Chapter 3

Ichigo tried to concentrate on his work. He had an exam in the morning after all. But Orihime was sitting opposite him, seemingly also immersed in her own studies, while in truth she was way too fidgety, and kept raising her eyes to him, from under those enchantingly long lashes of hers. Ichigo tried to warn her with a scowl, but this had the opposite effect... He forgot, that Orihime was the one person, who considered his scowls to be cute, instead of frightening.

She put her book down, and crawled to his side of the crouch, with an expression, that told him quite clearly what to expect.

'Ichigo...' she said, shyly hiding her eyes under those lashes, but her tone couldn't be mistaken for being shy at all.

Ichigo grinned.

'What is it this time? Aliens?' Ichigo teased.

She winced. 'No.'

'Maybe you want an other red bean paste sandwich?'

Orihime laughed. 'No, not quite... actually, I have something else in mind...' she said, averting her eyes, and playing with her hair.

Ichigo could tell that the "shy front" was really just a play from her part, and no matter how he fought it, he had to admit, that it did just the job she intended it to: it turned him on...

He pulled her closer, putting his own book aside. He kissed her passionately, his hands beginning an exploring path on her body immediately. She kissed back happily, with equal passion. When their kiss ended, she trailed light butterfly kisses down the length of his neck, which made his blood boil. Her kissing route arrived to his ear.

'How do you feel about a little "journey"?' she whispered.

He startled. He didn't expect this request now...

'Orihime! I have an exam tomorrow!'

She sat up, pouting. 'I know you'll do just fine! You've been studying all week! Maybe a little relaxation would even help!' She leaned down on him, putting her head across his chest, and playing with the buttons on his shirt. 'Anyway... you should ask HIM too...'

Ichigo chuckled.

'I don't have to! I know his answer anyway!'

Orihime sat up, a playful glint in her eyes.

'Well... that's two against one!' she shook her head, imitating seriousness. 'You're outvoted, Kurosaki-kun!'

She called him "Ichigo" now, but she couldn't help falling back to her old habit now and then, and he was sure that she did it now on purpose anyway. He shook his head.

'I'm so gonna regret this in the morning... I'm gonna be dead!'

He heard a low chuckle.

'Then maybe you could just sit out this time!' his hollow's sneering words rang in his ear.

He choked.

'You wish!' he thought back.

Within seconds, Ichigo and Orihime arrived into his inner world, hand in hand. The hollow met them with a smirk.

'Hello Sweety, how's it going?' he greeted, and promptly scooped Orihime up, bridal stile, and dashed away. Ichigo followed, knowing where to find them. When he arrived into that room, Orihime was already relieved from some of her clothes. She sat on the side of the bed, swinging her long legs under herself happily. It confused Ichigo that he didn't see his hollow first. Then somebody just jumped at him from behind, throwing him down on the bed too.

'Honestly...!' he fumed.

Orihime laughed, while she and the hollow both crawled over Ichigo.

'Pay attention now, Hime!' the albino said. 'I'm going to give ya a lesson on how to properly please a Strawberry!'

Ichigo couldn't help it: he blushed.


Some weeks later, there was a huge crisis of hollow attacks in Karakura town, on which the Urahara crew thought it best to acquire the help of Shinji and the other visoreds too. Worried about the progress of Hiyori's fight, Shinji had a close call during a fierce clash with an arrancar, but Ichigo arrived to the scene just in time to save him with a well aimed Getsuga. When the hollow vanished, Shinji was murderous.

'Hey! What's the big deal? Just who were you aiming at? Are you crazy? Firing a hollow-charged Getsuga with me so close? I didn't even have my mask on! That could have burned me alive, you know! It's as powerful as a freaking cero that is!'

'Don't complain because I saved your pathetic ass!' Ichigo shouted back, annoyed.

Hiyori appeared, and she beat her slipper into the already injured visored leader's mouth. 'That's right! You careless Idiot! And it wasn't a hollow charged Getsuga either! You couldn't even tell the difference? I would have seen his mask!'

All the other visoreds came closer now: the fight was finished. Orihime also rushed to them, looking worried.

'Hiyori-san, please cool down... I can heal Shinji-kun right away!' she said hurriedly. '... and he was right. Lately, Ichigo's been pretty much able to fire a hollow-charged Getsuga without his mask.'

The visoreds all startled, uttering sounds of disbelief.

'Thanks a bunch, Orihime...' Ichigo muttered.

Orihime sent him a confused look. 'Why? Is it a secret? I didn't know...'

Shinji raised himself, leaning on his elbows.

'Well...' he said with a grin at Ichigo, that showed all his teeth. 'Isn't that interesting! I'm most curious to know how you're doing that!'

Ichigo's only answer was a heavy scowl.

'Somebody helped you? Maybe Urahara?' Shinji asked, narrowing his eyes.

'Don't look at me!' said Urahara himself, just arriving to meet them after the battle. 'I had nothing to do with it! And I got to admit, I'm curious too!' his eyes shone out amused, from under his hat.

'But he just couldn't come up with something like this on his own!' said Lisa, folding her arms. 'I remember all too clearly, that his original visored training took all our strength and vigilance, and we were still hard pressed to do it! And he only got stronger since then!'

'It's only fair that you would share what you know with us too kid!' Kensei barked. 'You owe us this much!'

A vein way popping dangerously on Ichigo's forehead, and his face was twitching.

'I just saved your asses, I don't own anything!'

The visoreds noticed, that Urahara was eyeing Orihime suspiciously. The girl stood a little back, dancing from her one foot to the other nervously. Shinji's face lit up.

'Well Orihime-chan! My first true love! Maybe YOU can enlighten us about this mystery!'

But the next second Shinji found himself choking for air. Ichigo had smashed him into the ground hard, and was now strangling him mercilessly. Shinji saw his eyes, and in them the perfect balance between the brown and the golden. The perfect synch of wills...

'Go near her, and you're dead!' Ichigo hissed, and for once, Shinji understood instantly to take the threat serious...

A/N: Hope you liked this short lemony fic. Thanks for reading, please be so kind and leave a review at the end!