lied on the ground until a hand appeared before him. Raimundo took his friends hand and was pulled to his feet. "Tanks little dude," Raimundo thanked.

"What do you mean little?" Omi asked, slightly offended. It was true Omi was once very small, but the title didn't seem to fit the boy anymore. He had grown quite a bit over the past few years. Of course not extremely tall, Raimundo was still taller, but only by half an inch.

"Sorry, still a habit," Raimundo chuckled, giving Omi a playful punch in the arm.

"No worried my friend, you are forgiven," Omi said, smiling brightly. Omi patted his friend on the shoulder and trotted towards the training grounds.

Raimundo lightly touched his shoulder as he felt a warm sensation spread over him. He smiled and walked off to join his friends; a renewed energy replaced his old sluggish feelings.