Donnie sighed dramatically and flopped against his daddy's strong legs. "Man, this is hard, daddy!"

"I know, buddy… How does your momma manage this on a daily basis with two cheeky little monkeys like you running riot?" He smiled ruefully at his son and ruffled his hair and then froze in surprise me for laughing out loud. "No! C'mon, Donnie! I was kidding, buddy! No need to tickle me!" He launched a counter attack and before long, Don was breathless with ecstatic giggles and grins. Mac bent down further and pulled the kid closer to him, hugging him tight. "I love you, Donny boy. I love you a lot, you know that?" He felt Don nod against his chest, clinging tighter to his dad before pulling back and saying to his dad's shirt that he was playing with the hem of, "I love you too, Daddy." They hugged for a little bit longer and Mac enjoyed the moment with his boy.

After a few moments, the kitchen timing went off and Mac stood to his feet before opening the oven. "Stand back a minute, kiddo, I don't want you getting burnt." He pulled a batch of cookies and mince pies out. "These are looking great, buddy! Now we just gotta sprinkle sugar on the mince pies and get icing ready for these cup cakes coming out. I'm gonna have to tell your momma how good you are in the kitchen, Donny!" He smiled affectionately at Don as he placed the trays of baking down on a cooling tray at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. "Hey, I also didn't make you that hot chocolate yet, did I? How about you start decorating these cookies and I'll go make you that just now?" Don nodded enthusiastically rushing to sit at the table to start icing and decorating, and Mac smiled fondly before heading to make hot chocolate, turning on some Christmas music in the process. Mac got to work with the hot chocolate, grinning as he heard his oldest gleefully singing along to the Christmas album at full volume. Everything with these boys was full volume, never a quiet moment in the Taylor house hold. Mac thought of all the times he'd had giggly boys running through the house squealing in delight, and the mad house they call home at Christmas and on birthdays. He was pulled from his musings as the microwave pinged signalling that Don's hot chocolate was ready. "Here you go, buddy. Careful though, it's hot…" He sat down and pulled Don onto his lap on the sofa, then handed the drink to his son, reminding him to hold the mug with both hands. Noticing his son had finished the latest batch of baking and he smiled at the boy. "Here, buddy? See when you finish that? Can you go grab a quick shower for me to get you cleaned up, and then we'll get you dressed and ready for this party tonight. And while you're doing that, I'll pack up this amazing baking you've done." His son nodded and Mac ruffled his hair affectionately. "I'm real proud of you, kid, I hope you know that." He murmured to the kid, pulling him close. Don relaxed against him and chattered away to his dad forty minutes about all his baking skills and his favourite cakes and the party and his friends from school and their families, and Mac listened enthusiastically, planting soft kisses on his son's forehead every so often has Danny talked.

Eventually his son lapsed into a comfortable silence as he drank his hot chocolate, enjoying the comfort and safety his daddy's strong arms and calm presence encouraged. "I love you, Daddy." He whispered, smiling at his dad shyly.

"I love you too, Champ. So so much." Mac wrapped his arms tighter around his son and they one again relaxed until Don finished his hot chocolate. Mac took the mug from his son and stood them both up, hugging the boy again. "Okay, shower time, buddy. I left some clothes for tonight on your bed earlier, and I guess we could maybe go to McDonalds for dinner if you want? But, only if you get ready without any fuss…" He smirked at his son's enthusiasm and gently propelled his son up stairs towards the bathroom having put the mug in the sink. "Shower, buddy… Now. " He ordered affectionately with another hair ruffle. "Meanwhile, I think I'd better go check up on your brother, he's been napping for two and a half hours. I just want to make sure he's doing okay. I'll check you're getting on okay soon, mmkay?" Seeing an affirming nod from his son, Mac headed off to find his youngest son in his room. He walked in and saw Danny tangled up in his blankets fast asleep. For a moment, he was stopped by the tug at his heart as the love he had for his son overwhelmed him and all he could do was watch the sight before him affectionately. After a couple more minutes, he shook himself from his reverie and made his way to his champ, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently ruffling Danny's hair. "Hey baby, time to wake up… Shhh, you're okay. It's daddy, champ." He began to hush his son as Danny tried to push away from the hand, burrowing further into his blankey. Mac scooped his son into his arms, hugging him. After a moment the struggling stopped and Danny slowly woke up, flashing his dad a big smile that lit up his big blue eyes.

Mac got his youngest son ready and then went to check on his older son. "All ready, buddy?" He was greeted by a nod from his son who was looking confusedly at his socks. "Need some help, Don?" Don blinked and looked at his dad before shaking his head and pulling the socks on, quickly followed by his shoes.

Mac smiled proudly at his son, before bringing the tubs of cakes through from the kitchen. "Come on, guys. I got a surprise for you before the party." Both boys looked at him curiously. "A surprise, daddy?" His youngest son asked in confusion.

"Yeah buddy, a surprise. But we better go now or we won't have time."

Once again, Mac got both boys wrapped up in their coats and scarves and gloves, and then they all headed out to the car. The boy's played I spy together in the car as they tried to figure out where they were going. After a twenty minute journey that felt like hours, Mac pulled up outside McDonalds and pulled into a parking space as the boy yelled in excitement.

Mac smiled at the excited squeals and nodded at the boys. "That's right. Come on, I'm starving!" He helped the boys out of the car, yelling to them to slow down a bit to no avail, and when he caught up to them, they already had their chosen meals decided on. Mac sent them to sit down before ordering and carried their meals over a few minutes later, arriving as Don spat a paper ball through his straw at a man at a nearby table. "Don!" Mac barked, pulling his son out of his chair before landing three sharp swats to his son's backside and turning the wide eyed child back to face him. "No way, buddy. None of that nonsense... You don't spit things at other people, young man. Now, I want you to apologise son. Come on…" He led his son over to the men sitting nearby and interrupted their discussion. "I'm really sorry to bother you, but this here is my son and he's got something to say to you. Don?" He raised his eyebrow at his son watching him quietly.

Don looked down at the floor mumbling a tearful, "I'm real sorry, I spat paper balls at you with my straw… It was, uh, naughty… Sorry…" He trailed off, scuffing his foot on the floor in front of him. The men looked at him with a frown before one of them gave an understanding yet firm, "Well, son, I forgive you. Just don't be doing it again, kid. You understand?" Don nodded frantically, unaware of his father's grim nod as he turned and threw himself against his Dad, tears in his eyes. Mac picked his boy up and hugged him, soothing him quietly as he led him back to their table and sat him down, ruffling his hair. "It's okay now… C'mon, buddy. Eat up…" he smiled encouragingly at the kid and handed out the food, smiling as the boys chattered away to him about their happy meal toys from Tarzan and talking about dragons and playing outside and Christmas and their Mom coming home and… God, Mac missed her so much. He couldn't wait to go pick her up from the airport tomorrow with the boys wrapped up in the back of the car in pyjamas with their blankets and their teddies cause they wanted to go and see their Mommy get home from Michigan. He was brought out of his musings of his wife's supple skin and bright eyes with her ready smile but the sound of his youngest son's high pitched voice calling his name.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Daddy, when we going to the party?" He asked, bouncing in his seat from the sugar of the McFlurry which was smeared all over his face and hands, dribbling a fine line down his chin.

"Well, if you guys are finished then let's go. Come on, we'll get you cleaned up, Danno." Mac cleaned the boys up before taking them out to the car and driving them to the CSI building. The boys ran in and greeted the fellow CSIs enthusiastically while Mac carried in the baking from that afternoon, setting it down on a table that had been put out for refreshments, laughing as the boys ran from person to person chattering excitedly as the sugar fuelled them.

Three hours had passed at the party and Mac was enjoying a coke while chatting to his work colleague Sid when he heard a crash followed by a yelp from one of the CSIs, Linday, followed by the sound of the boys laughing at hooting. Mac groaned and he and Sid headed towards the source of the problem. Mac gasped as he turned the corner of corridor. The boys had smashed plates on the floor and were now squirting water guns at her dress, trying to 'get rid of the blood' on her arm where some glass had scratched it. Mac was vaguely aware of his voice yelling out a sharp, "Donald! Daniel! Stop that, right now! Come here this instant, boys!" The sound of plastic clattering to the floor could be heard before the boys started trying to climb through the shards on the floor, making their way sheepishly to their dad. Sid, at Mac's nod, had gone to make sure their colleague was okay and to clean up her cuts. Mac reached over and lifted both boys away from the debris, placing them down in the space directly before him, glaring at them sternly. "Who wants to explain just what exactly is going on here?" Silence greeted him. He watched them silently, waiting as they bean to squirm and fidget. Eventually the silence was too much and Don blurted out a story about how they didn't mean it and they were just playing and they though Lindsay was playing too and they only soaked her 'cause they accidently hurt her and wanted to make it better. Both boys were blushing furiously and fidgeting by then end and Mac nodded before taking first Don's hand and turning him round to lat six hard smacks to his bottom before doing the same for Danny. "We'll discuss this further at home. Right now though, I want both of you to find yourselves a corner each away from each other and stay there while I tidy up until I come and get you. If you move aside from that, you'll get a spanking for not doing what you're told. You guys understand?" He asked quietly. At their quiet, "Yes, daddy's" he nodded and watched them scurry to their corners before turning to methodically tidy up the glass and apologise to Lindsay, checking she was okay. Eventually it was time to get his mischievous boys to put on their pyjamas and apologise to their 'auntie' before they headed home. Both children were subdued and teary eyed as they said frantic sorries and Mac apologised once more to the adults before leaving to take his boys home. He lifted first a teary-eyed Danny into the car and buckled him in, followed by Don then went to the driver's side and shut the door with slightly more force than was perhaps necessary before starting the drive home. It was difficult to block out the tears, but after ten minutes of the drive, the car was silent as it made its way across downtown New York. The driver heard a few stray sniffles from the back seat and bit back a sigh as he lifted his gaze to the rear view mirror; two tear stained faces greeted him, one staring out the window at the passing landmarks as tears slipped unstopped down his cheeks. The other child had eyes closed and was breathing more regularly now, and Mac suspected he had fallen asleep. He shook his head and focused back on the road. When they arrived home, Mac (thanks to his short career in the marines) got both boys out the car and locked the doors before heading into the house and putting both boys to bed one after the other, relieved when they didn't wake up. "Night boys," he murmured as he tucked them in and switched on the nightlight before kissing both foreheads softly, "I'll see you in the morning. Love you." He left the room and got the toys and tubs out of the car and carried them in before heading to bed himself knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long, long day.