A/N: Okay so I've been having a lot of Finchel feelings lately with the Finchelcourse coming up and the spoilers and the promo and such and it made me want to write another story. This is my first foray into a multi-chapter fic so please be kind. Let's see if I can write something other than just smut..lol. This fic is loosely based on the movie The Back-Up Plan. It's a really cute movie if you haven't seen it.

Big thanks to Lauren for being a sounding board/hand holder on this story!

I don't have a beta so spelling and grammatical errors are all mine.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or The Back-Up Plan

"Rachel Berry?" the receptionist called, glancing up from her clipboard to look out into the waiting room.

Rachel looked up and quickly closed the magazine she was reading before grabbing her bag and rising from her seat. She gave the receptionist a small smile before quietly following her down the hall.

"Here you go." The receptionist said, gesturing to an open door. Rachel stepped into the room, the receptionist right behind her.

"Get undressed and put on one of the gowns from the shelf by the sink. Dr. Prystawski will be with you shortly" The receptionist gave Rachel one final smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Rachel let out a little sigh and quickly undressed. Slipping on a gown, she hopped up on the exam table, her mind wandering. To say she was nervous about what she was about to do was an understatement but she was also a little sad as well. This is not how she imagined this would go but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Rachel had come to New York City 15 years ago, a fresh-faced, eager 18-year old that had the world at her feet. She'd gotten great grades in her first three years of a Theatre Arts program at NYCDA and had just gotten a juicy part in the school's production of Annie Get Your Gun when tragedy struck. Her father Hiram had been driving home from picking up groceries when a drunk driver blew through a stop sign and struck his car head on. The police said he'd died instantly and for that she was thankful.

She'd immediately dropped everything and flown home to Ohio to be with her other father. She'd originally only planned on staying a few weeks but Leroy had had a difficult time adjusting to life without his husband and Rachel couldn't bear to leave him. Losing her father made her reevaluate a lot of things in her life. Suddenly her dream of being on Broadway and winning a Tony before she was 25 just didn't seem so important anymore. She tried to remember a time when she was most happy in her life and she was reminded of all the fun times she'd had in her high school Glee club. Sure she'd lost touch with mostly everyone since leaving high school, including the one person she had never wanted to lose touch with, her high school boyfriend Finn Hudson, but the times she'd spent in Glee Club had been some of the best times of her life.

Mr. Schuester, the Glee Club advisor had been an amazing educator and had inspired Rachel and the rest of the Glee Club members to reach for their dreams and to never give up. She would always be thankful to him for that and Rachel decided she wanted to be that person for someone else. She applied to the Musical Education program at NYU and although it had set her back a couple of years, at 25, she graduated third in her class and had immediately found a job teaching Music at an elementary school in Brooklyn.

She'd been teaching at the school for 8 years now and she loved it. To say that she never thought about Broadway and what could have been would have been a lie but she was happy and fulfilled with her job and she didn't regret her decision to give up a career on the stage. The smile on one of her student's faces when they discovered just how much they loved music was enough for her. In fact, there wasn't much about Rachel's life that she wasn't happy with. She loved her job, she loved her best friend Tina, the only person from her old Glee Club she'd kept in touch with, and she loved her small but cozy apartment in New York. The only thing missing from her life was someone to share it with and a child of her own. She couldn't seem to do anything about the former. She'd been on lots of dates over the years and she'd had a few relationships that lasted past a couple of dates, but her heart was never in it and she'd always end up breaking things off.

The truth was, Rachel had given her heart away a long time ago, and she'd never really gotten it back. Unfortunately some things were just out of her control and if there was one thing Rachel Berry hated it was not being in control. Because of this, Rachel decided to take control of the one thing she could do something about and that was having a child of her own. Sure it wasn't the conventional way of doing things and both Daddy and Tina had tried to talk her out of it several times but at 33, Rachel knew her biological clock was ticking and once she set her mind to something, it happened.

And that is how she'd ended up in a gown on an examination table in the doctor's office waiting for him to come in and begin the last part of the process that would hopefully end up with Rachel getting pregnant. More than anything Rachel wanted to be a mother and she wasn't going to let being on her own stop her from that. She'd tirelessly looked over donor profiles for 6 months before selecting one. Her donor was smart, athletic, and tall with dark hair, freckles and hazel eyes. Any similarities to a certain former love of her life were strictly coincidental. She'd selected this particular candidate through careful and thorough deliberation and after scrimping and saving for the last year, she'd saved up enough money along with a small loan from her Daddy for one round of IVF. This was her only chance at motherhood and she was praying it would work.

"Good Morning Rachel!" Dr. Prystawski's chipper voice interrupted Rachel's daydreaming. "Are we ready to make a baby?"

"As ready as I'm ever going to be Doctor." Rachel smiled, making eye contact with the kindly older gentleman.

"Okay just lay back and put your legs in the stirrups and try to relax. This won't take very long and then you will be on your way and hopefully pregnant very soon." The Doctor smiled at Rachel and walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

Rachel laid back and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths to relax her body. Please let this work she thought as the Doctor began to go about his business down below. Rachel squeezed her eyes tight to take her mind off what he was doing and daydreamed about what her future child would look like. She pictured a beautiful little girl with dark curly hair just like Rachel's, hazel eyes and a smattering of freckles across her nose. Or a handsome little man with wavy brown hair, Rachel's chocolate coloured eyes and dimples in his cheeks. She pictured herself taking her daughter to her first Broadway show and for the briefest of moments she allowed her mind to wander to an image of a son playing catch with his father, a father who bore a striking resemblance to one Finn Hudson, but the sound of the doctor's voice quickly snapped her out of her reverie.

"Ok Rachel I'm all done," he said, pulling off his gloves and walking to the sink to wash his hands, "do you have any questions for me before I send you on your way?"

Rachel sat up and wiped a stray tear away. "Do..do you think it will work?" she quietly asked.

"You know I can't answer that Rachel." Dr. Prystawski said kindly. "Just do me a favour please and don't stress too much about it. That won't help things. Let's just hope for the best, okay?"

"Okay." Rachel murmered, giving the doctor a small smile.

"Okay good." He grinned. "Don't forget to make your next appointment with the receptionist on the way out." The doctor gave Rachel one last smile before leaving her alone to get dressed.

Rachel quickly hopped off the table and threw on her clothes and shoes. Grabbing her purse before leaving the exam room, she headed back down the hall to the reception desk and made an appointment to come back in two weeks time.

Stepping out of the doctor's office onto the busy sidewalk, Rachel squinted as her eyes adjusted to the bright afternoon sun. Slipping on her sunglasses she glanced at her watch for the time. It was just after 2pm and she'd taken the afternoon off so she didn't have to go back to work. She decided to pick up some takeout before heading home to phone Daddy and then Tina to let them know how things went. She was looking forward to having a relaxing night at home watching Funny Girl and lounging in a bubble bath.

Rachel stepped to the curb and raised her arm, yelling "Taxi." A yellow cab immediately pulled to the side of the street in front of her and Rachel reached out to grab the handle of the door. Just as she did, another hand shot out from beside her, grabbing the handle at the same time she did.

"Excuse me but this is my cab." Rachel said, turning to look at the owner of the hand, a gasp escaping her lips as she made eye contact with the person trying to steal her cab. The years had been good to him. He was still as handsome as ever, even with the bits of gray beginning to show around his temples. Her breath caught in her throat as he gave her one of his signature lopsided grins, the one she used to imagine he saved only for her.

"Rach? Is that you?" he exclaimed before pulling her into his arms and crushing her small frame against him in a warm embrace.

"Finn." Rachel breathed, before everything went black.

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