[AN: oh my god I can't believe some of you are still following this. I am so sorry for the wait! and I hope it's okay]

Liechtenstein was allowed to flip through the radio in the car, but when all the radio gave her was voices in a language she couldn't grasp she gave up and flipped back to the CD; forgetting what CD was in the player from last time.
With a yelp she quickly stopped the music and glared slightly at Norway; who was having a hard time trying to not burst into laughter.

"There are other CD's in the glove compartment," he told her with a chuckle as he tried to hide his growing smile.

Liechtenstein stuck her tongue out at him before delving into the compartment to look for something that would not summon the devil.

As they pulled out of the driveway she finally found one that looked much more to her tastes.

"He looks familiar," she remarked as she studied the face on the album cover.

When the music came on the stereo Norway chuckled when he realised what she had chosen.

"Kurt Nilsen, he won world Idol...beat America and everything," the Nordic male grinned smugly as he stepped on the gas.

Liechtenstein giggled. She did remember. America had not been particularly happy to have his beautiful singer beat by some 'hobbit' from Norway.
Leaning back into the car-seat she watched the scenery fly past as the buildings multiplied and thickened with each mile.

Norway parked close to the city centre, under a large cherry tree. Helping her out of the car, Liechtenstein squeezed his hand slightly harder than necessary – but he seemed to get the hint, because as he led her away from the car he didn't let go of her hand.

The city was bustling with life and several times they had to weave back and forwards across the street to avoid crashing into people. However, Liechtenstein didn't really mind.
Despite her small statue no one stepper on her or stumbled over her – a nice change she though with a smile.
Norway's height meant people avoided him and thus automatically her along with him.

While she was mesmerised by a particularity beautiful flower-shop, Norway tugged a little at her arm, leading her down an alleyway and onto a smaller walkway.

The street was a lot quieter and only one or two people wandered or biked up and down it.
Liechtenstein looked up at Norway a little questioningly.
"Why are we here?"
"You'll soon see," Norway replied cryptically as he continued to lead her up the street.

Liechtenstein decided not to worry and instead enjoy the city. The yellow painted walls made the street look warm and inviting.

"There we go," Norway suddenly spoke, coming to a halt outside what she though looked like a bakery.
The fresh goods displayed in one window was enough to make her mouth water.
"What is this place?" Lichtenstein asked, taking a hesitant step towards the window to get a better look.
"The best coffee in town," Norway replied, flashing her a small smile before he opened the door and ushered her inside.

Once inside, she could very well imagine why Norway liked the place.
It wasn't very large, but it had a few tables dotted about in one end of the bakery – just enough space for two or three people to each table.

Norway greeted the elderly lady behind the counter in his own language.
While Liechtenstein couldn't exactly understand every word, she at least got the impression Norway knew this woman well.

At some point in their conversation he must have mentioned her, because the elderly lady smiled very sweetly at her and gestured to the large display of pastries.
"Pick what you think looks the best," Norway translated, and she happily complied.

After a few minutes she settled for a slice of apple pie and a bun filled with egg-cream, dipped in icing and coconut flakes.
Norway chose a strawberry tart and a small selection of marzipan shaped as fruit.

Sitting at a table by the window, Liechtenstein had a hard time deciding what to try first, however; she finally decided to try the apple pie before the ice cream it came with melted completely.

"Mmm," she licked her lips after the first bite of pie, "This is delicious," she praised, taking another bite. She wanted to savour it and devour the entire slice all at once.

"Try this," Norway offered, holding up his fork with a small piece of strawberry tart. Blushing a little, Liechtenstein leant a little forward and let him pop the tart into her mouth.
Chewing thoughtfully before swallowing she nodded.
"It's all delicious," she concluded, making Norway chuckle deeply.

"Well I'm glad you like it,"

"Oh definitively... Are there any parks nearby we can go afterwards?" she inquired, glancing out the window and at the quiet street, her eyes trailing after a girl on an old green bike.

"Yeah..." Norway chuckled, smiling secretively at her as he sipped his coffee.

Liechtenstein met his eyes and tried to figure out what he found so funny.
"Are you laughing at me?" she finally asked, putting on her best serious expression she could muster.

"Not at all...more like laughing in anticipation," Norway elaborated softly, finishing his tart with a lick of his lips to get rid of any crumbs.

"That sound...strange," Liechtenstein rolled her eyes at him, earning her another soft chuckle from Norway.

"Just wait and see," he smirked.
The cryptic message peaked her interest and she finished her pie as quickly as her manners would allow her to.

She kept close to him as they left the bakery, and when they re-entered the busy street she found herself reaching for his hand so not to loose him.
Embarrassed she quickly withdrew it and stared at the ground as she felt her face heat up.

Norway didn't seem to even notice; instead he found her hand again and lead her along the busy streets as if it was completely normal.

The park was certainly not what she had expected.
Statues that were both strange, creepy, odd, beautiful, sad and possibly very confusing where everywhere.

Norway only smiled knowingly as they wandered though the park; while Liechtenstein would stop and giggle at some of them or quietly inquire what some of them were supposed to represent or mean.

"Not exactly what I had pictured you would have in your capitol..." she admitted while they sat down for a rest on a wooden bench; watching Norway's people wander about the park with their families or friends.

"It brings amusement to us all really," he explained, his eyes following a group of young children playing on the grass close to them "The statues are fun for both tourists and locals,"

"I can imagine," Liechtenstein mused as she watched a group of teenagers climber over some statues and posing for a camera. A little further away she saw some tourists do the same. It was certainly a place to get some good candid ptotographs.

They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the low sun warming them slowly, and despite the cold chill of the northern wind that occasionally tugged at their clothes it was a gorgeous day.

Liechtenstein shuddered involuntary as a particularly powerful gust blew through the park; however it was all forgotten when Norway wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
"Can't have you getting a cold," he rationalised; although Liechtenstein was beginning to figure that that was perhaps Norway's way of justifying being close to someone in public.
She didn't mind. He was sturdy and warm next to her; a solid wall to keep the cold at bay.

A sudden grumble from Norway threw her out of her daydreaming.

"Something wrong?" she looked up at him before she caught where his eyes were looking – his wristwatch.

"Oh...right. Plane home," she sighed.

"Got time to grab some food before the plane leaves though," Norway stood up and offered his hand for her to take.

She didn't complain as they slowly headed back to the car; hand in hand.
Inelegant as it all was grabbing come coffee to go with some more pastries from a bakery and eating in the car; Liechtenstein didn't really mind.

Not until she was back at the airport did she feel a little uncomfortable once again.

One flight from Oslo to Zürich; where Switzerland would pick her up (on the dot) and drive her home...it seemed suddenly like a far longer trip than it actually was.
How many miles was there from Vaduz to Oslo actually?
Liechtenstein decided she was going to figure that one out while on the plane. Some mathematical calculations would keep her mind occupied for the duration of the flight.

"Thank you very much for having me," she curtsied politely.

"Next time you'll have to show me around your capitol," Norway smiled softly.

"It's after all just about 1400 kilometres or so between our capitols," he chuckled.

Lichtenstein giggled and stood up on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss to his cheeks.

"1400 isn't that much," she laughed softly, enjoying the slight flush of colours his cheeks had gone "So I will hold you to that, whether that distance is correct or not"

Norway nodded.
"I think it's a promise I can definitively hold, and if I don't... a little winged fairy is going to get me for it,"

Liechtenstein giggled and smiled at the little faery who was currently having fun dancing on top of her suitcase.

"Are you sure she'll be okay on a plane?"
"Yeah, of course. Just don't let her annoy the pilots and no one will know,"

They stood still for a moment until a voice over the speakers announced it was time to board the plane.

"Take care..." Norway leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"See you soon, yes?" She asked one last time.
"As soon as nationally possible," he laughed.
"Good. Thank you," she took a step backwards with her suitcase, not wanting to go through the gates quite yet.

"Safe trip," he whispered and waved her off.

Liechtenstein walked backwards for as long as she could before disappearing out of sight.
The little fairy opting to sit on her shoulder as she boarded the plane.

"Maybe I'll send him some letters when I get home,"
The fairy nodded eagerly.
"and then... maybe invite him over..."
More eager nodding from the little glowing creature on her lap.
"You'd like that too wouldn't you?"

The fairy nodded.
"Then that's what I'll do."

[A.N: That's this for now.
I have a sequel to this that I /might/ post on my AO3 account as I think FF will delete it very quickly if I post it here.
hope this was enjoyable. thanks for reading :3 ]