What's going on? What happened? Those were the two main questions floating around in Raimundo's head as he was slowly brought back to the conscious world. He couldn't remember anything let alone how he ended up here. Where ever here was.

When Rai opened his eyes it was pitch black. Without sight he couldn't tell where he was although the soft bed he was lying on told him that it was nothing to worry about. Which was a good thing because he was in such a dazed state he wouldn't be able to fight off an attacker.

Instead of vainly trying to figure out where he was he tried to recall what had happened. He remembered traveling somewhere, but after that it was a blur. The dull pounding in his head wasn't helping either. In fact, there was small surges of pain through out his entire body. Raimundo decided he defiantly needed to get his shit together.

As he tried to move his hand so he could rub his head Raimundo found his appendage pinned. "Wha?" the teen groaned, his voice coming out horse and barley audible.

Rai gave his hand another weak tug, but again something held it in place. As he tried to focus on what was gripped onto his hand he found the feeling familiar. Raimundo moved his fingers experimentally and was surprised to brush against what felt like fingers. Now he was more then confused.

"Raimundo..." a tired voice mumbled. The voice was dripping with exhaustion, but that didn't fool the Brazilian, he'd have known that voice anywhere.

"Omi," Raimundo whispered. As the name fell from his lips Rai was surprised how his own voice sounded. It was horse and his throat was so dry; it hurt to speak. How long was he out?

Although the noise was soft the young monk seemed to stir from his sleep. He mumbled a few words before rubbing his eyes and glancing around. However, it appeared Omi didn't notice it was the teen under him that called his name. Not wanting to speak, Rai tightened his hold on Omi's hand.

Immediately Omi's head whipped around and his eyes shot wide open. "R-raimundo?" Omi asked. Unsure if he was mistaken, but the hand still holding his own told him otherwise.

"Hey, little dude," Rai whispered, trying to smile, but it ended up as a grimace. Luckily Omi couldn't see the other boy's face because of the darkness.

However, Raimundo could still see the other's eyes light up and a huge smile to appear on his lips. Omi dived down and wrapped his arms around the tan teen's shoulders in an embracing hug.

Rai gasped sharply as pain shot through his body from the touch. Omi quickly retreated, apologizing furiously.

"It's okay, Omi, not much more you can do," Raimundo said, gripping the side of the bed until the pain dimmed. The comment was meant to be lighthearted, but the small monk only became quiet. Tension filled the air as Omi stood and turned on the room's light.

Rai winced at the blinding light and attempted to shield his eyes with his hand. He stopped midway when he saw a white cast on his wrist. Slowly he dropped his arm and turned his attention back to Omi.

"What happened?" Rai asked, perplexed about how he had gotten in such condition.

"That would be something I was hopping you could tell me," Omi answered, sadness filling his eyes.

Raimundo frowned as he tried to pick at his memory, but came up with little. Maybe with time he could remember more, but for now it was one big painful blur. Rai glanced at his friend who seemed to have gotten the idea.

With a frown Omi handed his friend a glass of water and helped the boy sit up. Omi considered calling in his master and teammates, but he wanted a little more time alone with his friend.

Raimundo gratefully drank down the heavenly water. He had downed about half of the cup before his thoughts were pulled away from his thirst and back to his friend.

"I'm sorry," Omi whispered, starring at the blankets on Rai's bed. The Brazilian almost didn't hear the monk, but was able to understand from the look on his face.

"Sorry for what? It wasn't your fault," Rai said, while he placed the half empty cup on a nearby nightstand.

"I should have known something was wrong. I have failed you, as a friend," Omi said shamefully, he lowered his his head and stared at the floor.

Rai frowned, he had no idea how he had gotten in such a condition, but he was sure Omi had no part in it. He knew Omi would never willingly hurt him. "Omi-,"

"I will tell the others. I'm sure they will be very happy," Omi said, a fake smile planted on his face. The shorter monk tried to leave, but Rai was quicker. The Brazilian took hold of Omi's hand, keeping the boy in place. Raimundo opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. What was there left to say?

"I won't let anyone hurt you again," Omi whispered. Rai was surprised the other boy spoke, he hadn't really been expecting that. Omi's hand tightened around the other's, but he refused to look back. "I'm not sure why it hurts this much when I see you hurt, but it does. So, I'm not going to ever let t happen again, I promise."

With those words Raimundo's hand loosened his grip and Omi walked out of the room. Rai could feel his cheeks become hotter, he was sure he was blushing. No one had ever said something like that to him.