Chapter 15:

Epilogue: Six Months Later

Dave and Kurt were sitting in the diner around the corner from
their apartment. Kurt was reading the society section to see who was
getting married, while Dave read the sports section. Their normal Sunday
routine was to wake up at eleven, have slow, romantic sex, take a
shower, do the crossword, and then take a walk down to the diner for
lunch, followed by a walk in Central Park. Today was no different. Dave
took a bite of his toast and sip of his coffee when he looked up. He
nearly choked on that piece of toast. He nudged Kurt who looked at where
Dave was looking.

Sitting in the corner in a large, black floppy hat and wearing
enormous sunglasses was Sasha. Dave and Kurt started laughing then. Oh,
how the fates had been cruel to their family. After Dave left him, more
news came out that Lance had tried that ploy on multiple men in the
past, and he was humiliated. No one was going to vote for the gay
manwhore for mayor. Then two weeks later, Sasha was indicted for having
embezzled millions of dollars from Lance's political coffers. She was
acquitted, only because she had hired the best attorney in the United
States, but their family was devastated. Her dad, stepmother, and even
Lance had turned their backs on her. She was left with nothing after
having to pay the attorney to get her off and for various witnesses's

And now, here she was eating breakfast at the very diner she had made fun of Kurt for eating at.

Sasha looked over at them and blanched. She knew she had been recognized.

Dave went to go pay the bill, as Kurt finished reading the paper.

Suddenly his nostrils were filled with a cheap knock-off version of Chanel No. 5.

"My, my how the mighty have fallen."

"So, don't you think it's a bit pathetic that you're still chasing after Dave?"

Kurt ignored her.

Sasha continued to bait him, "I mean really, Kurt, it's been months, give it up already."

Suddenly Dave was standing at the table, "Did you need something, Sasha?"

"I was just giving Kurt some advice."

"Oh, really? What kind of advice? Advice on how to embezzle money
from his brother? Or maybe to be a cold hearted succubus without a
soul? Because you are definitely an expert at both of those things."

"Why are you being so mean to me, Dave? What did I ever do to you?"

"What did you do to me? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What
didn't you do? You tried to con me into a fake marriage so you could
embezzle money. You messed with people's lives, Sasha. And you have no
remorse for any of it."

"Yeah, well, it's Lance's fault…"

"You know what? I don't care, Sasha. Kurt and I are happy. We're in love
and we're starting a new life that has nothing to do with you or your

Sasha just scoffed at that.

Kurt, who had had enough of Sasha's histrionics, simply pulled Dave into
a passionate and slightly inappropriate kiss. When they parted, Sasha
was staring at them with a gaping jaw and what seemed like steam coming
out of her ears.

"Was that really necessary, Dave?"

Kurt piped up, "Probably not, but it was so much fun, Sasha."

He winked at her and started to walk away, but not before throwing one last barb her way,

"Also, we paid for your meal, because it's quite clear you've fallen on
hard times. Maybe save the money you would've spent, so you can buy the
real Chanel No. 5, because girl what you're wearing right now is rank.
Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a date with Central Park, then we're
going to go home and fuck and it's going to be spectacular. And you'll
have that mental image for the rest of the day¸ which I'm sure is the
most action you've seen in the last five years. Enjoy."

Kurt waggled his fingers at her as they walked out hand in hand down the street.

"Couldn't help yourself, huh?"

"Sorry, but she's just so fucking evil."

"I can't believe I never saw it when Lance and I were dating, but man you are right. Evil."

Dave entwined his fingers with Kurt and they walked hand in hand down
the street. Kurt laid his head on Dave's shoulder and thought back to
the first day he had met Dave. He had been so lost without any
direction, and over the course of their friendship, this incredible
journey had led them to each other. He was happy, he was whole, and he
was found.