Chapter Nine


Please read the author's note at the end! It's super important and will explain everything.

I felt it before I heard or saw anything; the fear, the hunger, the annoying, all too easy kill. I drove my hearse straight to the center of all these mixed up emotions and found myself on a long, dirt road. The farther I drove, the closer I got to this horrible mess. It was all dark, so no human would be able to see a thing. My vision, however, was obviously superior, so it was no trouble to see the chaos miles ahead of me. There were three vampires standing over a girl in her late teens, and one was going for the kill. I sped up and eventually came to a screeching halt in front of them. They all looked up and that's when I saw her face.

Her blue-gray eyes were streaming with tears, and her makeup was running down her face. Her long, blonde hair was a tangled nest of mud and hairspray, and part of a silver tiara was broken off in her hair. The other part of it was a few feet away on the ground. I could see the diamonds that had fallen off of it scattered in the dirt and grass. Her shirt was torn and her black jacket lay off to the side. She must have been freezing. I could feel the fear rolling through her body in heavy waves and the pain from her ribs and arm. I doubt she knew, but she had three broken ribs and torn muscles all the way from her elbow up. Not to mention the cut on her head that was bleeding profusely. I'm sure the vampires noticed it, because their already red eyes just got a bit darker. The sad part was I couldn't help but notice the beauty behind all of this, behind the smeared mascara and eyeliner. Behind the tears, blood, and crazy feelings she was having. I felt drawn to her, and I knew I had to help her.

I got out of the car and stood there, facing the fucked up scene before me, somehow knowing exactly what was needed to be done. I shot stings of confusion, fear, and anxiety through them and a calming feeling to the girl. The vamps immediately dropped her and ran away. I just stood there, not completely sure what to do. Her eyes glanced up and met mine, and I was mesmerized. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't see anything but her. I couldn't think of anything but helping her, getting her to a safe place, getting her better and making sure she was never hurt again. Just then, a stupid thought popped in my head, ruining my perfect bliss; could this girl be the one Alice told me about? There was only one way to find out, I suppose.

"Are you Alexandria?" I asked.

She just looked at me, and I knew she was scared to death so I sent some more calm towards her. She couldn't raise her head because of the wound on your forehead, so I rushed forward and held my hand against the cut. She shivered at the cold touch of my fingers, but for once I didn't recoil. She wasn't feeling fear, at least towards me. She was obviously still afraid from the immortals that attacked her, but she wasn't scared of me. She was intrigued and hopeful, hopeful that I could help her, hopeful that I could explain what the hell was going on.

"Hun, I understand that you're scared, but you're going to have to talk to me if you want me to help you." I looked into her eyes, and I knew she was hurting, not only physically, but emotionally as well. She was holding something back, something that she didn't want springing to the surface, something that was buried deep in the dungeon of her soul.

I felt her take a deep breath and it had to have been painful. She grimaced and finally uttered those two words that would echo in my thoughts for the rest of eternity-

"It's Alex."

Author's Note.

Guys, I'm so sorry for not posting! I use my school laptop to write on, and I recently switched schools so I didn't have an internet connection to post with. There will be more chapters coming shortly. I also want to apologize for the length of this; I know it's not that long or much going on. I hope you like it, and, again, I'm really sorry.

Love Always,

MichelleMassacre. 3