Author's note : Hey, I'm back with a new story. Anyway, if you wonder why I'm not updating Kurosaki Beelzebub, cuz I'm lazy and not motivated enough due to lack of reviews. Anyway, here is the story.

Summary : As the epidemic spread across the globe, a group of survivors in Holland try to survives the apocalypse, as long as try to find out what happened. I was one of them. Here is my story.

Disclaimer : I don't own HOTD, and any kind of companies whose names appeared in this fic. All characters are based upon real people with their respective rights and their permission to use their names. Also all names of locations are real, or close enough.


The night before it all happened I was right awake, unable to sleep. The weather was cold and wet, once in a while a short rain fell down upon my roof and clanged against the concrete. I lay in my bed, eyes wide open, listening to Disturbed's latest album Asylum. This is one of my favorite bands, and one of my favorite album, next to the Ten Thousand Fists album.

I was anxious, partially due to the fact the tomorrow marked the beginning of my last year as a high schooler. But some part of me also felt a certain uneasiness. But I wouldn't care less. It wouldn't be the end of the world would it ?

Oh the irony. Only if I had known that time. Only if I knew. But soon I felt into sleep after listening to the album twice. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

Alright this is just a prologue. I will divide the fic into arcs, each arcs a certain chapters depends on how the flow goes. Those who read my other fic knew that I'm random. Those who don't, you know now. Killuminator, out.